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1. Answer the following questions. Give extensive answers.

  1. What basic jobs do managers have?

  2. Why is communication important for those jobs?

  3. What are effective managers able to do?

  4. Why is managerial communication different from other kinds of communication?

  5. What five interactive variables is strategic communication based on?

  6. What audiences does communication go to?

  7. What reason is for communication in business?

  8. What is interpersonal communication supported by?

  9. What should managers do to increase the chances for success of any important business activity?

2. Determine which of the following statements are true and which are false. Then put t or f in the blanks. Rewrite false statements to make them true.

  1. __ Managers collect relevant information from conversations, the grapevine, phone calls, memos, reports, databases, and the Internet.

  2. __ Managers cannot motivate organizational members at lunch and over coffee.

  3. __ The company grapevine is one of the informal channels.

  4. __ Internal audiences are people outside the organization.

  5. __ When we rely solely on the media we lose the ability that interpersonal communication provides to gauge if and how people respond to our communication.


1. Say what you have learned about:

1. managers basic jobs and communication; 2. managerial communication; 3. internal audiences and external audiences; 4. communication plan.

2. Divide the text into logical parts. Give a title to each part.

3. Summarize the text.


Below is a list of terms that you could find in the text. Use this as a working list and add other terms that you figured out in the unit.

  1. relevant - существенный; важный

  2. grapevine - донос

  3. to convey - передавать

  4. to interpret - объяснять, толковать

  5. response - ответ, отклик

  6. variables - переменная ( величина )

  7. internal - внутренний

  8. external - внешний

  9. subordinates - подчиненные

  10. superiors - начальники, руководители

  11. peers - равные

  12. to behave - вести себя

  13. to reduce - понижать, сокращать, уменьшать

  14. to establish - устанавливать

  15. to maintain - поддерживать

  16. mutual trust - взаимное доверие

  17. appropriate - подходящий, соответствующий

  18. solely - единственно, исключительно, только

  19. to craft - обманывать

  20. to gauge - оценивать, измерять

  21. disseminating - распространение

  22. outset - начало

  23. to jeopardize - подвергать опасности, рисковать


Management plays a vital role in any business or organized activity. Management is composed of a team of managers who have charge of the organization at all levels. Their duties include making sure company objectives are met and seeing that the business operates efficiently. Regardless of the specific job, most managers perform four basic functions: planning; organizing; directing; controlling.

Planning involves determining overall company objectives and deciding how these goals can best be achieved. Managers evaluate alternative plans before choosing a specific course of action and then check to see that the chosen plan fits into the objectives established at higher organizational levels. Planning is listed as the first management function because the others depend on it. However, even as managers move on to perform other managerial functions, planning continues as goals and alternatives are further evaluated and revised.

Organizing, the second management function is the process of putting the plan into action. This involves allocating resources, especially human resources, so that the overall objectives can be attained. In this phase, managers decide on the positions to be created and determine the associated duties and responsibilities. Staffing, choosing the right person for the right job, may also be included as part of the organizing function.

Third is the day-to-day direction and supervision of employees. In directing, managers guide, teach, and motivate workers so that they reach their potential abilities and at the same time achieve the company goals that were established in the planning process. Effective direction, or supervision, by managers requires ongoing communication with employees.

In the last management function, controlling, managers evaluate how well company objectives are being met. In order to complete this evaluation, managers must look at the objectives established in the planning phase and at how well the tasks assigned in the directing phase are being completed. If major problems exist and goals are not being achieved, then changes need to be made in the company's organizational, or managerial, structure. In making changes, managers might have to go back and replan, reorganize, and redirect.

In order to adequately and efficiently perform these management functions, managers need interpersonal, organizational, and technical skills. Although all four functions are managerial duties, the importance of each may vary, depending on the situation. Effective managers meet the objectives of the company through a successful combination of planning, organizing, directing, and controlling.

One of the latest tools for motivating and empowering employees and for helping them to improve performance and productivity is open-book management. With this tool, employees are taught how to observe progress so that they will have greater understanding of the company's position, why it might need to change, or why following particular pathways will lead to competitive advantage.

Using this system, employees are empowered because they "learn to think and act like owners, like business people, and not like hired hands." Open-book management "communicates all relevant information" to people throughout the organization on a monthly, weekly, or even daily basis. Its objective is to help people understand the financial condition of the company, with the belief that enhanced understanding will motivate and empower employees to perform better and to work together to meet the organization's goals and objectives. Open-book management provides an ultimate method for communicating honestly with employees and for building high levels of trust. As John Case writes in Open-Book Management: The Coming Business Revolution:

When the books are open, everyone can see what is going on. It's harder for managers to fall back on excuses or to point the finger at someone else. Open-book management gets people involved and helps them take responsibility rather than shirk it. It's a way by which everyone in the business can hold each other accountable.
