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  1. food

any nutritious substance that people or animals eat or drink or that plants absorb in order to maintain life and growth - пища, питание; еда, корм

appetizing / delicious / tasty food — вкусная еда

heavy food — тяжёлая пища

light food — лёгкая пища

nourishing / wholesome / health food — здоровая пища

plain / simple food — простая пища

rich food — жирная пища

spicy food — острая пища

frozen food — замороженная пища

food value — энергетическая ценность

to cook / prepare food — готовить еду

to heat / reheat food — разогревать еду

junk food – фаст фуд

ready-to-cook food - полуфабрикаты

food for thought / reflection — пища для размышления, для ума

  1. serve as

1. to present (food or drink) to someone - накрывать на стол; подавать

to serve round — подавать (еду, напитки гостям); обносить (гостей напитками, угощением)

the dinner is served — кушать подано

When I was working in the hotel, I had to serve dinner to twenty-five people at a time. — Когда я работал в гостинице, я должен был подавать ужин одновременно двадцати пяти постояльцам.

2. (of food or drink) be enough for - годиться

the recipe serves four people – рецепт расчитан на четверых

3. to supply (goods) to a customer - обслуживать

to serve a customer — обслуживать покупателя, клиента

This bus line serves a large district. — Эта автобусная линия обслуживает большой район.

  1. to cook

  1. prepare (food, a dish, or a meal) by mixing, combining, and heating the ingredients - готовить, стряпать

she cooked me eggs and bacon

home cooking

2) [no obj.] (of food) be heated so that the state required for eating is reached жариться, вариться (о еде)

while the rice is cooking, add the saffron to the stock

to cook one's (own) goose — погубить себя; навредить себе

It would really cook his goose if I told his wife where he was last night. — Если я скажу его жене, где он был прошлой ночью, ему конец.

  1. opinion

a view or judgement formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge / an estimation of the quality or worth of someone or something - взгляд, мнение, убеждение

conflicting opinions — противоречивые мнения

considered opinion — обоснованное, твёрдое мнение

public opinion — общественное мнение

strong opinion — глубокое убеждение

opinion about / on smth. — мнение по поводу чего-л.

in my opinion – по моему мнению

to act up to one's opinions — действовать согласно своим убеждениям

to express / give / offer an opinion — выразить мнение

to be of opinion that — полагать, что

to have a high opinion of smb. / smth. — быть хорошего, высокого мнения о ком-л. / чём-л.

to have a low opinion of smb. / smth. — быть низкого, плохого мнения о ком-л. / чём-л.

to have no settled opinions — не иметь определённых взглядов

to hand down an opinion — объявлять официальную точку зрения

She has strong opinions about everything. — У неё есть свои твёрдые убеждения по любому вопросу.

  1. takeaway

1. restaurant or shop selling cooked food to be eaten elsewhere - заведение, торгующее готовой едой на вынос

the menu from a Chinese takeaway

2. a meal or dish bought from a shop or restaurant to be eaten elsewhere - готовая еда, продающаяся на вынос

a takeaway pizza

  1. to agree

to have the same opinion about something; or to say that you will do something which has been suggested by another person - соглашаться

to agree fully / entirely / completely — соглашаться полностью

to agree readily / wholeheartedly — охотно соглашаться

to agree reluctantly — неохотно соглашаться

to agree on all points — договориться по всем пунктам

He agreed to my plan. — Он принял мой план.

  1. taste

to taste

1. the sensation of flavour perceived in the mouth and throat on contact with a substance -вкус (качество, свойство пищи, ощущаемое при еде)

bitter taste — горький вкус / привкус

mild taste — мягкий вкус / привкус

nice / pleasant taste— приятный вкус / привкус

sweet taste — сладкий вкус / привкус

sour taste — кислый вкус / привкус

strong taste — сильный привкус, стойкий вкус / привкус

bitter to the taste — горький на вкус

2. a small portion of food or drink taken as a sample кусочек; глоточек

Give me a taste of the pudding. — Дайте мне кусочек пудинга.

3. brief experience of something, conveying its basic character - представление, первое знакомство (с чем-л.)

first taste of success — первый успех (в жизни)

4. a person's tendency to like or be interested in something - вкус, понимание; манера, стиль

elegant / excellent / good taste — тонкий вкус, хороший вкус

bad taste — безвкусица, дурной тон

acquired taste — приобретённый вкус

artistic taste — артистические наклонности

to acquire / develop a taste — прививать вкус, развивать вкус

She always dressed in good taste. — Она всегда одевалась со вкусом.

1. perceive or experience the flavour of - пробовать (на вкус); отведать

2. - have a specified flavourиметь вкус, привкус

the food tastes good — еда вкусная

the food tastes of garlic — в пище чувствуется привкус чеснока

have a specified flavor - пить маленькими глотками

3. have experience of - пережить, испытать, вкусить, познать

to taste of danger — книжн. подвергнуться опасности, пережить опасность

He has tasted the frustration of defeat. — Он познал всю горечь поражения.

  1. cuisine

1. a style or method of cooking, especially as characteristic of a particular country, region, or establishment – кухня

Much Venetian cuisine is based on seafood

2. food cooked in a certain way

We spent the evening sampling the local cuisine

  1. to prefer

1. like (one thing or person) better than another or others; tend to choose - предпочитать

I prefer Venice to Rome

I would prefer to discuss the matter in private

Val would presumably prefer that you didn't get arrested

The difference between to prefer to do and to prefer doing:

Infinitive is more often used to refer the action to the future, but gerund is used to denote the action performed at the moment of the speech or in general.

I prefer to wait here — Я предпочитаю подождать здесь (сейчас сяду и подожду)

I prefer waiting here — Я предпочитаю ждать здесь (вот я сижу здесь и жду)

  1. trouble

1. difficulty or problems, a cause of worry or inconvenience - беспокойство, волнение, тревога

to put to / give trouble — причинять беспокойство

I had trouble finding somewhere to park

She kept her troubles to herself. — Она ни с кем не делилась своими тревогами.

a particular aspect of something regarded as unsatisfactory or as a source of difficulty - беда, злоключение, неприятность, горе

You've caused us a lot of trouble. — Вы причинили нам много неприятностей.

  1. interest

the feeling of wanting to know or learn about something or someone - интерес, заинтересованность, интересность, привлекательность; значимость

deep / profound interest — глубокий интерес

intense / keen / lively interest — живой интерес

vested interest — личный интерес, заинтересованность

broad interests — широкие интересы

common / mutual interests — общие, взаимные интересы

increasing interestрастущий интерес

narrow interests — узкие интересы

to hold smb.'s interest — разделять чьи-л. интересы

to display / express / show interest — проявлять, выражать интерес

to take interest in — интересоваться

His only interest was mathematics. — Единственным его увлечением была математика.

the quality of exciting curiosity or holding the attention - увлечение, увлечённость

This trip was of no special interest to her. — Эта поездка не представляла для неё особого интереса.

  1. to eat

1. put (food) into the mouth and chew and swallow it; to have (a meal) - есть; поглощать, поедать

to eat crisp — хрустеть, есть с хрустом

to eat heartily / voraciously — есть с аппетитом

2. to eat out - to have a meal in a restaurant

3. to eat in - have a meal at home

4. to eat up – съесть все полностью

4. to eat off - есть за чей-л. счёт

He's been eating off his brother for weeks. — Он уже несколько недель живёт за счёт своего брата.

Eat up your lunch...

I'll eat my boots / hat / head — даю голову на отсечение

What's eating you? — Какая муха тебя укусила?

to eat one's words — брать назад свои слова

to be eaten up with — умирать от (любопытства), быть снедаемым (ревностью и т. п.)

to eat humble pie - смириться, проглотить обиду, покориться

to eat one's heart out – (col) кусать локти, смириться с незавидной участью, молча переносить страдания, унижения

  1. reason for

  1. a cause, explanation, or justification for an action or event - причина, повод, основание

by reason of — по причине; из-за

to have a reason for doing — иметь уважительную причину сделать что-то

strong/ urgent reason – веский довод, причина

valid/ sufficient reason – обоснованный довод

2. the power of the mind to think, understand, and form judgements logically - разум, рассудок, ум, интеллект

There is a close connection between reason and emotion

3. what is right, practical, or possible; common sense - благоразумие, здравомыслие

within reason — в пределах разумного

to stand to reason — быть ясным, понятным; казаться само собой разумеющимся

  1. quality

1. the standard of something as measured against other things of a similar kind; the degree of excellence of something – качество

quantity and quality — количество и качество

excellent / superior quality — выдающееся, превосходное качество

fine / good / high quality — высокое качество

low / poor quality — плохое качество

quality of life — уровень жизни

He is not interested in quality , all he cares about is making money. — Его не интересует качество, только деньги.

2. a distinctive attribute or characteristic possessed by someone or something - свойство; особенность; характерная черта

He has the right qualities to be a politician. — Он обладает всеми качествами, необходимыми для политика.

admirable quality - качество, достойное восхищения

leadership qualities - лидерские качества

personal quality - личное качество, личная особенность

  1. common

1. occurring, found, or done often; prevalent of frequent occurrence; usual; familiar - частый, обыкновенный; обычный

a common event

a common mistake

  1. ordinary; of ordinary qualities; without special rank or position - обыкновенный, простой; неспециальный

  1. of the most familiar type - общепринятый, распространённый

a common language

common history

common knowledge

  1. shared by, coming from, or done by two or more people, groups, or things - общий, всеобщий

common property;

common interests.

  1. lacking rank, station, distinction, etc, coarse; vulgar:

common manners.;

a common soldier;

common people;

the common man;

a common thief.

COMPARE: ordinary

an ordinary person – a person of no special quality or interest;

ordinary clothes - plain or undistinguished

an ordinary thing - customary; usual; normal


a usual skill - habitual or customary.

a usual thing - everyday


a general meeting –all persons or things belonging to a group or category

the general public - not limited to one class, field, product, service, etc.

general instructions, description - dealing with overall characteristics, universal aspects, or important elements, especially without considering all details or specific aspects

  1. expectations

a strong belief that something will happen or someone will or should achieve something – ожидание; предположение; надежда; предвкушение

great / high expectation — большие надежды

to come up to / to meet expectation — отвечать ожиданиям

to exceed / surpass expectation — превосходить ожидания

beyond expectation — сверх ожидания

They had great expectation for their daughter. — Они возлагали большие надежды на свою дочь.

  1. to appreciate

1. recognize the full worth of or be grateful for (something) - оценивать, (высоко) ценить; быть признательным, благодарным

to appreciate deeply / greatly / keenly / sincerely / very much — высоко ценить (кого-л. / что-л.)

Your early reply will be very much appreciated. — Мы будем весьма признательны за ваш скорый ответ.

2. understand (a situation) fully; grasp the full implications of - понимать, принимать во внимание

I appreciate your difficulty — я понимаю, как вам трудно.

  1. exception

a person or thing that is excluded from a general statement or does not follow a rule - исключение, изъятие, отклонение от нормы, несоответствие правилам

to make an exception for smth. / smb. — делать исключение для кого-л. / чего-л.

without exception — без исключения

with the exception of — за исключением

an exception from / to the rule — исключение из правила

The possession of the gift was the rule and not the exception. — Обладание талантом было правилом, а не исключением.

Exercise 29: Translate the sentences from English

  1. He always plays top tunes, and tonight was no exception.

  2. I appreciate that you cannot be held totally responsible.

  3. You can help to serve out the vegetables, while I cut the meat.

  4. I don’t think that you should give ready-to-cook food to your child.

  5. Napoleon instantly appreciated the danger.

  6. Shall I cook dinner tonight?

  7. He agreed with neither side.

  8. The waiter poured some wine for him to taste

  9. This fish tastes slightly of lemon.

  10. I became a teacher because I preferred books and people to business.

  11. The reason why she did it is a mystery.

  12. I have only now realized that I ran into troubles at that moment.

  13. We both agreed on issues such as tougher penalties for criminals

  14. When I was sixteen I had no settled political opinions.

  15. I like Italian cuisine.

  16. I like to eat crisp watching a movie in the cinema.

  17. Mispronunciation is a common mistake of 1st year students.

Exercise 30. Match up the following words with their definitions.

  1. pre-prepared or packaged food

  2. to give absolute consent

  3. a fact or situation which explains why it happens or what causes it to happen

  4. to express the opinion of officials

  5. the characteristics of a person

  6. to cause problems

  7. something that needs serious consideration

  8. the most familiar type

  9. the style of cooking that is characteristic of that place.

  10. when you eat or drink something, your sense makes it possible for you to recognize what it is.

  11. to understand the situation and know what it involves.

  12. something that is not included in a general statement, judgement, or rule

  13. views prevalent among the public

  14. to go out to eat

  15. to try food or drink

Exercise 31. Find in the box synonyms to the words below. Provide examples to illustrate the meanings of the words.

To suit, exclusion, to count for, belief, wonder, to heat, to try, to consent, concern, outlook, enthusiasm, worry, ground, to sample, to choose, view, belief, feeling, to preserve, omission, thought, to opt, prospect, to prepare, difficulty, to recognize, to accept, occurrence, to like, curiosity, to take into account, problem, cause

to cook








to agree




to taste



to prefer









to appreciate




















Exercise 32. Chose the right word, where necessary. There are sentences in which both synonyms can be used:

  1. When you (serve/ cook/ prepare) the table, be sure to put a napkin.

  2. In my (belief/opinion/ view) we should (try/taste) different things in life, to make our life complete.

  3. We (preserved/ cooked/heated) dinner last night to make an impression on my boyfriend.

  4. I (prefer/opt) waking up early.

  5. Your suggestion (suits/ is accepted/ is agreed) my plans.

  6. My nephew always causes great (occurrences/ difficulties/ troubles)

Exercise 33. Comment on the following proverbs. Provide Russian equivalents. Make up situations to use the properly.

  1. Every cook praises his own broth

  2. Head cook and bottle-washer

  3. Too many cooks spoil the broth

  4. Opinions differ.

  5. The exception proves the rule

Exercise 34. Fill in the gaps with the suitable word from the vocabulary. Make sure you use correct grammatical form

  1. It's time to _____________________ up the main course.

  2. Does he _______________________ a particular sort of music?

  3. I had a higher _______________________ of myself than I deserved

  4. I'm not sure I _______________________ with abortion

  5. The court handed down an _______________________.

  6. Would you be so kind as to help _____________________ the drinks round (our guests)?

  7. They showed good _______________________ in planning the decor.

  8. They _______________________ wine instead of beer

  9. It is bad _______________________ to ignore an invitation to a wedding.

  10. I would _______________________ him to spend next summer with us.

  11. The kid had been no _______________________ up to now

  12. This story will be of _______________________ to us.

  13. People today enjoy a better _______________________ of life

  14. The real _______________________ behind their decision was never made public.

  15. At home I like to cook simple _______________________

  16. Remember that rich _______________________ can become the _______________________for many deseases, for example cause _______________________ with your heart.

  17. The servant entered the room and announced “The dinner is _______________________.”

  18. He never doubted to express his _______________________.

  19. I don’t want to eat hear let’s buy a _______________________ lunch.

  20. He took _______________________ in Japanese ______________________. He _______________________ different dishes himself and _______________________ sushi to any ready to _______________________ food.

  21. Some people can’t _______________________ such food. But there are a few _______________________.


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