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Our University с упражнениями.doc
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10) Read the comments to the text 2

The Unified State Test - единый государственный экзамен (ЕГЭ)

an applicant - абитуриент

application for admission to a university - заявление о приеме в университет

school-leaving certificate - аттестат зрелости

transcript - дубликат, копия

full-time - очный

part-time - вечерний

ceremony of initiating freshmen into the students - посвящение в студенты

monitors - куратор

student membership card- студенческий билет

student record book - зачетная книжка

library card - читательский билет

diligent - прилежный, старательный, упорный, усердный

receive scholarship - стипендия

tutorial - занятие, консультация

synopsis (pi. -es) - конспект (-ы)

assignment - задание

paper - доклад

test - зачет

cheat - пользоваться шпаргалкой

crib - шпаргалка; списывать тайком

cram - наспех зазубривать

to take its normal course идти своим чередом

junior students - студенты младших курсов

senior students - студенты старших курсов

to expel - исключать (из какой-л. организации), зд. отчислить

to graduate with honours - зд. закончить вуз с отличием

zealous - рьяный, усердный

to be engaged in research - заниматься научно-исследовательской работой

a postgraduate course - аспирантура

11) Ask each other the questions to the text 2

12) Give the synonyms to the following words:

junior students –

senior students –

receive scholarship –

13) Fill in the words and word combinations

1. The hand out …, … and - one feels like a real person.

2. Everyone tries hard to be, or at least to look ….

3. Some students must pay tuition fees, deserving students may .

4. "No, professor, I have never - no ….

5. Some enthusiastic and zealous students who want to be engaged in research take ….

14) Answer the following questions

  1. When was the ChSU founded?

  2. What is the underlying principles of the university ‘policy?

  3. What on is the admission into the University based?

  4. What is an applicant required to submit in addition?

  5. What with is a university life begins?

  6. What hand out the monitors?

  7. Are all the students diligent?

  8. What is a normal course of university life?

15) Write the topic “Our university”

16) Read and translate the text


Précis - [′preısi:] – краткое изложение, конспект

A summary of a passage from a book, report, newspaper, article, etc, which conveys the main idea of the original is called a précis. The word "précis" which is French and English "precise" ([prı'saız]) both came from the same Latin verb meaning "to cut short". "To be precise" is to be accurate, definite, exact, brief and to the point.

Précis writing is of great importance to any student since it trains him\her to understand the meaning of what they read, to think clearly, to construct their writing in an orderly and logical way.

The student will find, too, that the effort of making a précis will increase remembrance of a passage much more than many readings along could. The précis is not only an end in itself but a means to an end - to the better mastery of passages of value and the development of the power of expressing ideas simply, clearly and concisely.

A précis is normally made in about one third of the original. The writer is not supposed to introduce his own judgment or comments nor can he use direct speech, conversations or dialogues in précis writing. These should be paraphrased before being condensed. Thus, paraphrase is a first practical step to précis writing.

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