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Our University с упражнениями.doc
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3) Find in Text:

1. ЧГУ основан в 1996 году на основе двух институтов.

2. Это ведущий центр науки, культуры и образования на Северо-Западе России

3. Каждый год около 2000 студентов зачисляют на первый курс.

4. Учёба в университете длится 5 лет.

5. Учебный год делится на два семестра, каждый из которых оканчивается экзаменационной сессией.

6. Учебный план довольно сложный.

7. Иногда студентам приходится прилагать большие усилия, чтобы справиться с работой.

4) Explain the difference in the meaning of following words

curriculum - timetable

lecture room - classroom

5) Make the sentences complete:

  • The University offers a lot

  • The students take part in different competitions such as

  • In the University library offers

  • Our University publishes its own newspapers, which contain

  • The Museum in Gorky Street, 14 exhibits

  • the latest university news.

  • the history and development of the Cherepovets State University.

  • skiing, basketball, volleyball, football and chess

  • scientific, publicistic literature and fiction

  • of extra-curricular activities.

6) Fill in the words and word combinations

1. The Cherepovets Teachers Training Institute … A.V. Lunacharsky

2. The university … various specialists.

3. There are 5 … and 3 … at our University.

4. An academic year is … into 2 … each ending in an ….

5. The students who pass the exams successfully, get ….

6. On graduating the students … which give them … to work ….

7. A lot of … are put into the ….

8. Sometimes students have … to cope with the work.

7) Answer the questions in a written form

1. When was the Cherepovets State University founded?

2. Is it the leading center of science, culture and education?

3. How many students are at the University?

4. What kind of specialists does our University graduate?

5. How long does the University course last?

6. Must all the students pay tuition fees?

7. What do the students receive on graduating?

8) Make the dialogues using the questions from exercise 7.

9) Read the text 2 text 2

The Cherepovets State University is one of the most significant educational institutions in the Vologda region. It was founded in 1996 on the basis of the Cherepovets State Industrial Institute and Pedagogical Institute. The underlying principles of the university policy are to educate students in such a way that everyone has the opportunity to develop his/her greatest potential and to lay the ground for achieving success in life.

The present-day generation value education largely as a means of reaching a higher standard of living. The youth believe that the more schooling a person has, the more money he or she will earn. The Cherepovets State University is trying to adapt to the needs of society and reflect the nation's basic values and ideals.

Admission into the University is based on performance of the Unified State Test. The UST supposedly measures the student's ability to perform in a university setting. In addition an applicant is required to submit a written application and a school-leaving certificate (or its transcript).

University life is an unforgettable and useful experience, irrespective of the fact whether one is a full-time or a part-time student. It begins with a solemn ceremony of initiating freshmen into the students. Serious people - the rector, vice-rectors and deans - make fostering speeches and warmly congratulate students on their new status.

The monitors hand out student membership cards, student record books and library cards - one feels like a real person. First celebrations are followed by days of hard work. The curriculum is rather tough and so many academic subjects are put into the timetable that sometimes students make great efforts to cope with the work load of university. Everyone tries hard to be, or at least to look diligent. Some students must pay tuition fees, deserving students may receive scholarships.

The pace of life runs faster and faster: lectures, seminars, tutorials, synopses, assignments papers. The students' first tests and examination sessions are their first successes and failures. "No, professor, I have never cheated - no cribs. I just crammed", "I have passed!" or "He has not given me a pass!" Everything takes its normal course: junior students become senior, some students are expelled; the others work hard and graduate with honours. Some enthusiastic and zealous students who want to be engaged in research take a postgraduate course; write Ph.D. theses and later doctoral ones.

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