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Часть 5. Лидерство

16 Fred E. Fiedler. «Assumed Similarity Measures as Predictors of Team Effectiveness», Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology 49, 1954, 381-388; F. E. Fiedler, Leader Atti­ tudes and Group Effectiveness, Urbana, 111.: University of Illinois Press. 1958; F. E. Fiedler, A Theory of Leadership Effectiveness, New York: McGraw-Hill, 1967.

17 Steve Lohr, «730,000 Employees and a Challenge», The New York Times, November 15. 1992. F8; Mark Lewyn, «Exodus at the Post Office», Business Week, October 12,1992,33; «Thrifty Runyon Post Master Today», The Tennessean, July 6, 1992, El.

18 Paul Hersey and Kenneth H. Blanchard, Management of Organizational Behavior: Uti­ lizing Human Resources, 4th ed., Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1982.

19 M. G. Evans, «The Effects of Supervisory Behavior on the Path-Goal Relationship», Orga­ nizational Behavior and Human Performance 5,1970,277-298; M. G. Evans, «Leadership and Motivation: A Core Concept», Academy of Management Journal 13, 1970, 91-102; B. S. Georgopoulos, G. M. Mahoney, N. W.Jones, «A Path-Goal Approach to Productivity», Journal of Applied Psychology 41,1957,345-353.

20 Sharon Nelton, «Men, Women, & Leadership», Nation's Business, May 1991, 16-22.

2' S. KerrwAJ. M.Jermier, «Substitutes for Leadership: Their Meaning and Measurement», Organizational Behavior and Human Performance 22, 1978, 375-403; Jon P. Howelland Peter W. Dorfman. «Leadership and Substitutes for Leadership among Professional and Nonprofessional Workers», Journal of Applied Behavioral Science 22,1986, 29-46.

22 James M. Bums, Leadership, New York: Harper & Row, 1978; Bernard M. Bass, «Lea­ dership: Good, Better, Best», Organizational Dynamics 13, Winter 1985, 26-40.

23 Noel M. Tichy and David O. Ulrich, «The Leadership Challenge - A Call for the Trans­ formational Leader», Sloan Management Review 26, Fall 1984, 59-68.

24 Dawn Hill, «Women Leaders Doing It Their Way», New Woman, January 1994, 78.

25 Peter M. Senge, «The Leader's New Work: Building Learning Organizations», Sloan Mana­ gement Review 32. no. 1, Fall 1990,12-13.

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