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55.What is the English for "жертва"?





56.A theif .... ?

-breaks into a house

-sets a fire

-counterfeits money


57.A burglar ...

+breaks into a house

-sets a fire

-counterfeits money


58.Who are defendants?

-lawyers who represent clients' interests in court

+the persons against whom action is brought(in a criminal proceeding)

-people who carry out the intorrogation of a suspect

-people whose names are in the jury panel

59.What is the English for "право на захист"?

-the right on defence

+the right to defence

-the right in defence

-the right with defence

60.What is the Ukrainian for "negligence"?





61.What is the Ukrainian for "slander"?





62.What is the English for "подавати позов"?

-to suspect

-to prosecute

+to sue

-to claim

63.What is the Ukrainian for "to pay damages"?

-подавати позов

-платити податки

-платити аліменти

+платити за ушкодження

64.What is the Ukrainian for "свідок"?





65.Who usually presents a defendant in court?





66.What is the English for "зрада"?





67.How are the unpaid judges in the local community called?





68.How are qualified lawyers who advise the accused and help prepare the defence case called?





69.How do we call lawyers trained in the law and in the skills required to argue a case in court?





70.Who usually represents the state in court during a trial?





71.What do clerks do in court?

-They pass verdicts

-They rule on points of law, and make sure that the trial is conducted properly.

+They look after administrative and legal matters in the courtroom.

-They listen to witnesses for the defence and prosecution to decide whether the accused is guilty or innocent.

72.The death penalty can be imposed on a person for...?

-drink driving

-dropping litter



73.A person can be released on bail for...?

+good behaviour

-community service

-rude behaviour

-presumption of innocence

74.Who decides if an accused person guilty or innocent?





75.Where are young offenders between 10 and 17 tried?

+in special juvenile courts

-in criminal courts

-in civil courts

-in appellate courts

75.What is the English for "довічне увя'знення"?

-long-term imprisonment

-felony imprisonment

+life sentence

-long-term sentence

77.What is the English for "Верховний Суд"?

-Court of Appeal

-Court of Trial

-Verkhovnyi Court

+Supreme Court

78.What is the English for "третейський суд"?

+court of arbitration

-court of appeal

-legal procedure

-court of trial

79.What is the English for "порушувати позов проти"?

-to start up a suit against smb.

+to bring a suit against smb.

-to bring a deal against smb.

-to start up a trial against smb.

80.What is the English for "юридична консультація"?

-legal trial

-legal procedure

+legal aid bureau

-legal lost and found bureau

81.What is the English for "розглядати справу"?

+to try a case

-to look through a case

-to bring a case

-to trial a case

82.What is the English for "позивач"?





83.What is the Ukrainian for "attorney"?




-суд, що розглядає справи по суті

84.What is the Ukrainian for "solicitor"?

-адвокат з правом виступу у суді



+адвокат без права виступу у суді

85.What is the English for "суддя"?





86.What is the Ukrainian for "barrister"?

+адвокат з правом виступу у суді



-адвокат без права виступу у суді

87.Who are defendants?

-the people who defend plaintiffs in court

+the people against whom action is brought

-the people who defend those who are charged with the commission of a crime

-the people who represent the State during the trial

88.What is the lawyer's task in court?

-to present all the facts of the case truely

-to help the judge to to pass a verdict

+to bring out those facts that put their clients' case in the most favourable light

-to bring a suit against the prosecutor

89.What is the English for "представляти інтереси клієнтів"?

+to represent clients' interests

-to furnish clients with effective legal services

-to use approved legal procedure

-to charge with the commission of a crime

90.Which description can be reffered to the presumption of innocence?

+a person accused of crime must always be supposed innocent until he has been proved guilty

-a person charged with a crime must be first tried in court before sending to prison

-a person charged with a crime must be send to prison

-a person who is accused of a crime should be given a defender by government if he/she does not have any

91.What three stories should be listened to by the judge and the people's assessors during the trial?

-the story told by the counsel for the prosecution, the story told by the defending counsel, the story of witnesses

+the story told by the counsel for the prosecution, the story told by the defending counsel, the story told by the judge giving the chief points

-the story told by the counsel for the prosecution, the story told by the defending counsel? the story of an accused person

-the story told by the witnesses, the story of an accused person, the story told by the judge giving the chief points

92.What is the Ukrainian for "on insufficient evidence"?

-недостатня кількість доказів

-переконливі докази

+за недостатністю доказів

-наявність переконливих доказів

93.After the accused person has been arrested, the first person he or she needs to see is ...?

+a solicitor

-a barrister

-a prosecutor

-a judge

94.In more serious cases it is usual for the solicitor to hire .....to defend the accused?

-a prosecutor

+a barrister

-a counsel for prosecution

-a magistrate

95.A jury consists of .... men and women from the local community?





96.A ... decides whether the accused is guilty or innocent?





97..... are unpaid judges?





98.....has the burden of establishing guilt?

-the judge

-the defence

+the prosecution

-the jury

99.....have medical or legal training (or both) and inquire into violent or unnatural deaths?


-clerks of the court



100.The ... passes sentence.?





101.....look after administrative and legal matters in the courtroom?


+Clerks of the court



102.Offenders between ...and ...are tried by special juvenile courts?





103.Mark the most exact answer to the question: "Does the death penalty exist in Great Britain?"



+Technically still exists, but is no longer used.

-It was abolished in 1998

104A sentence of ... means that the convicted person has to spend several hours a week doing useful work in his locality?

+community service


-10 years of imprisonment


105.... is used often with more minor offences?

-Death penalty

-Life sentence



106.What is the English for "суд загальної юрисдикції"?

+court of general jurisdiction

-court of limited jurisdiction

-criminal court

-trial court

107.What is the English for "під наглядом"?

-under circumstances

+under supervision

-under arms

-under pressure

108.What is the English for "судити неупереджено"?

+to try impartially

-to try truly

-to try without consent

-to try freely

109.What is the English for "на волі"?


-to get loose

+at large


110...deal with persons accused of crime, deciding whether they are guilty and, if so, determining the consequences they shall suffer?

-Civil courts

-Trial courts

-Courts of appeal

+Criminal courts

111.The «adversary» procedure means that...?

-a more active role is assigned to the judge

+a more active role is assigned to the lawyers for both sides

-a more active role is assigned to the jurors

-a more active role is assigned to the lawyers for prosecution

112.«Inquisitorial» procedure means that the ...does most of the questioning of witnesses and having an independent responsibility to discover the facts.





113.What is the objective of sentencing a criminal?

-to wreak vengeance upon the offender

-to send him to prison

-to preserve public order

+to deter others from following his example

114.Mark the correct preposition which the adjective "crazy...smth." is usually followed by?





115.Mark the correct preposition which the adjective "famous...smth." is usually followed by?





116.Mark the correct preposition which the adjective "impressed...smth." is usually followed by?





117.Mark the correct preposition which the adjective "responsible...smth." is usually followed by?





118.Mark the correct preposition which the adjective "interested...smth." is usually followed by?





119.Mark the correct preposition which the adjective "fond...smth./smb." is usually followed by?





120.Mark the correct preposition which the adjective "tired...smth." is usually followed by?





121.Mark the correct preposition which the adjective "similar...smth." is usually followed by?





122.Mark the correct preposition which the adjective "full...smth." is usually followed by?





123.What courts deal with «private» controversies?

-criminal courts

-courts of appeal

-trial courts

+civil courts

124.What is the objective of civil actions?

+to restore the parties so far as possible to the positions they would have occupied had no legal wrong been committed

-punishment of the defendants

-the setting of an example to others

-correction of the defendants

125.The most common punishment in civil courts is...?

+a judgment for money damages


-death penalty

-life imprisonment

126.What courts are called courts of general jurisdiction, signifying that they can deal with almost any type of controversy?

-the courts which handle only criminal cases

+the courts which handle both civil and criminal cases

-the courts which handle only civil cases

-the courts which handle only juvenile cases

127.What is an action?

-person charged with a crime

-formal written charge that a person has committed a criminal offence

+proceeding taken in court

-the party who begins an action, complains or sues

128.What is the synonym to the word 'action'?





129.What is a counterclaim?

+claim presented by a defendant in opposition to the claim of the plaintiff

-means that the weight of evidence presented by one side is more convincing to the trier of facts than the evidence presented by the opposing side.

-initial document filed by a plaintiff which starts the claim against the defendant

-proceeding taken in court synonymous to case, suit

130.Who is a plaintiff?

+the party who begins an action

-initial document filed by a plaintiff which starts the claim against the defendant

-proceeding taken in court synonymous to lawsuit

-claim presented by a defendant in opposition to the claim of the plaintiff

131.What is the complaint?

-the party who begins an action

+initial document filed by a plaintiff which starts the claim against the defendant

-proceeding taken in court synonymous to lawsuit

-claim presented by a defendant in opposition to the claim of the plaintiff

132.Which line doesn't contain the correct meaning of the word 'defendant'?





133.Who usually starts the lawsuits by filing a paper called a complaint?





134.What cases are defined as civil cases?

-those which are brought by the state or by a city or county against a person or persons accused of having committed a crime

-those which are brought by the prosecutor

-those which are brought by the state against a private person

+those which are usually disputes between or among private citizens, corporations, governments, government agencies, and other organizations

135.The term 'unanimous' means:?





136.The synonym to "plaintiff" is:?





137.Which line doesn't contain the correct translation of the word 'evidence'?





138.'Ordeal' meant ....?

-judgement of the king

-saying the truth by an accused person

-justice of the church

+judgement of supernatural powers

139.What is a general verdict in civil cases?

+is one in which the jury pronounces generally upon all the issues

-is one in which the jury reviews the facts, but leaves to the court any decisions on questions of law arising from those facts

-is one which the jury of 12 pronounces

-is one which the jury of 6 pronounces

140.Which translation of the sentence "Jury members must be present in court when the verdict is given" is the most accurate?

-Члени журі повинні виносити вердикт

+Члени журі повинні бути присутні у суді під час винесення вердикту

-Обов'язок всіх членів журі у суді - виносити вердикт

-Всі члени журі у суді повинні виносити журі

141.What is the Ukrainian for "to release on bail"?

-випустити з тюрми

випустити достроково

+випустити під заставу

-накласти штраф

142.What is the English for "крадіжка"?



-to steal (stole, stolen)


143.What is the English for "визнати себе винним"?

-to find smb. guilty

+to plead guilty

-to find innocent

-to plead not guilty

144.What is the English for "визнати когось винним"?

+to find smb. guilty

-to plead guilty

-to find innocent

-to plead not guilty

145.What is the English for "відбувати термін"?

-to get a term

+to serve a time

-to be at term

-to get time

146.Which line contains incorrect translation of the word "lawsuit"?

-судовий процес

-судовий спір


+зустрічний позов

147.What is the English for "подати позов"?

-to give an action

+to file a lawsuit

-to give a lawsuit

-to take a lawsuit

148.What is the Ukrainian for "litigation expenses "?

-відшкодування ушкоджень

-плата за подання заяви

+судові витрати


149.Which word doesn't mean "судовий процес"?





150.Which word doesn't mean "судовий процес"?





151.What is the Ukrainian for "investigation at the trial"?

+судове слідство

-досудове слідство

-допит свідків

-виступ представників слідчих органів на суді

152.What is Voir Dire?

-investigation at the trial

+the process of questioning of the members of the jury panel by the judge and the lawyers

-the process of forfeiture

-the process of questioning the witnesses at trial

153.What is the Ukrainian for "jury panel"?

-склад присяжних

-відвід присяжних

+список присяжних

-рішення присяжних

154.What is called challenging a juror?

-asking a member of the panel to be a juror for a particular case

+the lawyers may ask the judge to excuse a member of the panel from sitting on the jury for a particular case

-asking jurors to pass a verdict for a particular case

-asking jurors by a judge to discuss the verdict

155.What is a challenge of a juror for cause?

+That means that the lawyer has a specific reason for thinking that the juror would not be able to be impartial

-That means that the lawyer has not any specific reasons for thinking that the juror would not be able to be impartial

-That means that the lawyer does not have to state a reason for asking that the juror be excused

-That means that the lawyer has to state a reason for asking that the juror be excused

156.What is a peremptory challenge of a juror?

-That means that the lawyer has a specific reason for thinking that the juror would not be able to be impartial

-That means that the lawyer has not any specific reasons for thinking that the juror would not be able to be impartial

+That means that the lawyer does not have to state a reason for asking that the juror be excused

-That means that the lawyer has to state a reason for asking that the juror be excused

157.What is the Ukrainian for "bailiff"?


-судовий секретар


+судовий пристав

158.What is the Ukrainian for "court reporter"?


+судовий секретар


-судовий пристав

159.Who helps to keep the trial running smoothly?

-a juror

-a court reporter

+a bailiff

-a judge

160.Who puts down every word that is spoken during the trial and also may record the proceedings on tape?

-a juror

+a court reporter

-a bailiff

-a judge

161.Who sits right below the judge, keeps track of all documents and exhibits and notes down important events in the trial?

+a clerk

-a court reporter

-a bailiff

-a juror

162.Who attacks and robs people, often in the street?

-an arsonist

-a shop-lifter

+a mugger

-a robber

163.Who sets fire to property illegally?

+an arsonist

-a shop-lifter

-a mugger

-a robber

164.Who is anyone who breaks the law?

-a burglar

-a murderer

-a kidnapper

+an offender

165.Who steals from shops while acting as an ordinary customer?

-a burglar

+a shoplifter

-a kidnapper

-an offender

166.Who kills someone?

-a burglar

+a murderer

-a kidnapper

-an offender

167.Who deliberately causes damage to property?

+a vandal

-a burglar

-a murderer

-a kidnapper

168.Who steals things from people’s pockets in crowded places?

-a murderer

-a kidnapper

+a pickpocket

-an accomplice

169.Who gets secret information from another country?

-a drug dealer

+a spy

-a terrorist

-an assassin

170.Who buys and sells drugs illegally?

-an accomplice

+a drug dealer

-a spy

-a terrorist

171.Who takes away people by force and demands money for their return?

-a burglar

-a murderer

+a kidnapper

-an offender

172.Who helps a criminal in a criminal act?

-a pickpocket

+an accomplice

-a drug dealer

-a spy

173.Who uses violence for political reasons?

-an accomplice

-a drug dealer

-a spy

+a terrorist

174.Who causes damage or disturbance in public places?

-a terrorist

-an assassin

+a hooligan

-a stowaway

175.Who hides on a ship or plane to get a free journey?

+a stowaway

-a thief

-a hijacker

-a forger

176.Who takes control of a plane by force and makes the pilot changes courses?

-a stowaway

-a thief

+a hijacker

-a forger

177.Who murders for political reasons or reward?

+an assassin

-a hooligan

-a stowaway

-a thief

178.Who is someone who steals?

-a stowaway

+a thief

-a hijacker

-a forger

179.Who makes counterfeit (false) money or signatures?

-a stowaway

-a thief

-a hijacker

+a forger

180.Who a member of a criminal group?

-a smuggler

-a traitor

+a gangster

-a deserter

181.Who steals money, etc. by force?

-a bigamist

-a drug smuggler

-a deserter

+a robber

182.Who marries illegally, being married already?

-a traitor

-a gangster

-a deserter

+a bigamist

183.Who is a soldier who runs away from the army?

-a traitor

-a gangster

+a deserter

-a bigamist

184.Who brings goods into a country illegally without paying tax?

+a smuggler

-a traitor

-a gangster

-a deserter

185.Who betrays his or her country to another state?

-a smuggler

+a traitor

-a gangster

-a deserter

186.What is the English for "ненавмисне вбивство"?





187.What is the Ukrainian for 'corporal punishment'?

-довічне покарання

-смертна кара

+тілесне покарання

-найменше покарання

188.What is the English for 'виправдати звинувачуваного'?

-to plead guilty

+to acquit an accused person

-to be tried

-to prosecute an accused in court

189.What is the English for "оштрафувати на 100 доларів"?

+to fine 100$

-to fine on 100$

-to fine in 100$

-to fine for 100$

190.What is the Ukrainian for "threat of force"?

-застосування сили

+погроза застосування сили

-погроза зброєю

-застосування зброї

191.What is the synonym of "perpetrator"?





192.What is the English for 'шахрайство'?





193.What is fraud?

-taking something without consent

-breaking into a dwelling by night with intent to commit a felony

-stealing more than a special sum of money or property

+obtaining something with consent, as a result of deception

194.In what way can a capital punishment be carried out?

-hanging, stoning, community service, shooting

+lethal injection, stoning, gassing, electrocution

-lethal injection, detention, beheading, parole

-electrocution, lethal injection, specific performance, death row

195.Why did Guillotine decide to invent an executing machine?

+to make execution as quick and painless as possible

-to make execution more spectacular

-to execute more people

-to make the work of executers easier

196.What is the English for "допит"?




-legal infliction

197.What is the synonym to "to find quilty"?

-to plead guilty

-to find not guilty

+to presume guilty

-to find innocent

198.What is the English for "зберігати порядок"?

-maintaining public order

-preventing crimes

-detecting crimes

+preserving order

199.What is the English for "підтримувати громадський порядок"?

+maintaining public order

-preventing crimes

-detecting crimes

-preserving order

200.What is the English for "запобігати злочинам"?

-maintaining public order

+preventing crimes

-detecting crimes

-preserving order

201.What is the English for "розслідувати злочини"?

-maintaining public order

-preventing crimes

+detecting crimes

-preserving order

202.What is the basic police mission?

-detecting crimes


-finding criminals

+preserving order by enforcing rules of conduct or laws

203.What is the English for "Міністерство внутрішніх справ"?

-Criminal Investigation Department

+Home Office

-Home Secretary


204.What is the English for "управління"?

-Criminal Investigation Department

-Home Office

-Home Secretary


205.What is the English for "відділ розслідування злочинів"?

+Criminal Investigation Department

-Home Office

-Home Secretary



206.Why ______ he accept the invitation??

+did not


-was he

-was not he

207.What did you ______??




-have seen

208.I ______ a lot of money yesterday??

-did not spent




209.What _______ you say to her??



-does not

-were you

210.Julia likes George but he _______ really like her??

-did not


+does not


211.Whom _______ she like??


-do not


-did no

212.I can hear music next door. Who _______ there??


+is playing

-did play

-does playing

213.I ________ understand this word??


-has not understand



214.What time _______ the train leave??





215.Why ______ ring me last night??

-you did

+did not you

-you did not

-do not you

216.Where did he _______ for his holidays last year??




-has gone

217.What do you usually _______ in the evenings??




-are doing

218.Are you married??

-Yes, I am not

+Yes, I am

-No, I am

-No, we are

219.Where did you meet your wife??

+At a wedding

-Yes, I am

-No, not yet


220.Do ______ your job??

-you don't


+you enjoy

-enjoy you

221.Do you enjoy _______ job??





222._______ she have a difficult job??





223.________ students are there in your group??

-how little


-how much

+how many

224.How _______ apples are there on the table??





225.How _______ oranges are there in the fridge??





226.How ________ water is there in the glass??


-a few



227.Оберіть правильну відповідь: найбільш ввічливо??

+the most politely

-more politely

-the politiest

-the more politer

228.Sally has two … - a boy and a girl.?





229.I … a good film yesterday.?



-am seeing

-has seen

230.Harry is in bed; he ____ .?

- sleeps

+is sleeping



231.Sue … his first day at school.?



-is remembering


232.She went home two hours _____. ?





233.How … sisters have you got??





234.This is _______ book I’ve ever read.?

-more brilliant

+the most brilliant

-most brilliant


235.How much _____ this sweater cost??





236.My mother ______ a bed headache.?

-have got


+has got


237.It ______ in this part of the world.?

-is often raining

-often rain

+often rains

-rains often

238.We _______ a holiday last year.?

+didn’t have

-haven’t had

-hadn’t have

-didn't had

239.Where _______ the Johnsons live??





240.Take your umbrella. It _____ cats and dogs.?


+is raining


-is rain

241.My parents ______ to the USA many times.?

+have been


-have being

-has been

242.Granny is in the kitchen. She _____ a plum cake.?

+is making



-has maked

243.- Is it snowing?-Yes, it started two hours _____.?





244.It _______ often rain in summer.?





245.I ______ that man because I ______ English??

-not understand/ do not know

-do not understand/not know

-not understand/not know

+do not understand/do not know

246.My wife ______ plum cakes.?

-is often making

-makes often

+often makes

-often make

247.I ______ stay at home on Sunday.?

-am not




248.He ____ rich.?





249.____ you _____ swimming??

+Do you like

-Does you like

-Are you like

-Is you like

250.John ______ in the garden.?

+is still working

-still works

-is working still

-still working

251.Dad ____ _____ on Saturdays.?

-is usually working

+usually works

-usually work

-usually working

252.They have lived there _____ 1984.?





253.I _____ in a small Russian town not far from Samara.?

-was borne

-am borne

+was born

-were born

254.Had Jenny rung before she came? – _____ ?

-Yes, she did

+Yes, she had

-Yes, she rang

-Yes, she does

255.____ a difficult exam that was!?





256.Will you be here next weekend? – _______?

+No, I won’t

-No, I don’t

-No, I’m not

-No, I not

257.After lunch you phoned someone.?

-Who rang you?

+Who did you ring?

-Who did rang you?

-Who did you rang?

258.He can play golf well, _______ ??

-doesn’t he?

-can he?

+can’t he?

-does he?

259.I met my _______ friend yesterday.?



-the best


260.Are there ________ tomatoes in the fridges??





261.Is there _______ juice in there glass?




-not some

262.When Jill _______ school??

-When had Jill finished

-When has Jill finished

+When did Jill finish

-When did Jill finished

263.I phoned him two days _______ ?





264.They _____ while they ____ their car.?

-quarreled ... washed

+were quarrelling ... were washing

-quarreled...were washing

-quarreled...has washed

265.He was tired because he _______ hard in the garden all day.?


+had worked

-was worked

-did work

266.I’m so happy to see you again. I ______ you since I left Burks.?

+haven’t seen

-hadn’t seen

-didn’t see

-am not seeing

267.Is there much _______ on the table??





268.Is there _______ into the pocket??

-many money

-some money

+much money


269.This book is ___ ?





270.If you ____ dinner, I ____ supper.?

-cook, prepare

+cook, will prepare

-will cook, will prepare

-cooks, prepare

271.If he ____ rich, he ___ us.?

-be, forget

-will be, will forget

-is, forgets

+is, will forget

272.Whose shirt is this? Is it ____??





273.Were there any friends of ____ at the party??





274.If I ____ you, I would not speak to him.?





275.If he came, we _____ that film together once more.?

-will watch


-would watched

+would watch

276.Оберіть правильну відповідь: раніше (adjective)??



-the earliest

-more early

277.Оберіть правильну відповідь: починати??

+begin - began - begun

-begin - begun - began

-begin - began - began

-began - begin - begun

278.Оберіть правильну відповідь: знаходити??

-found - find - found

-found - find - find

+find - found - found

-found - founded - founded

279.Оберіть правильну відповідь: найшвидкіший??

+the fastest


-the most fast

-more faster

280.He is the _____ person I've ever met.?



-more kind


281.Are there ________ in the yard??

-some cars

-some car

+any cars

-any car

282.Is he a postman??

-No, he is not a sailor

+Yes, he is

-Yes, he does

-No, he does not

283.Are you students??

-Yes, I am

-No, we are

-Yes, we are

-No, I am not

284.My manager is very good. And ______. ?

-my manager is a good a manager too

-mine is not too

+mine is too

-mine is

285.This hat is hers. And that hat is _______. ?





286.That newspaper is my father's. And this one is _______.?

-my mother

-my brothers

+my mother's

-my motherses

287.This is my _______ glass.?





288.He is _______.?

-mine brother

-his brothers

+my brother

-my brothers

289.This house is _______.?





290.That dress ________.?

-is her

-is hers


-are his

291.It is Bob's cat. It's ________.?


-is his

-his cat

-her cat

292.Оберіть правильну відповідь: Вона збирається відвідати свого друга??

-She was going to visit her friend

-She went to visit her friend

-She goes to visit her friend

-She is going to visit her friend

293.If Tom ____ holidays in Yalta, very little money will left.?

-will spend


-would spend


294.These flowers are _______.?





295.Listen! Somebody ______.?

-are crying



-is crying

296.There isn't _________ in the cupboard.?


-some bread

-no bread

-any bread

297.If I _____ a new flat, I'would invite you to a party.?



-will buy


298.There is ________ in the bottle.?

-not some lemonade

-no any lemonade

-some lemonade

-any lemonade

299.Next Friday my parent ______ to Paris.?


-will going

-will go


300.Tommorow morning ________ at the college.?

-he was

-he is

-he will be


301.When ________ lose his job??

-did John


-do John


302.How did she ________ last night??





303.When did you start acting??

-When I will be 20

-When I am 12

-When I was 12

-When he is 12

304.What do you usually do at 10 o'clock??

-I usually drink hot chocolate

-I usually drinks hot chocolate

-She usually drinks coffee

-She usually drink coffee

305.I broke the plate when I ______ it.?

-was washing it

-don't wash

