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Creating a marketing proposal.doc
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  • No sound or movement.

  • Newspapers can be easily lost or thrown away after being read.

  • Some newspapers are only printed in black and white, which means they have less visual effect.

  • Regional newspapers are less cost effective, because the cost per reader is higher than for national newspapers.

  • Because there are so many newspapers being printed, the quality of the pictures in the adverts and layout may suffer.

  • Because of the big size of some newspapers, it is more difficult to find the advert you were interested in. Might take a long time, before you read an advert or an article about particular product.

Using magazines


  • Can have colourful advertisements, which have a great visual effect on the consumer.

  • It might be more comfortable for some people to buy a magazine, because it’s easier to read and it is smaller in size than the newspapers, so you can take it with you all the time.

  • Certain magazines are specialized target particular people. E.g. those people who read ‘Forbes’ magazine are more likely to buy some particular products, like: ‘Breitling’ watch, or a new BMW being advertised in the magazine.

  • There can be specialist magazines, like ‘Spectator’, which is mainly about politics and ‘Man’s Health’, which is about fashion, health, sport and many other general things.

  • It’s cheaper advertising in the magazines than advertising on TV or in the cinema.

  • Advertising can be linked to features of the product.

  • The reader can refer back to the article or an advert he was interested in.


  • Advertising in the magazines is more expansive than advertising in the newspapers.

  • By using different articles can target different socio-economic groups of people.

  • Magazines are usually issued once a month, so it takes a long time to put your advertisement in the magazine. Also, there are not as many places for adverts in the magazine as in the newspaper. Because there may be many businesses who want to advertise their product, there’s a competition for getting a place for advertising your product in the magazine. Therefore, if the business wants to advertise its products in the magazine, it might need to reserve a place in the magazine in advance, which is expansive. In addition to this, there are different places in the magazines, which have stronger or weaker effect on the reader. For example, it would cost more money to advertise the product on the front cover of the magazine, than somewhere in the middle or the end of the magazine.

  • Competitor’s products can be advertised. Sometimes next your products.

  • There’s no movement or sound. However, some magazines include a CD or DVD, which has promotional videos, trial programs and sound tracks.

Using Posters


  • There’s usually a big number of people and most groups being covered.

  • It can be advertised in the whole country.

  • Has a big size and high visual impact.

  • May be placed on the highway next to the shops and restaurants. E.g. poster saying: ‘McDonald’s-400 m on the right.

  • Can be seen several times.


  • There’s a limited amount of information, which can be put on.

  • It might be q need to do further research in order to find out the effectiveness of a particular poster.

  • Sometimes, potential consumers don’t have enough time to look at the poster. For example, car drivers are likely to be concentrated on the road, rather than posters.

  • It can be affected by bad weather (snow, rain, wind) conditions and small minorities of people who vandalize posters by graffiti.

Using Internet


  • Can be easily spread through a big number of people, by using sending e-mails and advertising on websites.

  • Can be advertised on specialist websites. E.g. program software for businesses is usually being advertised on Financial Times, Forbes and Harvard Business Review websites. Mobile phones with classical-business design and cars are also being advertised on the websites which have something to do with business. Companies do that, because they know that their potential customers-people who are willing to spend a lot of money to buy their goods, usually work in the business and go to these types of websites. Therefore, advertising on the specialist websites makes it more effective.

  • Most businesses now advertise their products and services in the internet, because for some people it’s much easier to obtain the information they need from this particular source.

  • Businesses who advertise their products in the internet can maintain a statistics of how many people actually look at their adverts in the internet by recording every click on their advert. Then, by using special programs in the internet, they can find out how long do the people who click on their page spend time on their website. This helps to find out on what websites their adverts work more effectively and also find out what particular types of adverts attract consumers’ attention best.