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    1. Recruitment

Skills and competences for the “right employee”

Nestle chooses special people, so the selection process includes a variety of different testing procedures and the competence of the person. All required qualifications and skills mainly belong to three main areas: knowledge, personality and motivation.

As for the Professional Knowledge, here everything is pretty simple: Nestle is looking for people with a great academic record, which demonstrates their intelligence, commitment and hard work. Also necessary is the existence of analytical mind and the drive necessary to succeed in a competitive environment. Despite the focus on performance and name of University or company, Nestle is not concentrated only on this criterion. Also number of other factors is taken into the consideration: for example, job and internships, research, languages, extracurricular activities and achievements.

Turning to the Personality, it is worth noting that this point is even more significant than the first. Right Person needs to be an open minded, and have willingness to dig in and learn new skills and ideas. Usually those applicants are dynamic, self-confident and communicative, with good team working skills and leadership potential. Nestle believes that these skills are necessary to the successful employee of the company much more than education and place of schools in the rankings.

As for the third area – motivation – of course, Nestle is looking for motivated people. But more important is the fact that the company is looking for people not only loyal, but at the same time, those who might criticize and suggest improvements. Moreover, they like people who are motivated themselves and can motivate others.

The process of recruiting21

The recruitment process has quite ordinary and well-known scheme: application form/CV -> selection stage (interviews, tests, references and checks) -> offer.

It is outsourced up to the final steps. One of the main partners is world famous agency Hudson22. The stages of recruitment are the same for all programs, but some tests and formats of interviews differ, if a person is applying for a current job, graduate program or internship.

So let us discuss each step of recruitment process:

  1. CV online: in the official web-site there is a service of online application. The structure of the application form covers all relevant points as in the CV. After the candidate receives a confirmation message telling that it has been received and is being processed. Then there is selection process according to the matches of information in the application form and in the description of position. Here the point is that candidate will receive an e-mail telling when the job you applied for has been filled, but only the selected candidates are contacted. If there is no suitable position now, the applicant can register in the talent pool database for the future position.

  2. Interviews: there are different types of interviews for each program.

For professional and Internships applicants the procedure consists of a series of individual interviews with HR and line managers. They have not only professional nature, but also behavioral and generally focus on background and motivation to prove the fit with culture and values of Nestle.

Graduate Program Applicants follow more complex procedure with group interview sessions. This is a one-day sessions that consists of discussions about potential jobs and career developments, individual interviews with HR and line managers, group and/or individual case studies. If the candidate is successful at the group stage, he or she will be invited for an individual interview day with HR and line managers.

  1. References and background checks: usually this step has formal character. It consist of 2 main points: collecting verbal references from previous employers and validation of the reference letters and certificates as well as right to work in the country.

After the selection procedure the successful candidate is chosen and the offer is signed by both parties. The person became a part of the team of Nestle.

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