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Lecture 6 topic: word combinations

Points for discussion:

6.1. Syntax as part of grammar: the range problems to study, its main notions, historical review of syntax theory development.

6.2.Word-combination as the minimal unit of syntax theory: the definition, its main characteristics, the main criteria for classifying.

6.3.The main approaches to classifying the word-combinations on their structure. The existing structural classifications.

    1. The main principals for semantical classifying. The existing semantical oppositions of word-combinations.

    2. The main types of connection in word-combinations. The existing classifications based on syntactical criteria.


  1. Смирницкий А.И. Синтаксис английского языка. М., 1959.

  2. Бархударов Л.С. Очерки по синтаксису современного английского языка. – М.,1975.

  3. Ильиш Б.А. Строй современного английского языка. М., 1971

  4. Блох М.Я. Теоретическая грамматика английского языка. М., 1983.— C.172

  5. Раевская Н.М. Теоретическая грамматика английского языка. Киев., 1976 .

  6. Иванова И.П., Бурлакова В.В., Почепцов Г.Г. Теоретическая грамматика современного английского языка. – М., 1981.

  7. Хаймович Б.С., Роговская Б.И. Теоретическая грамматика английского языка. М., 1967.

  8. Жигадло В. Н., Иванова И. П., Иофик Л. Л. Современный английский язык. Теоретический курс грамматики. М., Изд-во литературы на иностранных языках, 1956г.

  9. Иофик Л.Л., Чахоян Л.П. Хрестоматия по теоретической грамматике английского языка. Л, 1972.

  10. Теоретическая грамматика английского языка. Задания и упражнения. Методическое пособие для студентов IV курса факультета английского языка. Минск, 1994.


  1. Бархударов Л.С., Штелинг Д.А. Грамматика английского языка. – М., 1973.

  2. Quirk R., Greenbaum S., Leech G., Svartvick J. A University Grammar of English. M., 1982.

  3. Левицкий А. Э. Функциональные подходы к классификации единиц современного английского языка. Киев, 1998 г. — С.59-68

5.1.Syntax as part of grammar: the range problems to study, its main notions, historical review of syntax theory development.

5.1.1. The Syntax as part of grammar: the definition, the main approaches to defining the subject of its study.

Syntax (from Gr. Σύνταξη — formation, order, structure) as part of grammar is to study the syntactical order of the language as the set of rules and laws of combining words, connecting them into sentences and into other large communicative units like larger than a sentence unit and text.

Traditionally comprises of two main parts: 1) the theory of word-combination; 2)the theory of sentence

However there is another point of view which became very popular nowadays. According to this concept it is necessary to determine three parts of syntax and the third is so-called the theory of sentences connected in groups (a larger than a sentence unit, text). It is even intended to be seen as separate discipline, text syntax or the theory of discourse. The main points to be discussed in syntax are the following:

  • the ways words to connect in word-combinations and sentences;

  • the main types of syntactic connections;

  • the main kinds of word-combinations;

  • the main types of sentences;

  • “word-combination” and “sentence” as the central notions of syntax;

  • The ways simple sentences to combine into composite ones;

  • . the correlations between the semantic and syntactical structures of the sentence;

  • . the communicative types of the sentence;

  • the obligatory and optional parts of the sentence;

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