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8, 10. Навчання лексики

The process of teaching vocabulary begins with its presentation. Since every word has its form, meaning and usage to present a word means to introduce to pupils its forms (phonetic, graphic, structural, grammatical) and to explain its meaning and usage.

There are two methods of conveying the meaning of words:direct method and translation.

The direct method of presenting the words of a foreign language brings the learner into direct contact with them, mother tongue does not come in between. This method is used when the words denote things objects, their qualities, sometimes gestures and movements, which can be shown to

and seem by pupils e.g. a book, a table, red, stand, etc.

The teacher should connect the English word the presents with the object. There are various teaching for the use of the direct method. They are grouped into:

  1. Visual (objects, pictures, movements, gestures);

  2. Verbal (context, synonyms, antonyms, definitions,

  3. word-building elements); / Rogova p. 124-126

The translation method may be applied in two variants:

  1. Common translation:

  • To sleep – спать;

  • Flower – цветок;

  1. Translation – interpretation:

  • To go – ехать, идти, лететь (движения от говорящего);

  • To come – ехать, идти, лететь (движения к говорящему).

As for stages of instruction are concerned, the methods of conveying

the meaning of unfamiliar words should be used as follows:

  • Visual presentation prevails in junior forms;

  • Verbal means prevail in intermediate and senior forms;

  • Translation in all the forms, especially in senior forms.

The choice of the method depends on:

  1. Psychological factors:

  1. Pupils age ( the younger the pupil are the better is the chance

  2. for the use of the direct method)

  3. Pupils intelligence: the brighter the child the more direct the method.

  • Pedagogical factors:

  1. The age of teaching;

  2. The size of the class;

  3. The time allotted to learning the new words;

  4. The qualification of a teacher

  • Linguistic factors:

  1. Abstract or concrete notion;

  2. Range of meaning in comparison with that of the Russian

  3. language.

  1. Retention of words. Pupils must perform various exercises

  2. to fill the words in their memory. Constant use of a new

  3. word is the best way of learning it. These exist two groups

  4. of exercises:

  • 1 group – exercises designed for developing pupils skills in

  • choosing the proper word;

  • 2 group – exercises designed a form pupils skills in using t

  • he word in sentence /Rogova p. 129-130/

2.Activity in using the vocabulary in the process of

communication in different situations.

Types of exercises:

  1. Answer the questions;

  2. Agree with me if, I’m right;

  3. Correct me, if I’m not right;

  4. Complete my statements;

  5. Tell the class about your favourite book…;

  6. Ask each other about books you like…;

  7. Write a note to a class-mate about your favourite book;