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Типы коммерческих предприятий

  1. Какие существуют типы коммерческих предприятий? Дайте их краткую характеристику.

There are three main types of businesses: sole proprietorship, partnership and corporation. If you go into business alone, it’s call sole proprietorship. This type of business offers to be boss of the business, make the decisions and keep the profits. You have unlimited liability.

Partnership is an association of two or more people to carry on a business for profit. Partnership offers more capital, more skills and ideas. You don’t need to do everything yourself and you can take a little vacation without having to shut down the business.

A business corporation is a group of persons authorized to act as an individual for business purposes. Owners of corporations are stockholders or shareholders. One of important advantages is limited liability.

  1. Какие возможности для предпринимателя даёт индивидуальное частное предпринимательство?

This form of business has flourished over the years because the opportunities it offers to be boss, run the business, make the decisions and keep the profits. You can start and you can stop your business whenever you like. There is no need to consult partners or a Board of directors. You decide on your vacation, hours, salary, hiring and firing.

  1. Есть ли какие-нибудь недостатки у этого вида предприятия?

Sure. You do everything by yourself. And you have unlimited liability.

  1. Что означает иметь «неограниченную ответственность»?

It means that you are responsible for all your business debts.

  1. Какого рода бизнес может быть организован как товарищество, и каковы его преимущества и недостатки по сравнению с ИЧП?

Any business may have the form of partnership, for example in such professional fields as medicine, law, accounting. Partnership offers opportunities often not available to the one-person business: more capital, more skills and ideas. Having a partner, you don’t need to do everything yourself. And, at last, you can take a little vacation without having to shut down your business. But there is more paperwork. And inter-personal relations with your partner or partners may require both time and tact.

  1. Какое предприятие называют корпорацией, и кто является её владельцем?

A corporation is a business legally separated from its owners. Owners of corporations are stockholders (also called shareholders).

  1. Какова официальная процедура создания корпорации?

To form a corporation one should apply for a corporate charter. Obtaining the charter the stockholders, as owners, hold a meeting to organize the corporation, elect the Board of directors and choose the company’s officers.

  1. Что является наиболее существенным преимуществом корпоративной формы собственности?

There are several advantages of the corporation form of ownership. None are as important as limited liability, which means that business is legally separated from its owners. If your corporation does not pay its debts, the creditors cannot usually get their money from your personal assets. Your risk of loss is limited to the amount paid for your shares.

  1. Какие существуют разновидности коммерческой корпорации и в чём их основное отличие?

The privately owned business corporation is one type of corporation. Educational, religious, charitable institutions can also incorporate. They are called governmental corporations.

  1. Каковы отличительные черты так называемой государственной корпорации?

As a rule such corporations are nonprofit and they do not issue stocks.

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