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Unit 10 Nutrients that provide energy.

Sugar and Starch, or Two Carbohydrates

Sugar and starch are used mainly to supply the body with energy. Foods that contain sugar, such as oranges and milk, are found in the Fruit and Milk Groups. Foods that contain starch, such as pasta and potatoes, are found in the Bread and Vegetable Groups. Sugar and starch are carbohydrates. During digestion, the body breaks down starch into a simple sugar called glucose that can be absored by cells and used for energy. All carbohydrates provide quick energy.


Like carbohydrates, fat provides the body with energy. But fat contains more than twice as many food calories per unit of mass as carbohydrates. Unlike most carbohydrates, fats can be stored in the body. Then can be used when the body needs energy. Foods that are rich in fats include margarine, butter, salad oils, olives, nuts and seeds, cheeses, and many meats. These foods are found in the Milk and Meat Groups, as well as in Fats, Oils, and Sweets.


Proteins are the third group of nutrients that can provide energy. Their primary use, however, is not to supply the body with energy. Proteins make up much of the structure of cells. Milk, meats, fish, eggs, beans, and cheeses are good sources of protein. These foods are found in the Milk and Meat Groups. Foods in the Bread and Vegetable Groups also contain protein, but in smaller amounts.

Active Vocabulary






страва із макарон





to absorb

вбирати, поглинати






поживна речовина


первинний, основний




Task 1. Answer the questions to the text.

  1. What nutrients that provide energy do you know?

  2. What do sugar and starch supply the body with?

  3. Are pasta and milk found in the Fruit and Milk Groups?

  4. Fats can be stored in the body, can’t they?

  5. What products are good sources of protein?

Task 2. Plan a healthful diet. Be sure that the meals you create are ones you would actually eat.

Food items

How much

Number of servings

Total number of servings

Bread Group

Vegetable Group

Fruit Group

Milk Group

Meat Group

Fats, Oils, and Sweets

Task 3. Translate into English.

  1. Цукор і крохмаль забезпечують наш організм енергією.

  2. Цукор і крохмаль – вуглеводи.

  3. Маргарин, масло, м’ясо, маслини, горіхи, сири багаті на жири.

  4. Білки – це третя група поживних речовин, що забезпечують організм енергією.

  5. Молоко, м'ясо, риба, яйця, боби, сири – головні джерела білків.

Task 4. You are giving a party at home. Some of your guests like to eat exotic dishes, two of them are vegetarians and one is a sweet tooth. Make up a list of menu

for your party. Try to be economical.

Task 5. Points for discussion:

a) “Dietary. Advantages and disadvantages”

b) “Carbohydrate, fat and protein right proportion while dieting”

c) “Healthful diet”

d) “Is it good to be a vegetarian?”

e) “What are the conveniences and inconveniences of dining out and giving a

party at home?”

f) “Describe your favourite dish and the way of cooking it”

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