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1. Read the text and answer the questions on it.

1. What is this text about? 2. How many members are there in Orlov’s family? 3. Where does Alexander's grandmother live? 4. Who studies at the University? 5. Why does Nick have to study hard? 6. What can you say about the Orlovs in general?

2. Answer the questions:

1. Who are you? What are you? What is your name? When were you born? Where were you born? 2. How old are you? How old is your mother (father, sister, etc.)? Is your sister (brother) older than you? 3. Do your parents live with you? What are your parents? Are your parents strict or easy-going? 4. Describe the main interests of each member of your family. What does each of them look like? What kind of person is each of them? 5. Do you have a grandmother and a grandfather? How old are they? Are they on pension? 6. What other relatives have you? 7. Are you married or single? To whom are you married? When did you get married? 8. What's the best age for a boy or a girl to get married? 9. What is a happy home, to your mind?

3. Translate into English:

1. Нас четверо в семье: отец, мать, брат и я. Мы с братом близнецы. Мы очень похожи. - А нас только двое: мама и я. 2. Мой младший брат в этом году заканчивает школу. - Кем он собирается стать? - Его мечта быть знаменитым путешественником. Он собирается поступать на географический факультет университета. 3. У меня есть ещё один дядя. Он инженер. 4. Виктор женат на моей сестре. Он мне шурин, а маме - зять. Для родителей Виктора моя сестра - невестка. 5. Чем вы занимаетесь? (Кто вы по профессии?) - Я учитель английского языка. - Ваш отец тоже преподаватель? - Нет, он зубной врач. - А ваша мама? - Она домохозяйка. 6. Кто эта женщина? — Это родственница моего отца. Она его двоюродная сестра. - У неё есть дети? - Да. Её дочь — студентка, а сын учится в пятом классе. 7. У меня еще нет племянников или пле­мянниц, хотя Лена вышла замуж за моего брата 3 года назад. 8. Нинина тётя на пенсии. Ей уже 57. А её муж ещё работает. 9. Сколько лет ва­шему брату? - Двадцать пять. - Он старше вас? - Да, на три года. -Так вам двадцать два? - Да. 10. Я поступил в институт в 2007 году, а закончу его в 2012.

4. Game: I've lost my friend.

A student writes down the name of one member of the class on a piece of paper which he hands to the teacher. The name represents the lost friend. Members of the class (taking the part of a helpful policeman) try to discover the identity of the person chosen in under 20 questions. Questions may cover: appearance (including articles of clothing), work, approximate age, height and weight, character, domicile, but not name or address. Typical answers may include: Yes..., No..., Perhaps..., I think..., I don't know.

5. Speak on the following topics:

1. Describe your friend's family. 2. Tell about your grandparents. 3. What does your father/mother do? Tell about his/her occupation. 4. You are good at history. Tell about our last tsar's family - the Romanovs.


  • Hallo, John! I’m glad we’ve met. Haven’t seen you for ages! Where have you been all this time?

  • Cheerio, Mike! I am delighted to see you too. I’ve been away from London. I spent two weeks in Italy.

  • Really? By the way I have two books of yours. I should like to return them.

  • Look here, and have you finished reading them?

  • Yes, and enjoyed them very much, especially the one about Greece.

  • Would you care to have another book to read?

  • Of course, with pleasure.

  • All right. I’ll bring it next time I come to see you. Well, I am afraid I must be off now. See you soon.

  • So long.

Text 2