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Additional Material: Describing Feelings

Task 1. In your future professional life you may need to talk about your own or other people's feelings. To do this, you will need to know and use appropriately a wide range of words connected with feelings.

To check or add to your vocabulary on this subject, look at the adjectives below, decide whether each one is used for describing a feeling of sadness, anger, anxiety, shock or confusion and list them in the appropriate columns.















wound up

taken aback






















worked up



Sadness Anger Anxiety Shock Confusion

Now check your answers to this exercise.

Key to: describing feelings sadness

dispirited: discouraged or depressed because something bad has happened and as a result, something you hope for seems unlikely to happen

devastated: extremely unhappy and upset because of something terrible that has happened that affects you personally

dismayed: fairly unhappy because of something unexpected that has happened

distressed: very unhappy and suffering a great deal emotionally as a reaction to something

dejected: sad and depressed, and not feeling hopeful about the future

downcast: sad and depressed, especially in comparison with previously feeling happy or not feeling unhappy

despondent: without hope and therefore extremely unhappy distraught: extremely unhappy and upset because of something terrible that has happened, especially when showing this by crying, etc


irate: very angry (this word is used especially to describe other people, rather than yourself)

enraged: caused to feel or show that you feel very angry

touchy: easily offended or upset; sensitive and likely to get angry suddenly

mad: angry, in phrases such as go mad or be mad at/with someone

infuriated: extremely annoyed

resentful: annoyed for a long period after something that you consider unfair has happened

cross: fairly angry (this word is often used by adults talking to children)


agitated: nervous and worried, especially when having previously been calm

tense: anxious and worried, especially when also silent apprehensive: afraid that something bad or unpleasant may happen

harassed: feeling stressed and anxious because of pressure, having too many things to do, etc

concerned: worried

bothered: worried

edgy: nervous and therefore easily annoyed or upset worked up: having got into a very worried or nervous state because of something that has happened

wound up: having got into a very anxious or stressed state because of something that has happened

unnerved: nervous after previously having been confident or relaxed, because something has happened to make you lose confidence or courage

petrified: extremely frightened


taken aback: greatly surprised by something that is said or happens and therefore unable to respond immediately flabbergasted: completely amazed or astonished staggered: extremely surprised or shocked

outraged: very shocked, and possibly also upset or angry, because of something that you consider morally wrong

astounded: extremely surprised or shocked

speechless: so surprised and shocked, and possibly also angry, that you are unable to speak

stunned: amazed; so surprised or shocked that you are unable to think clearly

appalled: very shocked because of something you consider totally unacceptable or disgusting


bewildered: very or totally confused

thrown: confused or disturbed by something that has ­happened, so that you are unable to respond to it quickly or to continue what you were doing

flustered: confused and nervous because of trying to do too many things at the same time or because of not knowing what to do next

baffled: very confused and totally unable to understand, solve or answer something

perplexed: confused and worried, especially because you cannot understand why something has hapре­ned

bemused: confused and unable to think clearly

Task 2. Look up and check the meaning of the topical vocabulary. Add examples of the use of the words mentioned in the list as is given to some of them.

1. irate – сердитый, гневный. E.g. irate customers; an irate phone call.

2. agitated – взволнованный, возбужденный. E.g. Calm down! Don’t get so agitated.

3.enraged – взбешенный

4. bewildered , confused – смущенный, озадаченный, в замешательстве

E.g. She was totally bewildered by his sudden change of mood

5. dispirited – удрученный, в унынии. E.g. She looked tired and dispirited

6. taken aback

7. tense E.g. I spent a tense few weeks waiting for the results of the test.

8. ‘devastated – опустошенный, убитый. E.g. His family is absolutely devastated

9. ,appre’hensive – озабоченный, беспокойный, полный тревоги

E.g. We’d been a little apprehensive about their visit

10. flabbergasted (inform) – ошеломленный, ошарашенный

E.g. When I heard how much money we’d made, I was absolutely flabbergasted.

11. ‘harassed – измотанный, затравленный, которого изводят. E.g. He looked pale and harassed

12. thrown

13. touchy – обидчивый. E.g. She is very touchy about her past

14. staggered – потрясенный, пораженный, лшеломленный. E.g. = amazed: I was absolutely staggered when I saw the bill; at /by : She was staggered by the directness of his question.

15. flustered – взволнованный, взбудораженный. E.g. Paul was looking flustered and embarrassed.

I always get flustered in interviews.

16. outraged – возмущенный, негодующий. E.g. Customers were outraged by the prices increases.

17. dismayed – потрясенный, в смятении. E.g. Ruth was dismayed to see how thin he had grown

dismayed at / by; dismayed that

18. concerned – озабоченный, обеспокоенный. E.g. about: She is concerned how little food I eat

+ for: ... he was concerned for Jemma’s safety

concerned that: Pamela was concerned that her schoolwork had deteriorated...

19. distressed – встревоженный, огорченный, в тревоге. E.g. Hanna was deeply distressed by the news

distressed to find, to hear, to see, to learn,etc smth. E.g. She was distressed to see he was crying

20. mad – сердитый, разозлившийся, вне себя. E.g. Are you still mad at me? There no need to get mad about it!

21. ‘baffled – озадаченный, сбитый с толку. E.g. The question baffled me completely

22. bothered – обеспокоенный, встревоженный

23. edgy – раздражительный

24. dejected – удрученный, подавленный

25. astounded – изумленный, пораженный

26. perplexed – озадаченный, в недоумении

27. worked up – взвинченный

28. speechless

29. infuriated – разъяренный, взбешенный, разозлившийся

30. stunned – пораженный, ошеломленный

31. downcast – удрученный, подавленный

32. appalled – в ужасе

33. wound up

34. despondent – унылый, подавленный

35. resentful – возмущенный

36. unnerved – расстроенный, переживающий

37. petrified – оцепеневший, остолбеневший, окаменевший

38. dis’traught – обезумевший

39. be’mused – ошеломленный

40.cross – сердитый, злой, раздраженный

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