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Плоткин Александр.1ЛА. Лексикологический анализ....doc
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Lexicological analysis of an Irish pub song

“Beer, beer, beer”

Выполнил: студент

3-го курса, группы 1(б)ЛА

Плоткин А.Д.



Наталья Александровна

Санкт-Петербург 2010


  1. The functional style

  1. The variants of English

  1. Etymological analysis

  1. Polysemy

  1. The components of meaning

  1. Contextual analysis

  1. Homonymy

  1. Synonymy

  1. Antonomy

  1. Hypero-hyponimic relations

  1. Word-formation

  1. Phraseology

  1. Proper names

  1. Proverbs and sayings

  1. Dictionaries and resources

Beer, Beer, Beer

Beer, Beer, Beer, tiddly beer, beer, beer A long time ago way back in history When all there was to drink, was nothing but cups of tea. Along came a man by the name of Charlie Mopps, And he invented a wonderful drink and he made it out of hops. He must have been an admiral, a sultan, or a king. And to his praises we shall always sing. Look at what he's done for us, he's filled us up with cheer. Lord Bless Charlies Mopps the man who invented Beer, Beer, Beer, tiddly beer, beer, beer The Drunken Rat, the Aiken Drum, the Trowles Pub as well, One thing you can be sure of, it's Charlies' beer they sell So all ye lads and lasses at eleven o'clock ye stop. For five short seconds, remember Charlies Mopps. One, Two, Three, Four, Five...

He must have been an admiral, a sultan, or a king. And to his praises we shall always sing. Look at what he's done for us, he's filled us up with cheer. Lord Bless Charlies Mopps the man who invented Beer, Beer, Beer, tiddly beer, beer, beer A barrel of malt, a bushel of hops; you stir it around with a stick. The kind of lubrication to make your engines tick. Forty pints of wallop a day will keep away the quacks. Its only eight pence halfpenny, and one and six in tax. One, Two, Three, Four, Five... He must have been an admiral, a sultan, or a king. And to his praises we shall always sing. Look at what he's done for us, he's filled us up with cheer. Lord Bless Charlies Mopps the man who invented

Beer, Beer, Beer, tiddly beer, beer, beer, tiddly beer, beer, beer. The Lord bless Charlie Mopps.

1. Functional style

The analyzed text is a famous Irish pub song “Beer, beer, beer.” which represents a piece of narration. The author using words and expressions that are likely to be used by the ”visitors of the pups”(such as ye lads and lasses, tiddly, quack )tells us a story of the invention of the beer. The words: ye, lasses – are often used by the common people, and they are natural for Irishmen. They create an atmosphere of ease, joy and light-heartedness, that is natural for Irish pubs. In the song the exclamation “HAY!” is often repeated, that adds some expressiveness to the song. There are no dialectal, slang (except ye lads and lasses, tiddly, quack)or vulgar words in this extract but in the text was created an informal atmosphere, appealing to the reader.

2. The variants of English

This song has no author, but it is known that it is Irish song, so no wonder that there are such words as ye lads and lasses, tiddly, quack. However, nowadays these words are used also by the British people.

None of the dialects or regional variants of the English language (Australian, Canadian...) is presented in the text.