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4.5. Homonymy

Sources of homonyms. Classification of homonyms. Ilomonymy vs. рябу~

ll. Sources of homonym)

English is very rich in homonyms. There are 1542 еп1пея ш фе dictionary of English

homonyms by I.S. Tyshler /Тышлер 1975/.

Though homonymy is not connected with lexical-semantic nanung, it is similar to

polysemy in form. Homonyms a

s well as polysems are lexical units, which have the same

i but different meanings, like scar 'an isolating or protruding rock' and scar 'а mark as on the skin) by the healing of injured tissue'.

contrast to polysems, homonyms do not appear in а language according to regular ms. The only exceptions are homonyms derived by zero derivation, or conversion: r (п) — water (v). But this kind of homonymy is on the borderline between polysemy homonymy as lexical units in this саяе are semantically related unlike classical inyms (bank 1.'raised part of the river'; bank 2 office where we keep ош money for tain interest' ).

appearance of homonyms in а language is rather accidental as they arise from а ge in pronunciation and/ог spelling. In English these changes were very active and created а great number of homonyms. Thus, the homonyms sea ап4 see were ш Old Ish respectively [sa;] and [яеоп] before the time of the Great English Vowel Shift.

loss of endings is also an important source for lexical-grammatical homonyms in ish. Thus the homonymis love and to love appeared there out the помп [lufu] and the [luvian].

Legree of homonymy in English is very high also due to numerous borrowings, too 1 'nation' [Fr] — гасе 2 'running' [ON]; bunk 1 'shore' [Sc] — bank 2 'financial ation' [It]; scar 1 'rock' [ON) — scar 2 'mark on the skin' [MF &. LL &. Gk]).

етпд may also become а source ойюпюпупы (fan [from 'fanatic'] and faи [МЕ &. жи fr. Ь vannus] 'any devices for winnowing grain; an implement to produce а cool nt of air'; /7ие [from 'influenza'] and /7ие [origin unknown] 'ап enclosed geway for directing а current: as а) а channel in а chimney for conveying Нате and е Ь) a pipe in а steam boiler' ).

mother source of homonyms is diverging meaning development of а polysemantic the so-called "split polysemy", or disintegration of polyseiny. Thus, the meanings г/ге!ог '1. а young night who follows the banner of another, 2. the lowest university е', 3. а male of а seal not having а mate during а breeding time', can hardly be Ived as related nowadays. The words /7онег and flour were also in the past one with the meaning 'the finest part of а plant, like wheat, а flower'.

,misms also contribute to homonyms (ass [euphemism for 'arse']), shoot — interj.

о express annoyance [euphemism for а similar taboo word]).

у special type of homonyms arises across different dialects and variants of the ~~е, where the same form of а word does not have the same meaning. Thus the ican word biscuit 'hard or crisp dry baked products' and Briti

sh biscuit 'CRACKER iOKIE' can be regarded as homonyms, because they are not the result of а regular itic development of а word within the same language system.

Лд[лцээ|цпз str з| цэвцмид[р до[за з[1 'иддо[ иощшоэ в qrtAI зэшви олц иээмдэц Лдив[щпз Лив эл1ээдэ~[ Лэцд дэц[э~Члл~ ищФэпЬ эцд Зи~дэмзив э[[цм uortrntur,здэцйщоэ firsuortorP so з[иэипдэ~[хэ [eor3o[-oq~fis tran здээ[цпз,[о suorsroap uo Рэзвц sr ио,дэпдэ [в . вд[Яо[оцэЛзй эц[, эЯвпЯив[ в [о э[М~з щрРощ эцд ot o!qear[dde atrnb tou я 'дэлэмоц 'д[ био рюм.[о firorsrq зэзп "о[дэ1[дд [вэ~ИошЛдэ эц,[. 'Ieor3o[oqofisd рив [влЯо[ошйэ ,дв Лщйюшоц рив fiurosfi[od ttaa~arI Зи![в![иэдэ[[[р дод в[дэпдэ до[вш олц эц[

.шэцд до[ satrtua [вдэ лэ8 до эво Зи!зп m зио[з[ээр д:эддой ar[ew ot ьиКиощо~[ рие ярдом alruvruasIjod паамдаР а@ьцпаРЯР од [ив1дос[ш[ os[e я [1 ЛцбвдЯоэьхэ[ дод

,о о яиЛиощоц э[[цм дэц[эзо~ fiets зэщэзл[оа :Л[диэдэц[р иоэ[хэ[ [вдиэщ и| р~~ одз эдв,Лэцд teqt Зи[моцз srsot [вэ|Зо[оцэЛя[ fiq Рэлодй sr srqt pus euoruouaqd [иэдэ[ЯР A[leor3o[oqafisd Pue fi!Ieortueut» эдв Лэцд 'иопвдак[дэрп эио ивцд эюш [о a!qecko use t~t зАдом рд дэ[эд Чюц ЛшЛиощоц рив ЛидэзЛ[и[ ЧЗпоцд,

pea(ttomot[ зл krrrws[og '[I

((л) aas pue (u) юаз;(„) фЗпаа Pue (и) дапоа зрдом эцд rnoqe pres эц ива эщвз эцд '.,Л[[ЧЗц эзо[э ot, — (лЭ jnas Purr ',Ieturue e>s в, — (u) jnas) шдод иэц[дм zojpue punos в щ эр[эи[оэ tnq 3u!ueaur teotteururut3 Ри~ цэээдз [о [двй '[вэ[хэ[ m qroq дэ[пр ~вц[ 'зшЛиошоц [вэцвшшвдЗ-[вэ[хо[ prre (,[euuue ~эз, [о aseg эл[ззэззо,[ Зщз — s, jnas рив,[вш[ив вэз, [о 'ld — з[а~з) 3rtrueatu [вэцвипивдЗ ш fi[uo дэ[1[р >вц[ 'ешЛиошоц [вэ[[вшшвд3 '(,dtuets 'raded 3о эээп[ в ио иЗ[зэр, (u) jnas '.,[вш[ив вэз в, (и) jnas) Зщивэш [о adfit [вэ|хэ[ u! Л[ио,э1[~р Чэ! Чм 'зшЛиошоц [вэ[хэ[ цяпЯи|дяр Лвщ ам

Зшивэш [o эИд эц[ щ дэ[д[р Лвш surfiuoruo[1

'Зишвэш ul [иэдэ[пр fi[letot и[в,д [пц зи! и [з рл о[ рипов «1 ЧИУ[ [вэ[диэр! am зрдом „,Чм smhuomoq [ээээ,[ ,[о э[йщвхэ ив зв рэ1[[ззв[э ~Ч «m элоцв P»sos! P g yung рив 1 yung зрдом эцд [о»вэ эц[, .[rrurem] antuttu рив [д["пп] Юнит '[Pal] Pnaj pue [р:|[] ааа[ '[л[в[] ал» рив [л[1] aatj) зцйвдЯошоц se зрдом цэпз о1 да[ад дам зрдом рэдв[эдип fi![eorrueruas go шдо[ иэц[дм oqt и, filuo aoe[d sor[et ээиэр[эц[оэ ва ~1 Над Ри~ пад) sauot[domot[ диэдэц[р tnoqe t[[et Лвщ эм зрдом Рэ[в[эдип Л[[вэцивиэ~ [о ~o3 uor[ods эцд и[ Л[ио tuasaad я ээиэрршоэ [[

шдо[ ээиэрРи[ц 1o ~ ИЛ1 эЧЪ ot Зи[рдоээв эиор эц fieru uo,teagrsse[g

шэ[цол[ [вэ[Зо[оэ[хэ[ [вио|д[рвд[ в я ио!Жэ[[[ззв[э >!tr!I Рив-: ~t>urer[a ш эздэл[р Лдэл эдв япйюшо[.[

$urXootuor[go rto!toagtsso[g ф

nonyms are not patterned and are accidental, their presence in all human ives ground to view them not as the result of some destructive powers in the й as а semantic universal which is an inherent and integral part of а language ole and meaning are not clear yet.


Щ. Лексическая семантика: синонимические средства языка. — М.,:

з, 1974.

НД Типы языковых значений: Оценка. Событие. Факт. — М.: Наука,

Анна. Семантические универсалии. — М.: Языки русской культуры,

В.В. Основные типы лексических значений слова I/ Виноградов В.В. экология и лексикография. Избранные труды. — М.: Наука, 1977. Функциональная семантика оценки. — М.: Наука, 1985.

Х. Лексическая полисемия в когнитивном аспекте. — Мн: МГЛУ, 1996.

1. Многозначность слова в языке и речи. — М.: Высшая школа, 1984.

'.В. Лексическое значение слова. — М.: Высшая школа, 1983.

ХВ. Курс лингвистической семантики. — Санкт-Петербург: Научный проблем диалога, 1996.

1 С. Словарь лексических и лексико-грамматических омонимов иенного английского языка. — Саратов: Изд-во Саратовского рситета, 1975.

tguistic Meaning. — London and New York: Routledge 8c Kegan Paul Inc.,

iemantics: Studies in the Science of Meaning. — New York: Dover ations, 1964.

Lexical Semantics. — Cambridge Textbooks in Linguistics, 1986.

Vords in time. — Oxford: Basil Blackwell Inc., 1988.

т. Semantic Structures. (Third printing). — Cambridge, МА: the MIT Press,

uctural Semantics. Oxford: Blackwell, 1963.

nantics, 2 vol. — Cambridge: CUP, 1977.

iguage and Linguistics: An Introduction. — Cambridge: CUP, 1981. Semantics: А New Outline. — М., Vysshaya shkola, 1982.

Semantics: An Introduction to the Science of Meaning. — Oxford: Basil veil, 1962.

4. Semantics: Primes and Universals. — Oxford: OUP, 1996.


8'опй are not coined in order to extract the теолог

their elements andi compile а ew meaning фон th, ning ~~.

еу The new meaning is there / i r s t, and the coine„.

looking /ог the best way то express it without going т, t

o too much trouble. 1/ parts can be /вил whose meaniД,

suggest the one in mind, so much the better, but that (д „ essential.

— D.Ь. Bolinger and D.А. Sears Aspects о~йапдцц 1981: (ф9

1п English as in any other language, naming concepts has always been accomplished ~„ borrowing and by secondary uses of а naming unit. А чету important contribution to the English vocabulary extension has always been achieved by creating new words оит gf available language means by combining or changing certain morphological means alter certain regular patterns. This method of name creation, usually referred to a~ morphological, is the most obvious and one of the most productive ways of replenishing the English vocabulary.

Before speaking about peculiarities of morphological ways of deriving new names in English, it is necessary first to clearify what morphological nieans and derivation are.