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МУКР Английский язык.doc
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V. Перепишите и письменно переведите предложения на русский язык. Выберите правильную форму глагола в пассивном залоге.

1. As a letter of credit had not been opened by the buyers, the goods could not … by us.

a) be shipped b) will be shipped

c) is shipped d) are shipped

2. We think that the ship … next week.

a) would be chartered b) will be chartered

c) has been chartered d) have been chartered

3. When I arrived at the port, all the cases … by skilled workers.

a) are packed b) is packed

c) has been packed d) had been packed

4. It … that he never phoned his home from the office.

a) will notice b) would notice

c) was notice d) were notice

VI. Перепишите и письменно переведите предложения на русский язык. Выберите правильную форму глагола в условных предложениях.

1. They can ensure the quantity of the product if they … the supervisors.

a) to train b) train

c) trains d) trained

2. If we installed new equipment, we would become more competitive.

a) to install b) install

c) installs d) installed

3. We would have to reduce our workforce if the bank ... to extend our credit.

a) refuse b) refuses

c) refused d) will refuse

4. If you ... to these terms, we’ll send you our contract.

a) agree b) agreed

c) will agree d) would agree

VII. Перепишите и письменно переведите предложения на русский язык. Употребите сложное дополнение.

1. I’d like him … some calculations.

a) to make b) make

c) makes d) made

2. He made me … our business matter with clients.

a) to discuss b) discuss

c) discussed d) discussed

3. Where do you usually have your dress ... .

a) to make b)make

c) made d) makes

4. I expect him ... a just man.

a) am b) is

c) are d) to be

VIII. Перепишите и письменно переведите предложения на русский язык. Употребите сложное подлежащее.

1. The article is likely … in the next issue of the journal.

a) appear b) appeared

c) to appear d) to be appeared

2. You can easily get in through the window if the door happens.

a) to lock b) to be locked

c) lock d) locked

3. A meeting was announced … for our top executives at 11 o’clock.

a) to be b) is

c) was d) were

4. Our company was heard … through arbitration procedures.

a) go b) went

c) to go d) to be gone

IX. Перепишите и письменно переведите предложения на русский язык. Заполните пропуски модельными глаголами или их эквивалентами.

1. When they send e-mail massages they only … to pay for their phone calls to their local service providers.

a) must b) can

c) have d) may

2. He asked me if he ... borrow my car.

a) may b) might

c) can d) could

3. He ... to join the sports section as soon as he is through with his examination.

a) is allowed b) are allowed

c) will be allowed d) to be allowed

4. According to our conditions of sale, your remittance ... to expect on March 12.

a) is b) are

c) was d) were