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Роздатковий матеріал до заняття 31

Тема: «Staff in court.»

1. Read the words correctly:

Bailiff, to schedule, jury service, clerk, during the trial, an important role, judge

2. Read the text and answer the questions:


In addition to the lawyers and the judge, three other people will play an important role in the trial. The court reporter, who sits close to the witnesses and the judge, puts down every word that is spoken during the trial and also may record the proceedings on tape. The clerk, who sits right below the judge, keeps track of all documents and exhibits and notes down important events in the trial. The bailiff helps to keep the trial running smoothly. The jury is in the custody of the bailiff, who sees to the jurors comfort and convenience and helps them if they are having any problems related to jury service.

  1. Who must be present in court during a trial?

  2. What does a court reporter do in court?

  3. Where does he sit?

  4. What does a clerk do in court?

  5. What is the duty of a bailiff?

3. Translate the sentences into English using the text:

1) Секретар у суді записує перебіг справи на плівку. 2) Пристав слідкує за тим, щоб у присяжних не було проблем, пов’язаних з виконанням обов’язку присяжного. 3) Присяжні охороняються приставом. 4) Судовий секретар знаходиться рядом зі свідками і суддею. 5) Суддя і адвокати відіграють основну роль у судовому процесі.

Модальні дієслова:

4. Choose the correct item.

1. You..................go to the shops. I've already been

A can't B mustn't C needn't 2. Linda is an artist. She ................ paint very well.

A couldn't B can C could

3. When I was young, I............run very fast.

A can't B can C could

4. ......................you help me with my homework, please?

A needn't B shall C will

5.. ...............you like another biscuit?

A Shall B Will C Would

6. You................take photographs inside the museum.

A must not B cannot C will

7. I tried to open the door, but I...........do it.

A can B couldn't C could

8. She's very short. She................reach the top shelf.

A can't B could C must

9. Policemen...................wear a uniform at work.

A must B can C mustn't

5. Fill in the correct modal verb.

10.......................................................you cook dinner tonight, please?

11................................we have pizza for dinner? No, let's have steak.

12 You ..............................................buy any bread. We've got plenty.

13 ................................................................I borrow your pen, please?

14 She's ill. She..........................................stay in bed today.

15 You......................................................touch the oven. It's very hot.

16 I .....................visit my grandmother tomorrow. My mother said so.

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