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Things Go Better with Coca-Cola

  1. Coca-Cola __________ all over the world.

  2. 1.6. billion gallons __________ every year, in one hundred and sixty countries.

  3. The drink __________ by Dr John Pemberton in Atlanta, on 8 May 1886, but it __________ the name Coca-Cola by his partner, Frank Robinson.

  4. In first year, only nine drinks __________ a day.

  5. The business __________ by a man called Asa Candler in 1888, and the first factory __________ in Dallas, Texas, in 1985.

  6. Coca-Cola __________ still __________ there.

  7. Billions of bottles and cans __________ since 1895.

  8. Diet Coke __________ since 1982, and over the years many clever advertisements __________ to sell the product.

  9. It is certain that Coca-Cola __________ far into the twenty-first century.













Exercise 144. Fill in with a passive verb.

Not for Jazz

We have an old musical instrument.

It __________ a clavichord.

It __________ in Germany in 1681.

Our clavichord __________ in the living-room.

It belongs to our family for a long time.

The instrument __________ by my grandfather many years ago.

Recently it __________ by a visitor.

She tried to play jazz on it.

She struck the keys too hard and two of the strings __________.

Now we __________ to touch it.

It __________ by a friend of my father.







not allow


Exercise 145. Fill in "by" or "with".

1. Most children are strongly influenced _____ by their parents.

2. The jam sandwiches were made _____ white bread.

3. Jake was dismissed _____ his boss.

4. The show was presented _____ Mr Jones.

5. The parcels were tied _____ string.

6. The meal was eaten _____ chopsticks.

7. The song was performed _____ Madonna.

8. This awful mess was made _____ Carol's dog.

9. The football fans were observed _____ the police.

10. My hair was cut _____ a top stylist.

11. The goal was scored _____ Liverpool's youngest player.

12. The beds were made up _____ clean sheets.

13. The supermarket trolley was filled _____ cat food.

14. My camera was loaded _____ a black and white film.

Exercise 146. Make the sentences passive. Use by or with only if it is necessary to say who/what does/did the action.

1. Shakespeare wrote 'Hamlet'.

2. They have arrested her for shoplifting.

3. They are repairing your car now.

4. People in Chile speak Spanish.

5. Has anybody asked Peter?

6. My mother made this ring.

7. Electricity drives this car.

8. Somebody will tell you where to go.

9. A drunken motorist knocked her down.

10. Liverpool beat Manchester 3-0 yesterday.

11. The Chinese invented paper.

12. You need hops to make beer.

13. They don't sell stamps in bookshops.

14. The directors are still considering your application.

Exercise 147. Change from the passive to active.

Example: His alibi was not believed by the police. The police

didn’t not believe his alibi..

1. Tickets are checked by inspectors regularly.

2 The missing person was located by the private detective.

3. Our leaking roof is being fixed by the builders.

4. Dinosaur remains have been found by a team of archaeologists.

5. You will be protected by a bodyguard 24 hours a day.

6. Air fares on all international flights have been increased by most major European airlines.

7. Plants are used by herbalists to cure common illnesses.

8. The offer will be confirmed by Jones Ltd tomorrow.

9. Several members of the class were punished by the teacher.

10. The award is being presented by an eminent scientist.

11. The window will have been replaced by the glazier by now.

Exercise 148. Use the active or the passive in any appropriate form of the verbs.

1. Although the cheetah is the fastest animal in the world, it is in danger of becoming extinct if it continues (kill) for its skin.

2. The children (frighten) by the story. It was about ghosts, witches and evil spirits.

3. Derek crashed his mother's car, and now they can't go on holiday. The front end (knock) into the wheel, making it unmovable.

4. Yesterday we had a surprise party for Albert's birthday. While Mary (take) him to a show, we (gather) at his apartment. When they (return) home, Albert was surprised to see us all there.

5. The scandal is certain (report) in all the newspapers.

6. Joan is an example of someone who can beat the odds. In 1980, she (tell) she had six months to live because she had cancer. After exercise, dieting and positive thinking she (recently/inform) that she (beat) the disease.

7. This newspaper (publish) by an Italian company. It (always/have) interesting stories.

8. Rice (grow) in this area for hundreds of years, but now the government (try) to find an alternative crop because rice (not/make) much profit last year.

9. My shoes (make) in Italy, but I (buy) them in France last May.

10. The Queen (not/see) since last July. The newspapers (say) that she is sick, but most people (not/believe) it.

Exercise 149. Choose the best way of continuing after each sentence.

1. He lives in a small house.

a. Somebody built it about forty years ago.

b. It was built about forty years ago.

2. English is worth learning.

a. People speak it in a lot of countries.

b. It is spoken in a lot of countries.

3. He got a sports car, but he didn't like it.

a. So he sold it again.

b. So it was sold again.

4. My nephew is an artist.

a. He has just painted another picture.

b. Another picture has just been painted by him.

5. The new Virginia Meyer film is marvelous.

a. They are showing it at our local cinema.

b. It is being shown at our local cinema.

Exercise 150. Choose the best sentence from each pair to build up a continuous text.



2. a. First of all, the printers print big sheets of paper.

b. First of all, big sheets of paper are printed.

3. a. Each sheet contains the text of a number of pages (e.g. 32).

b. The text of a number of pages (e.g. 32) is contained in each sheet.

4. a. People fold and cut the sheets to produce sections of the book.

b. The sheets are folded and cut to produce sections of the book.

5. a. These sections are called signatures.

b. We call these sections signatures.

6. a. The printers put all the signatures together in the correct order.

b. All the signatures are put together in the correct order.

7. a. Then they are bound together and their edges are trimmed.

b. Then they bind the signatures together and trim the edges.

8. a. Finally, the cover - which has been printed separately - is attached.

b. Finally, they attach the cover - which they have printed separately.

9. a. Now the publishers can publish the book.

b. Now the book can be published.

Exercise 151. Find and correct the mistakes if any.

1. The South Pole was discovered by Amundsen in 1912.

2. Do you know that you are following?

3. The book, which was written last month, is discussing a lot.

4. It has been written a lot of articles about.

5. When I came an experiment was been holding in the lab.

6. Do you know that this house was belonged to Mr. Brown?

7. What new buildings have been built in your town since I was there?

8. The building was collapsed during the earthquake.

9. Have you seen him? Has he been changed much?

Exercise 152. Translate these sentences into English.

1. На вокзале его часто встречают друзья.

2. Нас уже пригласили на вечер.

3. В будущем году построят много школ.

4. Эта работа будет закончена на будущей неделе?

5. В институте его часто вспоминали и говорили о нем.

6. Нас встретят на станции?

7. Ответ будет отправлен через несколько дней.

8. Эти картины были написаны в 16 веке.

9. Эти книги используются для работы?

10. В Италии нам покажут много достопримечательностей.

11. Когда читали новый рассказ, кто-то постучал в дверь.

Exercise 153. Translate these sentences into English.

1. К сожалению, на конференции такие вопросы не затрагивались.

2. Кто вам сказал, что соглашение подписано?

3. Здесь говорят только на английском.

4. Её разрешили заниматься спортом.

5. Посетителей принимают каждый день.

6. Когда мы вернулись, нам рассказали много интересных новостей.

7. К вечеру работа была закончена.

8. На нашей улице строиться новый кинотеатр.

9. Мне ещё ничего не говорили об этом.

10. Мы поедем завтра за город, если будет дождь? – Да, мы должны туда поехать, нас там будут ждать.

11. Это здание было только что построено, когда мы приехали сюда.