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Тексты для устной речи.doc
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Тексты для устной речи

1. Watching television

There are more and more TV companies and channels. Still, people think that watching television is not healthy. What can you say for and against watching television?

Watching television has many advantages and disadvantages. The main problem with the television is measure.

On the one hand, television gives us the possibility to see the world for free, to see wild animals in their habitats, keeps us informed and makes us think and feel. Television entertains and gives us company when we need it. Quizzes help people develop different skills and get interested in reading.

But on the other hand, television can ruin our eyesight. It happens if we watch it too long. Television is also used for brainwashing. TV people often are paid to make people think in a certain way. There are many advertisements on TV, they spoil all the pleasure from watching films and shows. Many programmes are silly and teach young people only to buy things and enjoy themselves. In such shows there are many rude and bad words, which spoil the beauty of our language. At the same time sitting in front of your telly makes you weak and ill. Instead of doing something interesting and hanging out with your friends, you foolishly sit and stare.

Nevertheless, people watch television, and it is not too bad if they carefully choose what to watch and what not to watch. They also should take everything which is said on TV critically. And of course, television can’t substitute walking and enjoying the company of your friends.

2. Living with parents

In European countries children after they are 18 are supposed to live on their own. What can you say for and against living with your parents?

It is understandable that parents treat their children as babies. Still, independence is very important for the young who want to discover the changing world themselves. That’s why living with the elder generation can be hard.

Adults forget that their sons and daughters are not babies any more, they are young people who have their own likes and dislikes. Parents don’t understand the needs of the young. Elders often say that what is hot with the young is inappropriate, but ten years later it becomes fashionable. For example, the Beatles sounded loud and strange to my granny, and now it is the classical music of the 20th century.

At the same time youngsters can’t learn to live on their own and be responsible for their lives if parents always take care of them. Teenagers have to get to know what it is to be grown-ups.

But living with parents makes life warmer. You feel their love and learn to show love, to cooperate. People who live in the family usually care for other people more than those who live on their own. Such people make stronger families. Parents can help with everyday duties as well.

That’s why the idea of whether kids should be allowed to live with their mothers and fathers or not seems to me to be important. As for me, I personally would like to live with my parents and support them after I’m of age.