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Волкова Т.П. Пособие по грамматике.doc
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1. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1) The conference is supposed to begin at ten.

2) He is considered to be a very skilled worker.

3) He is sure to call you.

4) Do you happen to hear the news?

5) He turned out to be a mean person.

6) They seemed/appeared to be discussing something important. 7) He was said to live in New York.

8) Mary is unlikely to know several foreign languages.

9) He is known to be writing a new play.

10) This scientist appears to have completed a new book.

11) Paul is likely to have been traveling a lot.

12) There is certain to be some discrepancy (противоречие, расхождение) between theory and observation.

2. Выберите верный вариант ответа.

1) Diplomacy ..... to be the art of jumping into troubled waters without making a splash.

a) is thought b) thought c) thinks

2) Experience ..... to be a comb which nature gives us when we are bald.

a) is said b) says c) said

3) Dorian looked at the picture attentively. It ..... to have changed very little.

a) appeared b) is appeared c) appears

4) Tess looked at me for a moment. She ..... to be trying to come to a decision.

a) seems b) is seemed c) seemed

5) Tom hates traveling by air, so he ..... to go by plane.

a) is unlikely b) unlikely c) was unlikely

6) The sky is covered with heavy clouds; it ..... to rain in a minute.

a) likely b) is likely c) will be likely

3. Переделайте предложения используя сложное подлежащее.


It is well known that this method is unreliable. – This method is known to be unreliable.

  1. It is thought that this problem is more complicated,

  2. It is expected that this approach will give a better result.

  3. It is reported that the Earth’s crust is the thinnest in the Atlantic Ocean.

  4. It is supposed that the planet have a weak magnetic field.

  5. It is unlikely that this planet is inhabitable.

  6. It is said that the Everest is the highest mountain in the world.

  7. It has been found that optical technology is cost-effective.

  8. It seems that our present-day life is quite impossible without telephone, radio, and television.

  9. It is certain that superconductivity brought about a new technological revolution.

  10. Nobody has ever seen him smile or laugh.

  11. People have never heard her say a kind word to anybody.

  12. It is known that he was a boxer in his youth.

  13. They did not allow us to enter.

  14. It was expected that some new people would arrive in a week.

  15. It is not likely that the weather will change soon.

  16. It seems she has forgotten everything.

  17. It turned out that he was sleeping at the time I phoned.

  18. It happens that money just doesn't interest me at all.

  19. It appeared that he was thinking of something and had not noticed me enter.

  20. It seemed that he was looking for trouble.

4. Переделайте предложения, используя отрицание, так, чтобы смысл предложения сохранился.


He seems to be awake. — He doesn't seem to be asleep.

  1. This seems to be a very difficult assignment.

  2. The fortuneteller finally proved to be wrong in her predictions.

  3. Our athletes are very likely to win in the championship.

  4. She turned out to remember everything I had said.

  5. The jury seemed to be uncertain as to whether the accused was guilty.

  6. The police are said to have behaved very politely.

  7. This student is sure to pass the exam successfully.

  8. Her new friends turned out to hate pop music.

  9. He is believed to have spoken the real truth in court.

  10. Some of the students proved to have attended no classes