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1.12. Future Perfect

Exercise 112. Translate into Russian and comment on the use of the Future Perfect Tense.

1. She's leaving on Saturday, but I think she will have made all her shopping by then.

2. I’m afraid, we are late. The plane will have taken off when we get to the airport.

3. Will you have finished the washing-up by the time the film starts?

4. The builder says he’ll have finished the roof by Saturday.

5. The car will soon have done 100,000 miles.

6. They will have made a decision by Friday.

Exercise 113. Make the following sentences interrogative and then negative.

1. Somebody will have shown up by six.

2. Ann will have bought the tickets by the time you arrive at the station.

3. Tom will have ordered everything when we come to the restaurant.

4. By 2020 people will have learnt to grow food on the seabed.

5. Antony will have opened a new cafe not far from here by the end of the year.

6. We’re late. I expect the film will already have started by the time we get to the cinema.

Exercise 114. Ask questions to the following sentences beginning with the words in brackets.

1. By the end of the autumn, we will have built our new house. (Where?)

2. They will have done everything by Sunday. (What?)

3. She'll have taken up something else by the summer. (What?)

4. By ten they will have gone; come earlier, if you can. (Why?)

5. I’ll have returned from my summer holiday by August. (Why?)

6. Harry will have learned to play the guitar by the next summer. (How?)

Exercise 115. Use the Future Perfect for each situation.

1. I hope they (build) this bridge by the end of the year.

2. Your guests (come) by five?

3. By the end of this year Mr. Faith (work) for this company for fifty years.

4. They (pick) all the apples by the end of October.

5. They (be married) for five years tomorrow.

6. By the end of the week she (drive) 50 miles.

8. He used to have black hair, but now... I think, he (go) completely grey by the time he's 40.

9. We're trying to raise money for our fund. By the end of the year we (raise) $2,000.

Exercise 116. Use the best tense (Future Simple, Future Perfect, Present Simple or Present Perfect).

1. By 8 o'clock they (have) dinner.

2. By the end of the week he (finish) our flat redecorating.

3. Before you (come) I (do) all the work.

4. My train (leave) by the time you (come) to the station.

5. The committee (prepare) the plan by tomorrow.

6. By the time we (get) to the forest the rain (stop).

7. I suppose when my letter (reach) you I already (return) from your voyage.

8. We (begin) to work after we (read) all the instructions.

9. We (not do) anything until he (take) necessary steps.

10. We (not be able) to start the experiment before we (obtain) the necessary data.

Exercise 117. Translate into English.

1. Боюсь, к тому времени, когда вы придете с деньгами, они уже все распродадут.

2. Мы сделаем все упражнения к его приходу, а затем все вместе поедем на каток.

3. Я напишу ему после того, как увижусь с его родителями.

4. Наш завод выпустит (produce) новый автомобиль к концу года.

5. Не знаю, напишет ли он статью к первому сентября. Если она будет готова к этому времени, мы ее напечатаем.

6. Я уже уйду в театр, если вы придете так поздно.

7. Боюсь, вы опоздаете. Они уже закончат переговоры (talks) к 5 часам.

8. К воскресенью они закончат ремонт и переедут на новую квартиру.