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Вуз: Предмет: Файл:
для студентів, ПР, кол..docx
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1.What is the English for "засудити до тюремного ув'язнення"?

-to accuse to imprisonment

+to sentence to imprisonment

-to sentence to life imprisonment

-to sent to prison

2.Use the correct preposition after the verb:?

+to happen to

-to happen with

-to happen for

-to happen on

3.Use the correct preposition after the verb:?

-to rely in

-to rely for

+to rely on

-to rely at

4.Use the correct preposition after the verb so that it could be translated as "піклуватися про":?

-to look at

-to look into

-to look for

+to look after

5.Use the correct preposition after the verb:?

+to accuse of

-to accuse in

-to accuse with

-to accuse at

6.Use the correct preposition after the verb:?

-to charge in

-to charge on

+to charge with

-to charhe at

7.What ways of the translation of the word "legal" are correct?

-законний, судовий, кримінальний, правомочний

+юридичний, правовий, легальний, судовий

-юридичний, легальний, адвокатський, судовий

-судовий, легальний, законний, законослухняний

8.Use the correct preposition in the phrase ("право на життя"):?

-the right for life

-the right on life

+the right to life

-the right of life

9.What is the English for "майновий статус"?

+property status

-social status

-racial status

-residential status

10.What is the English for "жертва":?





11.What is the English for "правопорушник":?





12.What phrase is the synonym to "death penalty"?

-criminal offence

+capital punishment

-to inflict punishment

-punishment for the crime

13.What is the synonym to "punishment"?





14.What is the English for "злодій":?





15.What is the synonym to "willful killing"?

+deliberate killing

-accidental killing



16.What is the synonym to "accidental killing"?

-deliberate killing

-willful killing



17.What is the English for "погрожувати зброєю"?

+to threat to use a weapon

-to act with weapon

-to threaten using a weapon

-to threaten to use a weapon

18.What is the English for "розумова недієздатність"?


+mental deficiency



19.What is the synonym to "accomplice"?





20.What is the English for "зловживати владою"?

+to misuse the authority

-to commit a crime on a person

-conferred by his or her office

-permanent infirmity

21.What is the English for "карний кодекс"?

-Punishment Code

+Penal Code

-Crime Code

-set of laws

22.The English for "брехати" is:?

-to tell lie

-to tell the lie

+to tell a lie

-to tell lies

23.The Ukrainian for "criminal" is:?



-кримінальний кодекс


24.What is the Ukrainian for "homicide"?


-місце злочину



25.What is the synonym to "misdemeanours"?

-grave crime

+minor offense



26.Which word doesn't mean a person?





27.What is the synonym to "deliberate killing"?

-grave crime

-accidental killing


+willful killing

28.What is the synonym to "malice aforethought"?


-grave crime

-accidental killing


29.What is the synonym to "punishment"?





30.Which word doesn't mean the punishment?



-community service


31.What is the most appropriate translation for the phrase:"Rape is punishable by twenty years of imprisonment by several persons acting as perpetrators or accessories"?

-Згвалтування карається 20 роками ув'язнення, якщо воно здійснено декільками особами з співучасниками.

-Співучасники і виконавці згвалтування караються 20 роками ув'язнення.

+Згвалтування карається 20 роками тюремного ув'язнення, якщо воно скоєне декількома особами, які діяли як виконавці, чи як співучасники.

-Згвалтування карається 20 роками тюремного ув'язнення, якщо учасники діяли як виконавці і як співучасники.

32.Who was Solon?

-a famous lawyer

+an Athenian statesman

-a king of Babylonia

-a Draco's friend

33.What is the English for "несправедливе покарання"?

-fair trail

-unjust trial

+unjust punishment

-fair punishment

34.What is the synonym to the word "prison"?





35.The first document which limited the absolute power of the English king was...?

-he Code of Hummurabi

-the Napoleon's Code

-the English Constitution

+the Magna carta

36.What is the correct preposition followed the verb "to ask someone..." (просити щось)?





37.What is the correct preposition followed the verb "to borrow something ...someone"?





38.What is the correct preposition followed the verb "to congratulate ..." (вітати з)?





39.What is the correct preposition followed the verb "to explain something ...someone"?





40.What is the correct preposition followed the verb "to write ...someone"?





41.What is the correct preposition followed the verb "invite someone ...somewher"?





42.What is the English for "снитися"?

+dream about

-dream of

-dream on

-dream from

43.What is the English for "сміятися над"?

-laugh on

-laugh over

-laugh above

+laugh at

44.What is the English for "слухати щось/когось"?

-to listen -

+to listen to

-to listen with

-to listen in

45.What is the English for 'дивитися на'?

-to look on

-to look in

+to look at

-to look for

46.What is the English for "шукати щось"?

+to look for

-to look -

-to look in

-to look on

47.What is the English for "піклуватися про"?

-to look for

+to look after

-to look in

-to look on

48.What is the English for "кричати на"?

+to shout on

-to shout to

-to shout at

-to shout --

49.What is the English for "крикнути комусь"?

-to shout on

+to shout to

-to shout at

-to shout --

50.What is the English for "арештувати без ордеру"?

-to arrest without a reprimand

-to arrest without a suspicion

+to arrest without a warrent

-to arrest without a rebellion

51.What is the English for "робити догану"?

+to reprimand

-to suspect

-to quiet down

-to acquit

52.What is the English for "виправдати"?

-to sentence to

-to charge with

-to blame

+to acquit

53.The Act "Habeas Corpus" means ...?

-that all people can have a fair trial

+that any person should be first brought to court before being sent to prison

-that any person should be immediately informed in language that he/she understands about the reason of his/her detention

-that all people have the right to respect of his or her dignity

54.What is the English for "зчинити самогубство"?

+to commit a suicide

-to commit a felony

-to commit a burglary

-to commit a robbery