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English for Customs.doc
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Tasks to text n 5.

  1. Read the text Customs Organization and Organizational Placement

  2. Make a written translation of the part « Internal Organization»

  3. Suggest titles for each paragraph of the text

  4. Ask one question to each paragraph to disclose its meaning

  5. Write a summary of the text in ten or twelve sentences

  6. Give a short oral description of the text. Be prepared to answer questions from the audience.

Text 6

H.M. * Customs personal allowances.

(Subject to changes in the regulations)

Listed here are the allowed quantities of wines, spirits,

tobacco and other items which anyone, over seventeen years of age, can bring

back to the United Kingdom when purchased duty free:

  • Tobacco goods: 200 cigarettes, or 50 cigars, or 250 gram(me)s of tobacco

  • Spirits : - alcoholic contents over 22 % volume: 1 liters

  • Alcoholic contents over under 22 % volume: 2 liters

  • Wine: 2 liters

  • Perfumes: 50 gram(me)s, and toilet water, 1\4 liter

  • Other articles to the value of 30.00 pounds

All cigarettes, tobaccos and lacquers are sold without the addition of Excise Duty in this

duty-free shop. Imported goods are sold without the addition of Import Duty. All goods

are sold without the addition of VAT.

Text 7

At the customs

C – Have you anything to declare?

E- No, nothing.

C- Are you sure about that?

E- Yes I am. I have got only an official allowance.

C- Which is?

E- Two hundred cigarettes and a few bottle of whisky.

C- You do know, of course, that you are only allowed to bring one litter of duty-free spirits into the country!

E- But I am sure it said three litters on the boat!

C- I am afraid you are mistaken, sir. The limit is one litter for spirits and two for wine…

Could you step aside while we take a look at you luggage?

E- I assure you it was not intentional.

C- Intentional or not, it is not against the law, and the law is the same for everybody. It is no use pleading ignorance, there will be duty to pay.

E- Do you know how much?

C- We will work that out later. Let us start with the large suitcase… I see you have got a rather nice camera. Did you buy it in the U.K. or abroad?

E- In England!

C- Well, you have no problem in producing the receipts then, will you?

E- But it is at home! Who carries receipts with them when thy go on holiday, anyway?

C- Well will, you are supposed to, if you are taking any foreign-maid electrical or photographic appliances out of the country with a value of over thirty pounds.

I am afraid you will have to pay duty on that, too.

E-I do not think it is a fair play at all!

Customs – таможня

Official- официальное



Duty-free - беспошлинный

Intentional- намеренный

Ignorance - незнание

Suitcase- чемодан

Camera- фотоаппарат

Receipt- платежный чек

Electrical- электрический

Appliance- прибор.

References and further reading

1.Бурова З. И. Учебник английского языка для гуманитарных вузов. М. 1998г.

2. Графова Л. А. English for Customs. М. 2000г.

3. Карачарова Н. М., Масленникова А.А., Осипова Э.Ф., Салье Т.Е. и др.

Английский язык. Учебник для гуманитарных факультетов. СП. 1997г.

4.Мюллер В.К. Англо-русский словарь. М. 1990г.

5. Гуманова Ю. Л., Королева Мак-Ари В.А., Свешникова М.Л., Тихомирова Е.В.

Just English.Английский для юристов. М. 2001.

6. Birch A. The British System of Government. London. 2001.

7. Geil H. Learn about English Law. Sphere books limited. L. 1965.

8. Russel F., Locke Ch. English Law and Language. L. 1992.

9. Encyclopedia Britannica on Line. 2000.

10. Richards Jack C. Passages. Cambridge University Press. An upper-level multi-skills course. 2006.

11. Cotton D. Keys to Management, Longman. 2002.

12. Mason Chr. Pratiquer l’Anglais Britannique. Presses Pocket. L. 2002.

13. Luc De Wulf, Jose B.Sokol Customs Modernization Handbook. The World Bank. Washington, D.C.

14. Таможенный кодекс Российской Федерации. М. Омега-Л, 2006.

15. Интернет-ресурсы www.russian-customs-code.com и др.

1 linchpin - основа

2 multifaceted - многогранный, многосторонний

3 incumbent - ответственный


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