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Marlins II.doc
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  1. Answer the questions on the text.

  1. What climate is there in Murmansk?

  2. What does the word maritime mean?

  3. Is winter the longest season?

  4. What are temperatures in winter?

  5. What is the average temperature?

  6. Is there much snow every year?

  7. Are there any warm days in winter? Is it common?

  8. Is the weather changeable?

  9. What phenomenon makes climate in Murmansk different from that in other regions of Russia?

  10. In what period is there the most sunshine?

  1. If you like winter in Murmansk what arguments you can give in favour of it. If you don’t like winter, give your reasons. Discuss it with your study partner.

  1. Describe summer in Murmansk.

  • A typical weather in summer.

  • A spell of a really fine weather.

The phrases and expressions below may help you.

the months of the longest daylight

the wettest month

it is cool, humid, wet

it drizzles (rains, snows)

for many days at a time

temperatures range

skies (overcast, grey, cloudy)




the driest month

to have the most sunshine

skies (blue, cloudless)

temperature rises

it is boiling

to swim in the lakes, rivers

to go boating, fishing

to get sunburnt

beautiful nature

go to the country (forest)

  1. Read the dialogue and tell what Nick’s favourite season is and why Peter doesn’t like summer. Tastes differ

Peter: What is the weather like today?

Nick : Oh, it’s almost the same as it was yesterday.

Peter: Do you mean it’s as changeable as it was before?

Nick : It’s typical weather for spring: cloudy in the morning, sunny in the afternoon and rainy in the evening. As for me I don’t like spring.

Peter: And which season do you like best?

Nick : You see, it’s difficult to say. Every season is good in its own way. But I think I like summer best.

Peter: Yes, a lot of people are fond of summer. Why do you like it?

Nick : First of all I have my holidays in summer. Two or three months without lessons, without having to get up early in the morning – that’s really great! And besides, the weather keeps fine for many days at a time. There is much sunshine.

Peter: In my opinion, it’s boiling in summer, especially in July and August. I can’t stand when it is too hot. It’s hard to breathe and I’m simply melting.

Nick : As for me, I always leave the city for some nice place where I can go in for swimming and diving and where I can spend much time outdoors.

Peter: Oh, I see. But I like early autumn. The nature is so beautiful and quiet. The leaves turn yellow, brown and gold. It is neither cold nor very hot. I’m fond of walking about the forest and picking mushrooms and berries.

Nick : Tastes differ.

  1. Discuss with your study partner your likes and dislikes concerning seasons and weather.

  1. In groups. Express your opinions and participate in the discussion while answering the following questions.

  1. Do you like the weather in the Murmansk region?

  2. When is the best weather in our region?

  3. What’s your favourite place for weather?

  4. What’s the worst weather you’ve ever experienced?



Причастие настоящего времени

(Participle I)

Причастие настоящего времени (Participle I) образуется от инфинитива глагола, к которому прибавляется окончание ing:

talk  ing talking

Если глагол оканчивается на непроизносимую букву –е, то при прибавлении окончания ing эта буква опускается:

take + ing = giving

Если глагол оканчивается на согласную, перед которой стоит одна гласная, то конечная гласная удваивается:

cut + ing = cutting

Если глагол оканчивается на букву –у, то при добавлении окончания ing эта буква сохраняется:

study + ing = studying

В предложении Participle I выполняет следующие функции:

  1. Определения:

The approaching ship is a passenger liner.

Приближающееся суднопассажирский лайнер.

The ship approaching the port is a passenger liner

Судно, приближающееся к порту – пассажирский лайнер.

  1. Обстоятельства:

    • времени:

(When) approaching the port the ship orders a tug.

Приближаясь к порту, судно заказывает буксир.

  • причины:

Wishing to know English well he studies hard.

Он усердно занимается, так как хочет хорошо знать английский.

  • образа действия:

The marine engineer repairs the machinery reading the manual.

Механик ремонтирует оборудование, читая инструкцию.

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