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Э. Как писать эссе. Часть 2.

Мы уже подробно рассказывали о том, как писать письмо другу, а также эссе "За и против". Сегодня мы остановимся на особенностях написания, так называемого Opinion Essay, или "Ваше мнение" (задание С2).

После "such as" запятая не ставится вообще.

Перед "such as" запятая ставится, если даются примеры, иллюстрирующие слово перед выражением. Пример:

There are some dangerous sports, such as motor racing or bungee jumping.

Перед "such as" запятая не ставится, если дается определение предшествующему слову. Пример из эссэ выше:

...allows people to find some new things such as new minerals or new living beings.

Слово "things" не является определенной категорией, перечисления после "such as" раскрывают смысл этого слова.

Особенности задания:

Время выполнения - 40 минут.

Требуемый объем текста - 200-250 слов. Если слов будет меньше, задание получает 0 баллов и далее не проверяется. Если их будет больше, отсчитываются 250 слов от начала работы и оценивается только эта часть. Чтобы не тратить время на подсчет слов, необходимо запомнить, сколько слов в среднем приходится на одну строку вашим почерком. Если вы пока тренируетесь и пишете эссе на компьютере, то подсчитывать слова можно на этом сайте. Вставьте текст в первое окно и нажмите кнопку "Calculate Words".

Прочитайте задание, в котором заявлена проблема, и выразите свою точку зрения относительно данной темы.

Структура эссе:

Вступление. Перефразируйте проблему, заявленную в теме, своими словами.

Основная часть. В первом абзаце выразите свое мнение и обоснуйте его, приведите примеры. Во втором абзаце раскройте противоположную точку зрения и объясните, почему вы с ней не согласны.

Заключение. Сделайте вывод, основанный на приведенных ранее аргументах.

В качестве примера приведем задание на тему космических исследований.

"Некоторые люди считают, что мы должны исследовать космос и другие планеты. А некоторые полагают, что подобные исследования - это бесполезная трата времени и денег. Что вы думаете об этом?"

В следующем эссе 248 слов, выделенные фразы могут быть использованы для других тем, поэтому обратите на них особое внимание и применяйте в каждом эссе, которые встречаются в практических тестах.

It is a well-known fact that exploring space takes a lot of time and costs much money. Some people think that it is helpful for the development of space science. The others believe that space exploration is not worth its costs and time taking.

In my opinion, people should visit other planets and explore space. First of all, we use progressive technologies to travel to space and sooner or later they become available in everyday life. For example, they can be used in the car, computer and power industries. Besides, exploring space allows people to find some new things such as new minerals or new living beings. It is a great chance to discover mysteries of the new world. Moreover, astronauts who travel to space have an interesting and exciting job. It differs from the jobs of a bank manager or a bus driver; it is more risky and more adventurous.

However, some people think that we should not waste time and money on space travelling. They believe that money which is usually spent on space research could be given to poor people who die of hunger. I do not agree with that. I am sorry for poor countries too but we should reduce poverty not by means of space development but using money spent on wars and military needs.

To sum up, there are two opposite opinions about space exploration. But I personally think that travelling to space is useful and challenging for science, technologies and people in general.

Если у вас возникли вопросы, касающиеся перевода тех или иных фраз, а также структуры эссе, задавайте их в комментариях.

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Model EssaySome people think that cars should be banned from the centres of big cities.

There is no doubt that the invention of the car changed the world and nowadays we can hardly find a family without a car. Nevertheless, some people are against cars, especially in the centres of big cities.

In my opinion, cars should not be allowed into the city centres as they add to pollution and poison the air we breathe. We must also think about the people who live in the centre and suffer from the noise made by cars. Moreover, the streets in the centre are usually narrow therefore people are often stuck in traffic for many hours and, as a result, arrive late at their destination. Finally, with no cars in city centres, there would be no need for large ugly car parks, which would allow more space for parks.

However, many people believe we would not be able to survive without cars because most of the products for shops and other businesses are transported by cars. Besides, they are afraid that public transport would be overloaded. But these problems can be solved by introducing a reliable high frequency tram service as well as developing the underground. As for goods, we could use electric vehicles for their delivery.

To sum up, I believe that a clean, reliable and environmentally friendly public service would encourage people to use public transport and help smooth the transition to a car-free zone.

grandparents say their way of life was much more secure. However, young people have many more life opportunities nowadays. What is your opinion? Which way of life do you find more satisfying?

There is no doubt that the present way of life differs much from the one people had in the past. However, while young people appreciate the advantages of the modern lifestyle, it is often criticized by older people.

In my opinion, nowadays young people are offered many more life opportunities than in the past. To begin with, due to technological progress teenagers can travel around the world and expand their outlook. In addition, the Internet allows talented people to show their achievements and to find a job in any part of the world. What is more, new technology has made our everyday lives easier, therefore, we can spend more time on our education and leisure activities.

On the other hand, our grandparents think young people today are in greater danger because of drugs, new viruses and violence. I would not say that because nowadays teenagers are aware of the bad effects of drug addiction and take care of their health. Besides, most dangerous diseases can now be cured whereas in the past people died of incurable illnesses. As for violence, crime has always existed in the world but today we have better ways of protection.

In conclusion, I would argue that the old days were not as good as some people think they were. Of course, we still have lots of problems but, nevertheless, I find modern way of life more attractive as it allows people to make the most of their abilities.

Model Essay

Nowadays people spend a lt of money in order to go to an English-speaking country to improve their language skills. But is it really the most effective way of learning a language?

In my opinion, learning a foreign language abroad has certain drawbacks. Firstly, it is very expensive as the tuition fee for overseas students is rather high. Besides, when you study abroad, you have to adapt to a very different way of life, which can be quite stressful. What is more, English teachers do not speak Russian so if you don't know English well, you will not be able to understand their explanation.

On the other hand, it is often assumed that it is better to study a language abroad because you can always use it speaking with native speakers. However, I doubt that learners will have lots of opportunities to speak a new language abroad as they do not know many people there. It is also believed that Russian teachers are not as qualified as those in England. I totally disagree with this opinion because Russian teachers can compare two languages and explain grammar rules better.

To sum up, I would argue that the best way to learn a language is to study it in your native country because you can always get the necessary help from your teachers. Moreover, today we have lots of opportunities to improve our skills such as communicating with English pen-friends over the Internet. I think that we should travel abroad so as to practise a language rather than study it. (Мурзанова)

People spend too much time and money on fashion. Do you agree or disagree? (Opinion Essay, Virginia Evans)

Every season, the great fashion houses of Europe and America present their new collections in the hope of persuading people to renew their wardrobes by purchasing the latest designs. In my opinion, one does not have to be a slave to fashion in order to look smart.

To start with, following the latest trends in fashion can be extremely expensive. This is especially true for those who buy costly designer clothing. There is also the risk of getting into debt in order to keep up with the latest fashions.

In addition to this, followers of fashion often give up their individuality for the sake of fashion. They choose clothes which suit neither their figures nor their personalities. This is unfortunate, as the way we dress should reflect who we really are.

On the other hand, some people argue that it is necessary to dress fashionably in order to create the correct image for their careers. This is particularly true of those who work with the public, as they reflect the image of their company. This does not mean that the latest fashions are the most appropriate, however. Simple but well-made clothes are almost always the best choice for business wear.

To conclude, I strongly believe that it is advisable to dress with style by choosing good quality clothes which suit you as an individual and have lasting elegance. So instead of changing your wardrobe constantly, isn’t it better to build up a collection of clothes which you can always wear?


City vs Country

Ideas | -

План основной части приблизительно таков:

My opinion: the city is a better environment than the CS // is a better place to live in // ... (general idea)

1) Opportunities:

---- jobs (well-paid, a wide variety)

---- better education, more qualified teachers

---- healthcare

---- shopping malls

---- etc

2) Leisure-time facilities/activities // recreation(al) facilities

---- museums

---- theatres, cinemas, clubs

---- health/fitness centres, / sporting venues


However/On the other hand,.....

.....there are those who believe that the city is no longer a good place to live in (because…) OR:

The opponents of city life/of living in the city believe/claim/think/etc that …(либо ругать город, либо хвалить деревню, либо и то и др).+ Свой контраргумент обязательно.

Простейший, но не всегда лучший сп-б присоединить контраргумент:

The truth is that... OR

What they forget is that/is the fact that...

Transport related vocabulary (1): Pollution, environment

(face the problem of) traffic jams= (be faced with the problem of)

Opening sentences (suggestions)

Over the past (few) decades, the number of cars on the road has...

...escalated / plummeted / risen / grown...



(get/be stuck in) a jam -- застрять / застревать в пробке

Vehicles -- транспортные средства

...Numbers of vehicles are (constantly) rising/growing...

to encourage people / drivers / motorists to...

....to use public transport;

....to use their /private car(s) less;

....to abandon their cars


to introduce congestion charges;

to reduce traffic / pollution / congestion

close the city centre for transport

to emit (poisonous /dangerous /toxic) exhaust fumes -- выделять (ядовитые/опасные) выхлопные газы;



Cars do more harm than good

Cars ...

...are / pose a (major) threat to...

......(to) our health/the environment/to our planet/to city dwellers.../etc. as ...

..........(as) they are a major source of air and noise pollution;

...clog up the streets;

...make life of shoppers / tourists / city dwellers/pedestrians unbearable;

...force people prone to chest infections // people with lung diseases /respiratory ailments, such as asthma, bronchitis to stay indoors (they no longer open open their windows and instead have to use air conditioning);

...are responsible for deaths of thousands of people/=they hasten the deaths of thousands of people each year;


Those who support the idea of... /Supporters of (the idea of) (сторонники)...

...of using public transport

...of further restrictions of traffic

The opponents (противники) of banning cars from the city centre claim that as public transport is unreliable, cars would be the only way to drive to the opposite part of the city very fast. But it is also the case that because of traffic congestion people get stuck in jams and can get to the place of their destination even more slowly than on foot //=cars are even failing to transport us quickly to where we need to go.

lots/ a lot of – это не для формального стиля. Это в British English больше для разговора, для полуофициального стиля, для статей журнальных и личных писем. Не для эссе, если подходить к выбору (и оцениванию) стиля серьезно. Вот что пишет Oxford Advanced Learners' Dictionary:

A lot of/lots of is still felt to be informal, especially in British English, so in formal writing it is better to use much, a great deal of or a large amount of.

То же самое еще в большей степени касается выражения plenty of. Во-первых, разговорное оно, во-вторых, имеет дополнительный оттенок: так много, что даже лишнее (enough and even more than needed):

We have plenty of time. – времени навалом, полно;

She has plenty of books. – У нее книг читать не перечитать.

Нужно ли использовать в экзаменационной работе слова, близкие по значению и оттенку к полно и навалом, решайте сами.

Что употреблять в формальных контекстах в таком случае?

Нейтральные MUCH/MANY и их эквиваленты:

a great deal (of) = much

a large amount /quantity (of) = much

a large/great number (of) = many

a considerable amount (of) = much

a considerable number (of) = many

earth/the earth

Here are more common uses for the definite article THE


5. before earth, moon, and sun when they are not capitalized:

...We must learn to take better care of the earth.

...Is the moon full tonight?

...How far is the earth from the sun?

Do not use THE for the names of planets.

When "earth" is used as the name of a planet, use a capital letter and do not use the:

not this: *The Jupiter is a very large planet.

but this: Jupiter is a very large planet.

not this: *How far is it from the Earth to the moon?

but this: How far is it from Earth to the moon?

Source:Using English Articles (#10), by Dennis Oliver


“Earth” is a special case. Sometimes, it is a proper noun (=ИМЯ СОБCТВЕННОЕ) and sometimes it is not, and sometimes we use “the” before it and sometimes not. When it is referred to as one of the planets , it is a proper noun spelt with a capital ‘E’ and does not have “the” before it, just like the other planets. Thus, we can say that “Mercury, Venus, Mars and Earth are among the planets orbiting round the Sun, and we live on Earth.”

But when we consider it only in relation to what is on or in it, we usually use it as a common noun and spell it with a small ‘e’, for example in: “We have to protect the earth against pollution, for the sake of all human beings, present and future.”

In the case of our sun and moon, however, they are always referred to as “the sun/the Sun” or “the moon/the Moon”, whether they are used as proper nouns or common nouns.