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The majority of English w-s—polysemantic. If each w-d is found to be capable of conveying at least 2 concepts instead of 1, the expressive potential of the whole vocabulary increases twofold. Polysemy becomes increasingly important in providing the means of enriching the voc-ry, hence the process of enriching the voc-ry doesn’t consist merely in adding new w-s to it, but also in the constant development of polysemy.

hawk—1) ястреб, сокол; 2) хищник (о человеке); 3)амер. сторонник жёсткого курса (в политике)

lousy—1) вшивый; 2) груб. низкий, отвратительный, паршивый; 3) to be lousy with—кишмя кишеть

to flash—1) сверкать, вспыхивать; давать отблески

2) быстро промелькнуть, пронестись

3) осенить, прийти в голову, блеснуть(о догадке)

4) передавать по телеграфу, радио

5) разг. выставлять себя на показ, красоваться, бахвалиться

(1) dominates over other meanings, conveying the concept in the most general way, whereas meanings (2)-(5) are associated with special circumstances, aspects & instances of the same phenomenon.

(1)—the main meaning—the centre of the semantic structure of the w-d, as it covers & holds together the rest of the semantic structure;

(2)-(5)—secondary meanings—c.b. associated with one another, some of them exclusively through the (1).

But not in every w-d such a centre c.b. found. Some semantic structures are arranged on a different principal:

flat(adj.)—1) плоский, ровный (even)

2) нерельефный, плоский

3) вялый, скучный, однообразный (monotonous)

4) скучный, унылый; безжизненный; неэнергичный, неостроумный, невразумительный

5) ком. неоживлённый, вялый (о рынке) (lifeless)

7) выдохшийся (о пиве) (get exhausted)

There is smth. that all these seemingly miscellaneous [ֽmisi´leinjəs] mean-s have in common—the implication of deficiency[di´fi∫ənsi](отсутствия), of smth. lacking:

1) deficiency of heights

2) def-y of relief

3) def-y of energy, variety

4) def-y of interest, energy, intellect

5) def-y of life, activity

7) def-y of quality

The centre of the semantic structure isn’t 1 of the mean-s but a certain component which c.b. easily singled out within each separate meaning. Each separate mean-g is subject to further subdivision & possesses an inner structure of its own, which m.b. represented as sets of semantic components—semes(basic, elementary units of a sense).

The semantic structure—an organized set of recurrent variants & shades of mean-g a given sound complex can assume in different contexts, together with their emotional colouring, stylistic peculiarities & other typical connotations if any.

A polysemantic w-d m.b. represented as a hierarchical[ֽhaiə´ra׃kikl]ly organized on the basis of the primary mean-g structure of lexico-semsntic variants(LSV). Radiation — 1 of the types of connections between them(LSV) — all the mean-s are connected directly/immediately with the direct meaning(the mean-g nominates the object without the help of context, in isolation) & are motivated with it:

Hand It 1st appeared as a part of human body;

the 14th cent. — it came to denote skill (art) in manual labour;

the 16th c. — it came to denote a person doing some work;

later: ship’s crew;

side situation — on the 1 hand, on the other hand;

a gambler;



Heart a hollow muscular organ that receives blood from the veins & sends it out through the arteries. It’s the centre of all the living beings.

This gave ground to transfer the w-d to express the idea “the central part, the core of a plant / vegetable”.

the heart of the cabbage, the heart of the apple;

later: the centre of the innermost part of a region

He has a heart of stone (gold).

Concatenation — each following mean-g is connected with the preceding one, not with the primary meaning:

Film тонкая кожа→тонкая плёнка→фото- и киноплёнка→кинофильм

Test глиняный сосуд, в котором испытывают некоторое количество

металлов→испытание металлов→любое испытание

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