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Topic: family Topical Vocabulary

Relations by birth - кровные родственники:

parents - родители grandparents - дедушка с бабушкой

father - отец grandfather - дедушка

mother - мать grandmother - бабушка

child - ребенок grandchildren - внуки

children - дети grandson - внук

son - сын granddaughter - внучка

daughter - дочь great-grandfather - прадедушка

sister - сестра great-grandmother - прабабушка

brother - брат great-grandchildren - правнуки

uncle - дядя nephew - племянник

aunt - тетя niece - племянница

cousin - двоюродный брат (сестра)

Relations by marriage - родственники по мужу или жене:

husband - муж

half-sister - сестра по одному из родителей

wife - жена

in-laws - родня со стороны мужа или жены

half-brother - брат по одному из родителей

mother-in-law - теща; свекровь

stepmother - мачеха

father-in-law - тесть; свекор

stepfather - отчим

son-in-law - зять

stepchildren - пасынок и падчерица

daughter-in-law - невестка; сноха

sister-in-law - невестка (жена брата), золовка, свояченица

step-sister - сводная сестра брата);

step-brother - сводный брат

brother-in-law - зять (муж сестры); шурин, деверь, свояк

step-daughter - падчерица

stepson - пасынок

Text 1

Our Family

Let me introduce myself. My name is Alexander, Alec for short. My full name is Alexander Sergeyevich Orlov. Our family is large. I have a mother, a father, a grandmother, a sister and two brothers.

My father is an architect He works hard at his office and at home he helps my mother who is a very busy woman. She is a doctor. Much work is done by her at the hospital. My father is fifty-two years old and my mother is forty-seven. My grandmother is on pension. She has kept house for us, but she doesn't live with us now. She has a lot of work to do about the house. She lives in the village and we all try to help her.

My elder brother is an engineer. He thinks that his profession is the best in the world. He is twenty-six years old. He is married and has a family of his own. His wife's name is Nina. They have two children. They are twins. They are lovely little children with golden hair and dark-blue eyes. They are fond of birds and animals. They have a dog and a parrot in the house.

My younger brother is a school-boy. His name is Nick. He is in the ninth form at school. He is not good at mathematics and physics, but he is greatly interested in electronics. He does want to become an engineer, that's why he has to work much in order to prepare properly for the entrance examinations.

My sister Ann is a student. She is a first-year student at the University. She is to come home at 2 p.m., but she is always late, because has to work much in the reading-room. Ann will become a teacher of English. Her favourite subjects at school were English and literature.

In conclusion I should like to say that we are a happy and friendly family. I love all my relatives dearly.


1. to be married - быть женатым, быть замужем

2. to be fond of something (smth.) - увлекаться чем-либо

3. in order to - для того, чтобы

4. in conclusion - в заключение