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Module 11 Scientific conferences, meeting

Answer the questions.

1. What is an academic conference? 2. What are the parts of the conference? 3. How can the participants of the conference present their works? 4. What is the difference between a conference and a workshop?

5. What categories do academic conferences fall into? 6. What is called a general conference? 7. Who can organize a conference?

Complete the sentences.

  1. An academic conference is … . 2. Often there are one or more keynote speakers … . 3. Some disciplines require presenters to submit … 4. They might be single track or … . 5. Depending on the theme of the conference … . 6. Conferences are usually organized either by … . 7. A professional conference is … .

Translate the terms and give their definitions.

Aura, interaction, criticism, enlighten, participant, enthusiasm, colleague, informal communication, efficient means, personal network, mutual interest, comparative analysis, creativity, discussion.

Answer the following questions to check your understanding of the text.

1. Why is a conference inescapable part of the rich tapestry of scientific life? 2. In what way can they help people who share common interests? 3. What information should be indicated in the registration form? 4. What is the best way to do at the conference? 5. Why do many scientists feel that conferences are more intellectually stimulating than formal papers? 6. What conferences often give their participants the feeling of enthusiasm and intellectual satisfaction? 7. How can conferees feel themselves after the conference?

Find the words that are not connected with the conference in any way.

Communication, level, season, meeting, education, dialogue, network, replacement, creativity, medium, illegal, scanning, discussion.

Match the terms with their definitions:

conference, registration, conferee,

communication, discussion, experience, aura

  • an invisible atmosphere surrounding a person or thing;

  • a meeting of any organization, association, etc. for consultation, discussion or exchange of opinions; annual assembly;

  • knowledge or skills that you gain from doing a job or activity;

  • participant of the conference;

  • the act of recording names and details on an official list;

  • talk about something in detail considering different ideas or opinions;

  • the process of exchanging information.

Arrange the following words into two groups according to the type of communication.

Poster, lecture, short communication, abstract, thesis, plenary lecture, article, review, monograph, review article, paper, poster presentation, publication.

Oral Written

Give English equivalents of the following phrases.

Невід’ємна частина, нема потреби говорити, співробітництво, привілей подрімати, професійно важливий, реєстраційний внесок, робити внесок у розвиток науки, спостерігати за інтелектуальною креативністю в дії, інтелектуально стимулюючий, добре організована конференція.

Say it in other words.

Inescapable part of the rich tapestry of scientific life, career- and motivation-enhancing experiences, privilege of napping, potential partners, friendly and relaxed atmosphere, housing, indication of a participant's last and first name, recent scientific advances, deadline to submit, formation of the nascent ideas, well-run conferences.

Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Наукові конференції є невід’ємною частиною багатого дослідницького життя. 2. Конференції дають вченим можливість спілкуватися та обгово­рювати новітні досягнення в тій чи іншій науковій галузі в дружній та невимушеній атмосфері. 3. Інколи Ви можете почуватись на конференції так, ніби заплатили багато грошей за привілей подрімати. 4. На конференції кожен може обговорювати речі, обмінюватися інформацією, що сприяє професійному росту вченого. 5. Зазвичай Вас просять надіслати до кінцевого терміну заявку на участь у конференції з зазначенням прізвища і ім’я, адреси, контактного телефону, установи, де Ви працюєте, тощо. 6. Молоді вчені, які приїздять на конференцію, іноді мають можливість спостерігати творчий процес народження ори­гінальних ідей та думок. 7. Наукова конференція може надихнути науковців на проведення досліджень протягом багатьох років.

Use the structures of «well + Participle II» type to translate the following phrases.

Model: Well-run conference – добре організована конференція.

Добре проведена зустріч, добре інформований спеціаліст, знаменитий (відомий) вче­ний, начитана людина, добре підготовлений студент, своєчасне повідомлення, добре відрегульований (впорядкований) механізм, добре обґрунтоване зауваження.

Read and translate the following word-combinations. Use them in the sentences of your own.

Keep one's eye on, to be accepted for, to be cultivated, to be scientifically sound and of interest, to be held in, a day ahead, to face the rigours of the conference, "working breakfasts", social programs, abstract book, various parallel sessions, to make the best use of the time, subspecialties, ceremonial sessions, the key people.

Translate and give the definitions to the words and word combinations of the text.

Full program of social events, international meetings, entertainment, experimental ideas, lobby, customs, passport formalities, dining arrangements, reservation card, travel awards, private excursions, awkward situation.

Answer the following questions to check your understanding of the text.

  1. What opportunities do conferences provide? 2. What sports facilities can the participants take part into at scientific conferences? 3. How can you receive this sort of information? 4. What events does the full program of conference offer to the participants? 5. What is “weather and clothing” information? 6. What does a conference receptionist do at the conference? 7. Who is in charge of dining and accommodation a service? 8. What kind of accommodation does the Committee provide for the people coming to the conference? 9. What is a travel award?

Find the terms to the given definitions.

  • the area around particular place;

  • a formal dinner for many people on an important occasion;

  • an office employee who receives people;

  • a group of people chosen to do a particular job;

  • the grounds of a school or college;

  • something granted, as property, stipend.

Complete the sentences as they are in the text.

1.Conferences are one of the few perks of … . 2. These activities are excellent opportunities for … . 3. A full program of social events allows participants to ... . 4. At many conferences, the last night provides an opportunity for … . 5. It's a good idea to take a notebook to a conference, especially if … . 6. Organizing Committees of scientific forums try to … . 7. People coming to scientific conferences are normally offered a choice of … . 8. Some participants of conferences are lucky enough to receive … .

Translate into English using words and phrases from the text.

1. Реєстрація учасників міжнародної конференції з екології (біотехнології, картографії, хімії фосфору) відбудеться в не­ділю 31 травня о 10 годині ранку. 2. Учасники конференції, які приїздять після 10-ї годи­ни, можуть пройти реєстрацію у понеділок о 8 годині в холі університету. 3. Вартість проживання у студентських гуртожитках для учасників значно нижча, ніж у готелях. 4. Для того щоб зарезервувати номер у готелі, необхідно відправити спеціальну реєстраційну форму заздалегідь. 5. Організаційний комітет надає спеціальні гранти мо­лодим вченим та студентам, що дозволяє їм взяти участь у роботі конференції.

Translate the following sentences paying attention to the part of speech of the italicized words.

1. The fundamentals of the chemistry of phosphorus are presented in this chapter. 2. The fundamental law of chemistry is the periodicity of elements discovered by D. Mendeleev. 3. Several variables should be taken into account during quantum-chemical calculations of these molecules. 4. The behavior of this substance is variable in varying conditions of pressure and temperature. 5. The essential characteristic of carbon is its presence in all living matter. 6. This plant has three basic essentials: the source of heat, working mechanism, receiving tank.

Translate into Ukrainian.

1. The National Association of ... has the pleasure of inviting you to participate in the work of the Organizing Committee. 2. The Organizing Committee is happy to invite all persons interested in ... to attend or participate in the work of the Symposium on … to be held in Kyiv, July 10-15, 20… 3. On behalf of the Organizing Committee I wish to inform you that the next meeting will be held in Paris, 10th May. I am looking forward to seeing you at its session. 4. The Program of the Congress WRI was elaborated in such a way as to show current trends in the area of … 5. We are planning sessions in the form of invited papers, contributed papers, round-table discussions, poster presentations and workshops. 6. The social Program Committee has drawn up an interesting program for the participants and accompanying persons. 7. I am very happy to extend to you an invitation to participate in the l0th International Congress on ... and to present a talk on your area of investigation. 8. I happen to be engaged in the same area of topics which are suggested for the Conference. Therefore I am sending you the thesis of my paper (poster). If you find it to be of interest, I shall be looking forward to receive an invitation.