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The Faculty of Law

The Faculty of Law was founded in 1916 (the year of university foundation). It consisted of 5 departments, where 53 students were trained. The first dean of the Faculty was V.F. Matveev, Doctor of administrative law, professor of Kazan University.

In summer 1921 the Faculty of History and Philology and the Faculty of Law were combined and the Faculty of Social Sciences was established. In 1948 the Faculty of Law was restored. A.P. Nikienko, the former military officier, became the dean of the Faculty.

In 1953 first experts in law graduated from the University. M.N.Averbuh, the chief councillor of justice and M.G.Pismanik, Doctor of philosophy, professor of Perm Technical University were among the first graduates.

In 1956 the training at correspondence department was set off and in 1959 the education at part-time department was introduced. In 1962 35 students of correspondence department graduated from the University as qualified lawyers. In 1965 first students of part-time department finished their studies.

I.M. Kislitsin, E.A. Golovanova, A.A. Ushakov, A.V. Rybin, E.I. Kovalenko, V.A. Pohmelkin, and also well-known doctors of jurisprudence such as D.N. Bahrah (a former student of the faculty), V.V. Pugachev, A.N. Talalaev, V.P. Shahmatov, I.S. Noj, V.D. Dorohov made up the staff of the faculty of that period. Since 1948 till 1952 a senior lecturer I.M. Kislitsin occupied the post of the dean of the Faculty. Then the faculty was headed by senior lecturers E.I. Kovalenko and A.V. Rybin, professor O.I. Tiunov. Since 1990 professor S.G. Mihailov has been occupying the post of the dean.

The training of students is carried out in two main directions: Jurisprudence and Social Work. The students can get full-time education (5 years) or they can study by correspondence (for 6 years). The Faculty includes eight deparments:

  • of Theory and History of State and Law

  • of Civil Law and Civil Procedure

  • of Constitution and Finance Law

  • of Labour Law and Social Security

  • of Criminal Law and Public Prosecuting Supervision

  • of Criminal Law and Criminalistics

  • of International and European Law

  • of Social Work

Students are educated by highly-qualified lecturers. Among the faculty graduates there are well-known polititians, deputies to the state Duma and the Council of Federation, statesmen, as well as leading lawyers of the Russian Federation.

The faculty of law has close contacts with all legal institutions, law departments, social services, educational establishments both in the city of Perm and Perm area. Moreover, it has started developing its international collaboration with a number of foreign countries, including Germany, the UK, France and the USA.

a) Department of Constitutional and Financial Law

Management and finance lawyers are trained at the department of constitutional and financial law. At this department students are trained for operating modern technologies referring to enterprise and business management, administrative jurisdiction, finance and tax law, application for tax legislation, customs law. Professional activity of experts in management and finance law is usually connected with governmental and administrative activity and private business.

b) Department of Civil Law Business lawyers are trained at the department of civil law. Students specialized at this department get profound knowledge in civil law. They study the work of different civil institutions, paying special attention to banking law, security law. Students study the bases of legal service organization, consumers rights security. Business lawyers are employed in the Office of Public Prosecutor, Justice, legal and notary’s offices and also in private business.

c) Department of Labour Law and Social Security

Future experts in Russian and International labour law are trained on the department of labour law and social security. Students attend special courses in theory and economics of labour relations, and also in all basic sections of labour law and social security law, take part in seminars to master their professional skills. Educational process of students trained at this department presupposes cooperation with members of law institutions and gives various opportunities for scientific work. Academic council for defending theses in labour law and social security law is provided at the department.

d) Departments of Criminal Law and Criminalistics and of Criminal Law and Public Prosecutor Supervision

The departments of criminal law and criminalistics, of criminal law and public prosecutor supervision provide training for experts in criminal law. Students specialized at this department get profound knowledge in criminal law and criminal procedure, get skills in different professional spheres. Experts in law security are normally involved in the activity of Home office, Office of Public Prosecutor, Justice institutions.

e) Department of International and European Law

Department of International and European Law trains specialists in international legal system, who have a good command not only of international public and private law, but also of international trade, currency, banking, investment, criminal laws, European law, international protection of intellectual property and a lot of other issues. The members of the department of international and European law do their best to train such experts. To get a good job graduates have also to be good at foreign languages, that’s why the students of the faculty study English during the whole period of their studies at the University.

f) Department of Social Work The activity of a social worker requires professional skills in providing social and finance support, medical, social, psychological and pedagogical support, and knowledge of functioning of social labour groups and employment agencies.

The curriculum includes a wide range of pedagogical, psychological, medical and a number of law subjects such as: family law and family protection, labour law, civil law, protection of rights of disabled and elderly people, foreign social law.

Social workers practice their professional skills and personal characteristics to help those, who need it.

Обратите внимание, что слово department имеет несколько значений:

  • факультет: law department (юридический факультет)

  • отделение: full-time department (дневное отделение)

  • кафедра: department of Constitutional and Financial Law (кафедра конституционного и финансового права)

Задание 1

Сопоставьте даты и их значение в соответствии с содержанием текста

1. In 1916

a) the Faculty of Law was restored

2. In 1921

b) first lawyers graduated from the University after the restoration of the faculty

3. In 1948

c) there were 53 students

4. Since 1948 till 1952

d) professor S.G. Mihailov has been the Dean

5. In 1953

e) the Faculty of Social Sciences was established

6. In1956

f) part-time department was organized

7. In 1959

g) I.M. Kislitsin was the dean of the Faculty

8. In 1962

h) first students of part-time department graduated from the University

9. In 1965

i) correspondence department was established

10. Since 1990

j) first students of correspondence department graduated from the University

Задание 2

Сопоставьте слова и выражения на английском языке с их русскими эквивалентами

  1. Staff

  1. сотрудничество

  1. Dean

  1. Совет Федераций

  1. To be combined

  1. законодательный

  1. Educational establishments

  1. знакомиться

  1. Collaboration

  1. преподавательский состав

  1. Council of Federation

  1. занимать пост

  1. Legislative

  1. декан

  1. To be specialized

  1. образовательные учреждения

  1. To get acquainted

  1. объединять

  1. To occupy the post

  1. специализироваться

Задание 3

Подберите синонимы к следующим словам


day department



correspondence department

to graduate


part-time department



to establish



to lead




extra-mural department



full-time department


to finish

evening department



to head



to found

Задание 4

Найдите в тексте 9 случаев употребления пассивного залога.

Выпишите эти предложения (или завершенную по смыслу часть предложения) и переведите его на русский язык.

Выпишите конструкцию, содержащую пассивный залог и дайте его название.

Пример: The Faculty of Law was founded in 1916.

Юридический факультет был основан в 1916 г.

was founded – Past Simple Passive

Смотрите раздел в грамматике «Пассивный залог» (The Passive Voice)

Задание 5

Переведите названия кафедр на русский язык

Deparment of theory and History of State and Law

Deparment of Civil Law and Civil Procedure

Deparment of Constitution and Finance Law

Deparment of Labour Law and Social Security

Deparment of Criminal Law and Public Prosecuting Supervision

Deparment of Criminal Law and Criminalistics

Deparment of International and European Law

Deparment of Social Work

Задание 6

Переведите на русский язык следующие слова и выражения, обратите внимание на употребление множественного числа:

tax law

international protection

Home office


disabled people



intellectual property

employment agencies

to master professional skills

Задание 7

Письменно передайте содержание одного текста на выбор (a-f) на русский язык. Обоснуйте свой выбор на английском языке.

Для сдачи зачета Вам необходимо:

  • владеть лексикой из всех заданий;

  • уметь без подготовки и без словаря перевести на русский язык любой отрывок текста на выбор преподавателя;

  • уметь в хорошем темпе, с правильным произношением рассказывать о юридическом факультете на английском языке с полным пониманием текста;

  • быть готовым ответить на любые вопросы преподавателя по содержанию текста.