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Розмовні теми з англійської.doc
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Words and word combinations:

hazard: небезпека

peers: однолітки, однодумці

fire extinguishers: протигаз

adequate ventilation: достатня вентиляція

gloves: рукавиці

fire: вогонь

comprehensive: всесторонній

conspicuously: замітно

safety goggles: захисні окуляри

aprons: фартухи

laboratory coats: халати

The Internship Program

The Ternopil Instrument-Making Institute prepares men and women for professional careers in engineering and related positions in industry commerce and government. TIMI provides training in mathematical and physical sciences and their application to a broad spectrum of technological and social requirements of society. The curricula, although widely varied and specialized, are built on a general foundation of scientific theory applicable to many different fields. Work in the classroom and laboratory is brought into sharper focus by practical problems that the students solve by methods similar to those of practicing engineers. These practical problems are presented in the form of an internship program.

Students alternate periods of attendance at TIMI with periods of "employment" in industry. The "employment", which is an essential element in the educational process, is for the most part with the same company each work period and is related to the student's field of study. The assignment increases in difficulty and responsibility with each succeeding internship.

First-year students, or freshmen, participate in an introductory internship at various manufacturing plants, factories, and technical schools in Ternopil in order to receive a degree at a technical professional level. After completion of theoretical and practical courses, students pass a qualificative exam in one of the following specialties: turner, miller, welder, etc.

Second-year students, or sophomores , become interns with industries in Ternopil or other cities in Ukraine after completing their general engineering and foundation courses. During this internship, not only do the students learn manufacturing and technological processes, they gather material needed for term papers and projects within their specialized discipline or major which lead eventually to the development of graduation theses.

For final modifications and forming of a thesis for their diploma projects (or sometimes called graduation theses or senior design projects), students participate in a pre-diploma internship. During this internship they learn about the organization of work at their place of business, study technological installations, learn about new health and safety regulations and gather additional material to complete their graduation theses.

As a rule, the first-year internship lasts 4-5 weeks, the second internship for 4 weeks, and the pre-diploma for 5-6 weeks.

Words and word combinations:

broad spectrum: широкий спектр

curricula: курс навчання

intern: практикант

to alternate: чергуватися

turner: токар

welder: зварювальник

requirements: вимоги

internship program: виробнича практика

employment: праця

miller: фрезерувальник

graduation thesis or senior design projects: дипломна робота

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