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Экономика- Business English.docx
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second-class sleeper

through train

express train

boarding card

business trip compartment



to depart

to go abroad

to land

to take off

traveller's cheque

upper berth

билетная касса

мягкая плацкарта

прямой поезд

скорый поезд

посадочный талон




багажные карточки

уезжать, отбывать

ездить за границу



дорожный чек

верхнее место

1. Find in the text the English equivalents for the following:

Преодолевать время и расстояние; весь мир; ездить на метро; брать такси; командировка; открывать/обнаруживать; делать пересадку; ради удовольствия; средства транспорта; располагать чем-нибудь; заказывать билеты заранее; пересекать океаны; расписание/график; автобусные туры; ходить в поход; цель путешествия; преимущества.

2. Answer the following questions:

  1. When do you usually travel?

  2. Where do you go?

  3. Do you collect information about the places you would like to visit?

  4. Do you think that travel broadens one's mind?

  5. Some people travel to faraway places not to see people, while others travel to meet people.What about you?

  6. What places would you like to visit?

  7. What do you like better, to travel alone or in a group? Why? How are you going to spend your next vacation? Are you going to go anywhere? How long are you going to be on vacation? What are you going to do? Is anyone going to travel with you?

  8. What do you hate doing on vacation?

  9. When did you last travel by railroad?

  10. From which railroad station do trains leave Moscow for the South (the North, the West, the East)?

  11. Do you prefer a lower or an upper berth? Why?

  12. Are you fond of travelling?

  13. Why do people travel?

  14. How many hours a day do you spend travelling?

  15. Why do some people choose planes for travelling?

  16. Do you like to travel by train? What are its advantages?

  17. Would you like to go on a big ocean cruise?

  18. Why can it be convenient to travel by car?

  19. Have you ever been on a coach tour?

  20. If you could spend a hiking holiday wherever you like, what place would you choose?

Read and translate the text into Russian.

  1. Stuck in an Airport?

What do people usually do while they're waiting in an airport?

Many people are upset when their flight is delayed. Not only do they have to change their schedule but, even worse, they have to wait in an airport! There's no need to be upset, though. Airports are much better places these days than most people realize.

Belief: Airport food is bad — as bad as airplane food.

Reality: Airports have fine international cuisine — from fresh seafood in London to Korean barbecue in Honolulu. And you can stock up something to have for later — for example, cheese and caviar in Paris.

Belief: Shopping in airports is great, that is, if you need a T-shirt.

Reality: In Amsterdam, you can buy anything from perfume to dia­monds. In El Paso, Texas, you can buy antique knives or regional art. The art is so interesting that some people fly to El Paso just to visit the airport gallery. And a Singapore's airport is known for some of the best topping in the world.

Belief: Airports make people uncomfortable and tense.

Reality: The airport at Honolulu has peaceful gardens. Pittsburgh has a meditation room: when you walk in, relaxing music comes on and Pictures of clouds are projected on the walls. If you prefer exercise, hotels at the airports in Los Angeles, Dallas, and many other cities have fitness centres that anyone can use.

So the next time you’re stuck in an airport, have some fun!

Read the text more carefully. In which airport can you do the following?

Choose the correct place on the right.

  1. a. Amsterdam

    b. Dallas

    c. Singapore

    d. Honolulu

    to meditate surrounded by music and clouds
  2. to eat Korean barbecue

  3. to buy an interesting painting

  4. to exercise in a fitness centre