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Unit 22

Pre-text assignments:

1 Learn the key words:

atherosclerosis, atheromatous, thrombosis, saturated, utilization

2 Translate the following phrases:

to cause death, utilization ofsmth, to elevate cholesterol level, to

reduce cholesterol in blood, to affect smth.

3 Match the terms to the following definitions:

1) hardening and degeneration of arterial walls a) atheroma

2) the formation or presence of a thrombus in b) thrombosis

a blood vessel c) cholesterol

3) the principal animal sterol d) atherosclerosis

4) degeneration of coats of blood vessels e) affection

5) morbid condition or diseased state


The diseases associated with the condition commonly known as "hardening of the arteries" cause more deaths than any other group of diseases. Atherosclerosis is the process and result of the accumulation of fats and fatlike substances (lipoids or lipidis) within the walls of arteries. Among these substances are cholesterol and phospholipids, present also in the blood plasma of all persons. High cholesterol levels are associated with increased amounts of the atheromatous materials in the arterial walls and with the complications of this pathological condition. The disease affects me coronary arteries notably, giving rise to the angina pectoris, coronary thrombosis, abnormal heart rhythms, as well as weakness and failure of the heart.

The causes and methods of prevention ofafherogenesis have been under increasingly intensive study for many decades. In recent years it has been shown that cholesterol level in the blood rises with increases in the amount of ordinary fats in the diet. Fats that contain unsaturated fatty acids cause smaller increases in cholesterol blood levels than do the fats composed of saturated fatty acids. Corn oil, certain other vegetable or plant oils, and certain fish oils are example of unsaturated fats containing unsaturated fatty acids and producing smaller rises in blood cholesterol. Indeed, corn oil has been shown to lower cholesterol levels and is now used by some individuals in the belief that they may be spared much, if not all, of the atherosclerosis they may ordinarily expect. The fats of animals (even in the "lean meat"), milk and eggyolk products (including butter), and, to a slightly lesser extent, shortenings such as oleomargarine are mainly saturated or hard fats and definitely elevate cholesterol levels.

Several products containing plant oils with unsaturated fatty acids, principally linoleic, have recently been made available. This and cortam other acids have been shown in animals to be necessary dietary factors, comparable to essential amino acids. Since pyridoxine (vitamin B^) is required for the proper utilization of these essential vegetable fatty acids, it is incorporated in many products containing these acids. Among these are Linodoxine and Arcofac. Lenic capsules contain the fatty acids without piridoxine. These products are of little value unless the saturated fat in the diet is markedly reduced. This alone is usually somewhat effective.

Measures for Lowering Blood Cholesterol. An effective but not a very extensively used agent for lowering blood cholesterol is nicotinic acid or niacin (a vitamin of the B complex). It causes flushing at first but doses of 3 to 6 mg daily in divided amounts orally may be given for long periods of time with apparent safety and continued effect.

Another agent for attempting to reduce blood cholesterol is a 20 per cent suspension ofbeta-sitosterols (Cytellin), the sterols of certain plants. It is used in a dose of 15 to 30 ml before meals. It is thought to suppress absorption of cholesterol from the intestines, but reports have been conflicting and it is not widely used.

A new drug, triparanol, is now one of the leading agent for reducing the cholesterol level in the blood.

Post-text assignments:

1 Answer the questions:

1 What is atherosclerosis caused by? 2 What are highcholesterol levels associated with? 3 What does the disease affect? 4 When does the cholesterol level rise? 5 What do fats cause? 6 What produces smaller rises in blood cholesterol?

2 Name the agents lowering the blood cholesterol.

3 Translate the following:

1 Атеросклероз супроводжується відкладанням холестерину в стінках артерій, що негативно позначається на їх еластичності. 2 Порушення жирового обміну є однією з причин розвігпсу атеросклерозу. З Гіпертонічна хвороба може спричинятися атеросклерозом. 4 Підвищення тиску крові створює сприятливі умови для відкладання холестерину на внутрішніх стінках артерій. 5 Розлад центральної нервової системи, яка регулює обмін речовин, сприяє розвиткові атеросклерозу. 6 Підвищення артеріального тиску і судинні спазми також можуть спричинити склеротичні зміни в судинах. 7 Наслідками атеросклерозу можуть бути коронарний тромбоз, порушення ритму серця і стенокардія.

4 Choose the word that correctly completes each of the following sentences:

1 The atherosclerosis patient should ... at least 7 – 8 hours. 2 Those who drink alcohol do a great damage (harm) to die .... 3 Vitamins are most... in treating atherosclerosis. 4 Vitamins prevent tile ... from getting fatty and improve the metabolic processes. 5 The patient has a healthy heart, a healthy ... of lungs, and an adequate blood volume. 6 A doctor can ... heart.... 7 Do you know Ac expressions "... heart", "to... heart"?

(a – deer, dear; louse, lose, loose; b – slip, sleep; c – lever, liver; d – hair, hear, hare, here; noise, rales, clamour, murmur; e – hut, hat,

hurt, heart; f – important, impotent;g – peer, pear, pair, pyre)

5 Read the quotation. Interpret its meaning in 10-12 sentences:

"When you talk with the patient you should listen, firstly, for what he wants to tell, secondly, for what he does not want to tell, thirdly, for what he cannot tell.” (Z. Henderson)

Додаток А

Drawing 1. Major bones of the skeleton

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