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Exam I sem(otveti).doc
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Examination Test (I semester) Variant I

1. Choose the right variant:

What magazine shall I give you? - … magazine you like.

  1. some

  2. any

  3. no

  4. anything

  5. something

2. Choose the right variant:

I want to go … and have a good time.

  1. somebody

  2. something

  3. some

  4. somewhere

  5. someone

3. Choose the right variant:

Who built your swimming pool? - We built it … .

a) ourselves

b) our

c) us

d) ours

e) we

4. Choose the right variant:

Have you packed … into this suitcase?

  1. everything

  2. all

  3. somebody

  4. none

  5. every

5. Choose the right variant:

He didn’t show … interest in what I said.

  1. much

  2. many

  3. no

  4. many of

  5. much of

6. Choose the right variant:

Are you interested in … politics?

a) a

b) an

c) the

d) -

7. Choose the right variant:

Enjoy your … holiday and don’t forget to send me a letter.

a) a

b) an

c) the

d) -

8. Choose the right variant:

This is a picture of … town where I was born.

a) a

b) an

c) the

d) -

9. Choose the right variant:

Take your feet … the table.

  1. on

  2. off

  3. to

  4. among

  5. through

10. Choose the right variant:

He wrote the letter …a pen.

  1. on

  2. in

  3. by

  4. with

  5. to

11. Choose the right variant:

The dog jumped … the wall into the neighbour’s garden.

a) on

b) to

c) over

d) in

e) through

12. Choose the right variant:

… (до того, как) you go to Africa, you should see a doctor.

  1. before

  2. in

  3. at

  4. after

  5. until

13. Choose the right variant:

My sister is … than me.

  1. old

  2. elder

  3. older

  4. eldest

  5. the oldest

14. Choose the right variant:

Going by train is almost …taking the coach. They both cost around ₤5.

  1. as cheap

  2. as cheap as

  3. cheaper

  4. the cheapest

  5. so cheap as

15. Choose the right variant:

He wasn’t … he usually is.

a) so friendly as

b) friendly

c) more friendly

d) most friendly

e) as friendly

16. Choose the right variant:

It’s … job he has ever had to do.

a) good

b) best

c) better

d) the better

e) the best

17. Complete the sentence:

Do you know my … husband?

a) sisters

b) sister’s

c) a sister

d) sister

e) sisters’

18. Find the uncountable noun:

  1. fox

  2. water

  3. cup

  4. packet

  5. leaf

19. Choose the right variant:

I wonder what time … now?

  1. was it

  2. it is

  3. is it

  4. it was

  5. will it be

20. Choose the right variant:

Where did you spend your holidays?-I … to Mexico.

  1. go

  2. goes

  3. was going

  4. went

  5. have gone

21. Choose the right variant:

You can find him at the Ritz. He always … there.

  1. is staying

  2. stayed

  3. will stay

  4. has stayed

  5. stays

22. Choose the right variant:

When … you last … John?

  1. do/see

  2. does /see

  3. did /see

  4. will /see

  5. did/saw

23. Choose the right variant:

When I … at the car park, my car wasn’t there.

  1. arrive

  2. arrives

  3. arriving

  4. arrived

  5. will arriving

24. Choose the right variant:

I’ll buy a newspaper when I … out.

a) will go

b) go

c) went

d) shall go

e) goes

25. Choose the right variant:

As soon as he has enough money he … a new car.

  1. buy

  2. buys

  3. will buy

  4. bought

  5. to buy

Examination Test (I semester)

Variant II

1. Choose the right variant:

Take some onions. Fry … in oil.

  1. it

  2. her

  3. them

  4. him

  5. their

2. Choose the right variant:

Phone me … time you like tomorrow. I’ll be at home all day.

  1. no

  2. some

  3. any

  4. anything

  5. something

3. Choose the right variant:

"What is the title of that song?"-

"I'm afraid I can't remember … ."

a) him

b) it

c) them

d) its

e) her

4. Choose the right variant:

… of my friends have seen this film..

  1. any

  2. much

  3. nobody

  4. none

  5. no

5. Choose the right variant:

It belongs to me, it's … .

  1. my

  2. mine

  3. her

  4. myself

  5. me

6. Choose the right variant:

Peter is … friend of Michael’s.

a) a

b) an

c) the

e) -

7. Choose the right variant:

He likes to spend his spare time at …home with his family.

a) a

b) an

c) the

d) –

8. Choose the right variant:

Here is … book I told you about.

a) a

b) an

c) the

d) -

9. Choose the right variant:

The letter is … (для ) you.

  1. from

  2. after

  3. for

  4. about

  5. on

10. Choose the right variant:

There is a shoe shop … the chemist’s and the library.

  1. Between

  2. on

  3. to

  4. into

  5. towards

11. Choose the right variant:

They need to practice more … (до) the performance.

  1. on

  2. before

  3. within

  4. after

  5. until

12. Choose the right variant:

Is it ok if I call you tomorrow … (в) noon?

  1. during

  2. on

  3. at

  4. in

  5. after

13. Choose the right variant:

This company is as … as that one.

  1. big

  2. bigger

  3. biggest

  4. the bigger

  5. the biggest

14. Choose the right variant:

I find French … than English.

  1. more difficult

  2. the more difficult

  3. difficult

  4. most difficult

  5. the most difficult

15. Choose the right variant:

Older people drive … than young people.

  1. more slower

  2. more slowly

  3. slower

  4. slowest

  5. slow

16. Choose the right variant:

This is … film of the year.

  1. good

  2. better

  3. the better

  4. best

  5. the best

17. Find the uncountable noun:

  1. furniture

  2. bottle

  3. potato

  4. stamp

  5. brush

18. Complete the sentence:

I saw many … in the laboratory.

  1. mouses

  2. mice

  3. mouse

  4. mises

  5. mise

19. Choose the right variant:

She doesn’t speak Russian, …?

a) don’t she

b) doesn’t she

c) isn’t she

d) is she

e) does she

20. Choose the right variant:

When … Shakespeare …?- In 1616.

  1. had / born

  2. has / born

  3. was / born

  4. be / born

  5. did / born

21. Choose the right variant:

…do you watch TV?

  1. How often

  2. How many

  3. What

  4. Who

  5. What

22. Choose the right variant:

When she was 24 she … .

a) get married

b) gets married

c) will get married

d) has got married

e) got married

23. Choose the right variant:

He … newspapers every day.

  1. read

  2. reading

  3. is reading

  4. reads

  5. will read

24. Choose the right variant:

I’ll stay in till it … raining.

  1. stop

  2. will stop

  3. stops

  4. stopped

  5. has stopped

25. Choose the right variant:

If there is a good program, I … TV.

  1. will watch

  2. watch

  3. watched

  4. watches

  5. am watching

Examination Test (I semester) Variant III

1. Choose the right variant:

She’s going on holiday with … friends in August.

  1. someone

  2. anyone

  3. nothing

  4. any

  5. some

2. Choose the right variant:

Listen to me. I can explain ….

  1. all

  2. every

  3. everybody

  4. everything

  5. the whole

3. Choose the right variant:

… the photographs were very good.

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