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  1. Домашнє завдання:

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1)Він був обвинувачений у пограбуванні. 2) Поясни йому новий матеріал. 3) Володимир розірвав листа на багато маленьких шматочків. 4) Наразі нового працівника вітають із початком першого трудового дня. 5) Сподіваюсь, мене запросять до цієї вечірки. 6) Грабіжник націлив пістолета на працівника банку. 7) Я позичу у моєї нової подруги її машину. 8) Чи можна попросити у тебе поради? 9) Він завжди звинувачує мене у тому, що я витрачаю багато грошей на сукні. 10) Рік тому вони виїхали з Xaркова до Дніпропетровська.

Роздатковий матеріал до заняття 13

Виконайте самостійну роботу. Зверніть увагу на оформлення: завдання потрібно переписувати обов’язково. Перед початком роботи визначтеся із тим, які завдання будете виконувати:

(на «4» - 1,2,3,4 завдання, на «5» - 1,2,3,5 завдання або 1,2,4, 5 і т.д.)

Variant 1

Variant 2

  1. Translate the following words and word-combination from English into Ukrainian

(1 point)

1) Rape, 2) vulnerability due to age, 3) to misuse the authority, 4) inheritance, 5) thief, 6) legal document, 7) to rely upon/on the law, 8) to undermine smb.’s authority, 9) freedom of thought and speech, 10) blood feud.

1) property status, 2) self-protection, 3) in broad daylight, 4) legal decision, 5) unrestricted authority, 6) vulnerability due to age, 7) to divorce, 8) mental deficiency, 9) to misuse the authority, 10) to misuse the authority.

  1. Make up sentences using the words below:

(1 point)

1) law, the, before, equal, citizens, are

2) the, views, the, has, beliefs, to, of, expression, his, everyone or, free, her, and, , right.

3) the, severely, the ,of, was, justice, reprimanded, peace

1) on, no, or, be, status, privileges, there, shall, property, restrictions, based

2) freedom, the, speech, to, everyone, right, thought, has, of, and.

3) her, warrant, arrested, a, constable, without.

  1. Put into the gaps correct prepositions:

(1 point)

1) Do not laugh … him! 2) What happened … Ann. She was so disappointed! 3) I don’t want to pay … this bill! 4) She always dreamt … living on the Bahamas. 5) We cut the cake … 5 pieces. 6) Your father blamed your misbehaviour … me! 7) I asked her … three pence. She refused! 8) Nick was charged … theft. 9) We congratulateв him … this occasion three days ago. 10) We were accused … leaving the place of accident.

1) Did you hear … the city district Novyi? 2) Who pays … the room you live in? 3) I dreamt … Nancy last night. We were quarrelling all the night long. I was happy to wake up. 4) He left Paris … London. 5) Who did you borrow that book …? 6) Don’t you want to explain you plan … me? 7) No fear. You can rely … me. 8) Point … the house you want to buy. 9) The students were divided … three groups. 10) Don’t blame me … this noise!

  1. Read the text and ask 5 questions to it

(1 point)

In the Britain, United States and many other English-speaking countries, the law of Habeas Corpus guarantees that nobody can be held in prison without trial. Habeas Corpus became a law because of a wild party held in 1621 at the London home of a notoriously rowdy lady, Alice Robinson. When a constable appeared and asked her and her guests to quiet down, Mrs. Robinson allegedly swore at him so violently that he arrested her, and a local justice of the peace committed her to jail.

When she was finally brought to trial, Mrs. Robinson’s story of her treatment in prison caused an outcry. She had been put on a punishment diet of bread and water, forced to sleep on the bare earth, stripped, and given 50 lashes. Such treatment was barbaric even by the harsh standards of the time; what made it worse was that Mrs. Robinson was pregnant.

Public anger was so great that she was acquitted, the constable who had arrested her without a warrant was severely reprimanded.

Solon, the Athenian statesman, is known as one of the Seven Wise Men of Greece. Не ended exclusive aristocratic control of the government, substituted a system of control by the wealthy, and introduced a new and more humane law code. He was also a noted poet.

Solon was a noble descent but moderate means. Не first became prominent in about 600 B.C.. The early 6th century was a troubled time for the Athenians. Society was dominated by an aristocracy of birth, who owned the best land, monopolized the government, and were themselves split into rival factions. The social, economic, and political evils might well have culminated in a revolution and subsequent tyranny (dictatorship), as they had in other Greek states, had it not been for Solon, to whom Athenians of all classes turned in the hope of a generally satisfactory solution of their problems.

Because he believed in moderation and

And the case, along with other similar cases, led to the passing of the Habeas Corpus Act in Britain in 1679.

in an ordered society in which each class had its proper place and function, his solution was not revolution but reform.

  1. Translate the following sentences into English:

(2 points)

1) Говорять, цей будинок добудують через рік. 2) Йому завжди приносять багато листів кожного тижня. 3) Повідомляють, що крадій забрав 100,000 доларів. 4) Його промова буде вислухана на наступній конференції. 5) Три роки тому цей парк був зруйнований.

1) Новий закон буде прийнятий наступного року. 2) Нікого не повідомили про зміни у розкладі. 3) Говорять, це буде чудове свято. 4) Злодія вже заарештували. 5) Повідомляють, що російська кінокомпанія зняла новий успішний фільм.

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