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Навчальний елемент 2

5. Electric oscillation

5.1. Free (natural) electric oscillations

An oscillatory contour is a capacitor with capacity C, a coil with inductance L, and a conductor with ohmic resistance R connected in series. Electric oscillation of a contour means periodic change of a charge on the capacitor plates and a current in the inductance coil. Periodic changes of a charge and current cause changes of electric and magnetic fields energy, therefore there are electromagnetic oscillation.

Let's consider an ideal electric oscillatory contour with the parameters C, L and (Fig. 2.1, a).

Fig. 2.1

Oscillation in the contour can be caused, if we attach the capacitor to a source of a voltage; as a result, opposite charges and on the capacitor plates appear and ,accordingly, an electric field with energy creates in the capacitor, (Fig. 2.1, a; phase 1, the moment of time If then we disconnect the source and connect the capacitor to the inductance, the capacitor begins to discharge and a current begins to flow in the contour; the current can not at once get the maximal value. The reason of it is the current of a self-induction which arises in inductance and directed against a growing current according to Lentz rule. Discharge of the capacitor is accompanied by reduction of absolute value of the capacitor plates charge and energy of the electric field. The process is accompanied by occurrence of the magnetic field caused by a current which flows through inductance. The current increases; therefore, energy of a magnetic field created by the inductance coil also increases.

As the resistance the full energy of electric and magnetic fields is not spent for heating of conductors. It means that it remains constant. Therefore, at the moment of time when the capacitor is discharged, energy of an electric field is equal to zero, the current in the inductance becomes maximal, and so, magnetic field energy reaches the maximal value (Fig. 2.1, a; phase 2, the moment of time ) The current starts to fall down without changing a direction from this moment. However, it does not fall to zero at once as EMF of self-induction prevents to this. The current will charge the bottom plate of the capacitor positively, and the top plate – negatively; it will occur until charges on the capacitor plates reach initial absolute values, but signs of charges on the capacitor plates exchanges.

Current in the contour equals zero when the moment of time , and the magnetic energy of the coil completely turns into an electric energy of the capacitor (fig. 2.1, a; phase 3). Then, the capacitor begins discharge again. But direction of the discharge current flow will be opposite to a direction of the discharge current at phase 2. Oscillatory processes repeat in the opposite direction (fig. 2.1, a; phases 4 and 5, the moments of time and In time the oscillatory contour comes back in an initial state. Process of periodic transformation of energy of an electric field into energy of a magnetic field and on the contrary can last for an infinitely long time if .

Oscillations in a contour without external influences and losses of energy are named free or natural undamped (continuous) electric oscillation. The oscillatory process represents periodical changes of a charge and a voltage across the capacitor plates, and a current intensity which passes through the inductance.

Fig. 2.1, b shows analogy between electric oscillations and oscillations of a spring pendulum. A charge on the capacitor plates is analogical to the pendulum displacement . The pendulum elastic deformation energy is similar to the capacitor electric field energy . The pendulum kinetic energy is similar to the coil magnetic field energy Mathematical expressions that describe mechanical and electric oscillations are very similar too.

Let us consider an oscillatory contour which consists of a capacitor with capacity C, a coil with inductance L, and a conductor with ohmic resistance R connected in series to a source of periodical external electromotive force (Fig. 2.2).

Fig. 2.2

According to second Kirchhoff’s law, the EMF equals the sum of voltage drops across the capacity the inductance , and the resistance


The capacitor charge change per time equals hence


If we take and we get free or natural undamped electric oscillations (Fig. 2.1) which equation is


where is cyclic frequency of natural undamped electric oscillations. Therefore, natural undamped electric oscillations period


Equation (2.5) is named after Thomson.

Let us remember that equation (2.4) is a harmonic oscillator equation; its solution is sinusoidal or cosine function of dependence the capacitor charge on time


The oscillations amplitude  and initial phase  are constant. Amplitude equals the maximal charge on the capacitor plates.

Using (2.6), we can find dependence voltage-time for the capacitor:


where  is amplitude voltage.

Differentiation of equation (2.6) by time gives dependence current-time


where  is amplitude current intensity.

The phase of current intensity in the inductance coil leads the phase of voltage across the capacitor plates by When the current is maximal the voltage becomes zero and vice versa.

Decrease of the capacitor electric field energy leads to increase of the coil magnetic field energy

. (2.12)

According to energy conservation law, maximal energy of electric field equals maximal energy of magnetic field


Dependences of energies of electric and magnetic fields on time are following (remember that :



Analysis of equations (2.15) and (2.16) shows that total energy of natural undamped electric oscillations remains the same

; (2.17)

it is proportional to the amplitude squared.

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