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22/City traffic in London

London is a huge metropolitan area that is why public transport is vitally important for the city dwellers as well as tourists, for whom it might be quite confusing to get about London. British transport system is reliable and quite cheap. However, due to the increase of car ownership, London traffic has become 3 times as heavy as it used to be and the length of the traffic jams increased dramatically. As a result, the problem of fatal car accidents appeared.

Apart from taxies, there are 2 main methods of transport in London: the Underground and the buses. Buses are best for sightseeing, especially double-decker buses. However, they are rather slow, especially during the rush hour. On the traditional double-decker there were no doors and passengers leaped up and off the bus and conductor was moving about and collecting fares from the passengers. However, nowadays fares are given directly to the driver or to the machine. Moreover, London transport has recently introduced single-decker buses which are called "Red Arrows".

London Underground, which is also called Tube, offers people more convenient, speedy and direct form of travel. The Underground was opened at the end of the 19th century, in 1884. Now there are more than 270 stations. You can recognize the Tube stations by the red and blue signs at the street level. There is no fixed fare, because it depends on the distance you travel. You can buy a ticket or a ticket-stub from a booking office clerk or from a machine. There are 8 different underground lines in the London Underground system. The travelers, who are not familiar with the Tube, should always consult the map.

So, London transport system is rapid and fast, but sometimes it can be really confusing.

23/The road accident

The man was crossing a road where there were no facilities such a zebra markings or pelican crossings.

It was a relatively busy residential street. After looking both ways he began to cross and had almost reached the opposite kerb when he was struck by a car coming from his left. The pedestrian was literally 2 feet away from the kerb when the collision occurred.

The car driver said that the man "appeared from nowhere" and pleaded innocence to the police who attended the scene. The fact was, however, that the evidence at the scene showed that the car driver could and should have spotted the pedestrian who had walked almost the full width of the road - had he been paying proper attention he would have braked and avoided the collision.

He was cautioned for driving without due care and attention.

24/The rules of crossing the street

In a society where drivers are getting more and more inattentive, being a pedestrian can be very dangerous. However, there are steps you can take to make a safer and more enjoyable walking experience. Walking is a great way to save money, be healthier and help the environment. These 3 simple rules will help to ensure safe and happy travels on the road.

  1. Stay On The Sidewalk

Use sidewalks whenever possible. When using a sidewalk, stay as far from the road as you can. If a sidewalk is unavailable, walk against traffic and stay as far to the left of the shoulder as possible. When walking in the street with more than one person, walk in single file, even if you do not see or hear any cars in the area. Avoid streets that are excessively busy or have high speed limits. Always be predictable in your behavior and never predict the actions of a driver.

  1. Careful When Crossing

Always cross the road at a crosswalk or traffic light. Stand back several feet from the sidewalk until you are sure it is safe to cross. Never assume that a driver will follow the traffic law and stop at a red light or stop sign. Look both ways before crossing and make momentary eye contact with the drivers in the intersection. When crossing in front of a truck or bus, walk at least 10 feet in front of the vehicle to ensure that the driver can see you. Walk fast but carefully.

  1. Be Visible

Wear bright colors whenever possible, especially when walking at night. Avoid walking in areas that are poorly lit or contain winding roads. Never assume that a driver can see you, but always make an effort to be seen. If all else fails, it never hurts to be friendly to drivers, wave and say "hello" and "thank you."

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