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1. Give English equivalents for:

Население; был основан; централизованное учреждение; деловой и финансовый центр страны; содержать (включать); транспортная сеть; национальная телевизионная сеть; разделен (поделен); первый, второй (из двух перечисленных); бедный жилой район; лондонский порт; основные.финансовые организации; лондонский тауэр; перестраивать; Уильям Завоеватель; Фондовая биржа; крепость; королевская резиденция; тюрьма; оружие; собор св. Павла; считается, что; историческое здание; хорошо известный; экземпляр; Ренессанс; Вестминстерское Аббатство; архитектор; архитектура; выдающийся государственный деятель; художники; башни; каждые четверть часа; Трафальгарская площадь; назвать в честь; совместный (объединенный флот); ценой; бронзовые львы; Портретная Галерея; памятник Нельсону; древний.

2. Find another way of expressing the parts in bold type:

London was established by Romans more than 2,000 years ago. 2. London is the seat of the headquarters of all government departments, Parliament, the major legal institutions and the monarch. 3. London holds within itself the headquarters of the national television networks and of all the national newspapers. 4. Traditionally London is made up of the West End and the East End. 5. Here is located the tower of London. 6. St. Paul's Cathedral with its great dome and rows of columns is supposed to be a fine example of Renaissance architecture. 7. Trafalgar Square is one of the main places of interest in London. 8. It was so named in memory of the victory in the battle of Trafalgar, where on October 21, 1805 the English fleet under Nelson's command won a victory over the combined fleet of France and Spain. 9. The higher of the two contains the largest clock in the country and the well-known bell Big Ben that strikes every quarter of the hour. 10. The column is protected by four bronze lions.

3. Find the wrong statement.

London is not the largest city in Europe and one of the largest cities in the world with the population of 11 million people. 2. London was founded by Angels more than 2,000 years ago. 3. The East End is known for its many theatres, cinemas, luxurious hotels and restaurants and expensive shops. 4. The West End is known as the poorer residential area of Central London; the Port of London is situated there. 5. The heart of London is the City. Here is situated the tower of London. 6. St. Paul's Cathedral is the greatest of English churches. It was built by Julius Caesar in 1066. 7. St. Paul's Cathedral with its huge dome and rows of columns is considered to be a fine specimen of middle-aged architecture. 8. Westminster Abbey is the seat of the British Parliament. 9. The higher of the two contains the largest clock in the country and the famous bell Big Ben that strikes every hour. 10. In the middle of Trafalgar Square stands Darwin's monument - a tall column with the figure of Darwin at its top.

4. Answer the questions:

London is the capital of the United Kingdom -of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, isn't it? 2. It is the largest city in Europe, is it? 3. What is the population of London? 4. What part does London play in the life of the U.K.? 5. What is the West End known for? 6. What is the East End known for? 7. What is the City known for? 8. What is the history of the tower of London? 9. What is St. Paul's Cathedral famous for? 10. Who built St. Paul's Cathedral? 11, What is Westminster Abbey and Westminster Palace famous for? 12. What building contains Big Ben? 13. What is one of the main tourist attractions in London? 14. What is the history of Trafalgar Square? 15. Where does Nelson's monument stand? 16. What galleries and museums are there in London?