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Unit 3

Parts of the Function

Vocabulary List

  1. advertising – рекламирование, рекламная деятельность

advertisement (advert, ad) – реклама

  1. amendment – поправка (к законопроекту)

  2. civic service – государственная служба

  3. clip – клип, короткий рекламный фильм

  4. confusion – путаница

  5. coverage – освещение в СМИ

  6. donation – денежное пожертвование

  7. entertainment – развлечение

  8. expenditures – расходы, траты

  9. feature – очерк

  10. fund-raising – сбор денежных средств, пожертвований

  11. goodwill – репутация, престиж фирмы

  12. government – правительство

  13. issue – проблема, спорный вопрос

issues management – программа мероприятий, проводимая среди населения в интересах данной организации

  1. law – закон, юриспруденция

  2. legislation – законодательство, законопроект

  3. liaison – связующее звено

  4. lobbying – лоббирование, деятельность по оказанию влияния на политику правительства и его решения путем убеждения или предоставления соответствующей информации

  5. mass media – средства массовой информации

  6. originator – автор, создатель, инициатор

  7. to petition – обращаться с петицией, ходатайствовать

  8. prerelease – предварительный просмотр печатной, теле- или кинопродукции в рекламных целях

  9. press-agentry – планирование деятельности по привлече-нию внимания к имени и деятельности клиента (особенно в сфере развлечений, спорта и т.д.)

  10. public affairs – создание благоприятных отношений фирмы с администрацией и другими официальными службами города или района

  11. publicity – разработка информации для СМИ, предпола-гающая бесплатную публикацию (трансляцию); действия, направленные на привлечение общественного внимания (особенно через средства массовой информации)

  12. regulation – предписание, правило, обязательное постановление

  13. release – выпуск

  14. script – сценарий радио- или телепередачи

  15. stock-in-trade – арсенал средств представителя опреде-ленной профессии

  16. telethon – многочасовая телевизионная программа в под-держку кампании по сбору средств или предвыборной кампании.

Section 1. Publicity

The good reporter tells you. The publicity man sells you.

Donald H.Higgins

Starting up

  1. What is publicity?

  2. What methods for placing publicity do you know?

Read Text 1 and write a brief heading for each paragraph.

Text 1


Information from an outside source used by the news media based on its news value is publicity. In other words, the information reported is perceived by media decision makers to be of interest to their audiences. Because the source does not pay for media time or space, however, the originator of the story may or may not be identified and the story may or may not be the same as the one originally presented to the media. Each medium carrying the story becomes the source in the eyes of readers, listeners, or viewers. And because the originator of the story has little control over how or when the story will be reported, publicity is an uncontrolled method of placing messages in the mass media.

Examples of publicity are the earnings report of a major corporation, a progress report of a charity fund-raising campaign, an announcement of the latest scientific findings from the space program, the report of a new medicine or surgical technique, and a feature on a mayor's proclamation of a special day of celebration. These stories probably originated in the public relations offices of the corporation, NASA, the university medical center, and the association that persuaded city hall its cause deserved public attention. The media may have received the information in the form of a press release, feature story with photographs, taped interview, or film clip and script. To increase the probability that a story will receive attention in the media, the originator must identify a newsworthy lead, write and package the story in a form acceptable to each medium, and have an established reputation as a trustworthy source of legitimate news.

Another method for placing publicity is to stage a newsworthy event that attracts media coverage. Thus, groundbreakings, anniversary open houses, reunions, dedications, telethons, marathons, ceremonial appointments, honorary degrees, contract and legislation signings, organized protests, press conferences, and all sorts of special events are designed to be reported as "news." By staging and managing the event, the source attempts to gain some control over what is reported in the media. Successful publicity events have obvious news value, offer photo or sound recording opportunities, and are arranged primarily for media coverage.

The confusion of publicity with the broad concept of public relations is understandable. Public relations evolved from publicity. Much of contemporary practice—often the most visible part—is concerned with generating publicity. In some organizations, publicity releases and events make up the major strategy used to achieve public relations objectives.

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