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I. Письменно переведите абзацы 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 текста.


The keystone of the rule of law in England has been the independence of judges.

It is the only respect in which we make any real separation of powers.”

Lord Denning, 1981.

1. The average citizen is much more likely to appear before a magistrate than before a judge; and the great bulk of British justice is carried out not by professional lawyers but by unpaid magistrates (unpaid magistrate - мировой судья (не получающий вознаграждения)) who sit on the bench only one day a week or a fortnight. A magistrates’ court provides a complete contrast to the pomp of a law court, with no wigs, no gowns and often no lawyers.

2. The origins of the Justices of the Peace (Justice of the Peace (JP) - Мировой судья (рассматривает мелкие гражданские и уголовные дела, обычно не имеет юридического образования и не получает денежного вознаграждения)) go deep into the Middle Ages, before any legal bureaucracy existed. They were established in 1361 to provide three or four people in each English county to keep the peace and punish offenders. For several centuries they ran the more of local government as the instruments of the monarchy, many of them serving both as justices and members of parliament. Then justices lost some duties (to lose duty to - передать обязанности) to the police forces and the new county councils took over their local government powers; but their work was now swelled by matrimonial cases and by the separate juvenile courts.


3. Because of the magistrates, England has far fewer professional judges than most countries. When, in 1965, Lord Gardiner ordered a survey to be made, it showed that England and Wales had only eight judges per million of population, compared to thirty-four in the United States; while other countries outside the Anglo-Saxon legal system had as many as 200 judges per million. English judges remain a small and self-contained profession, as they have been for the past few centuries, carefully dignified by the ``majesty of the law''. All of them except circuit judges (circuit judge - окружной судья) (who can be solicitors) must be appointed from the ranks of the barristers, in spite of repeated protests from solicitors; so that the isolation of the Bench (the Bench - суд, состав суда, судебное присутствие) is reinforced by the detachment of the Inns of Court (the Inns of Court – Лондонская корпорация адвокатов) and the ancient privileges of the Bar (the Bar - адвокатура, коллегия адвокатов).

4. The transformation of a barrister into a judge is one of the oldest of all British career-changes. A barrister who earns perhaps 100,000 pounds a year will have to cut down to 35,000 pounds a year as a High Court judge, but he leaves a highly-competitive and insecure business for a totally secure one; and he now becomes part of the ancient fabric of justice. A man who has spent his life in specialized pleading, taking up briefs to defend murderers or swindlers and arguing with insistent one-sidedness, is suddenly required taking the most balanced view, and exercising (to exercise - зд. пользоваться) the mysterious faculty of judgement. The quick-talking advocate suddenly becomes the silent and impartial upholder of justice.

5. The Lord Chancellor appoints judges through a centralized and self-perpetuating system, consulting with senior judges and looking through his card-index (card index – картотека) of barristers and references. A barrister after about fifteen years may successfully apply to “take silk” (to “take silk” - стать королевским адвокатом) and become one of four hundred Queen's Counsel (Queen's Counsel (QC) - королевский адвокат).

6. The competition to become a judge is less severe than it looks: an ambitious barrister can probably become some kind of judge by the age of fifty-five, and once appointed, the judges are supported and protected by all the formal machinery of the law, in a life-style which is like no other.

II. Выпишите из текста существительные с левыми и правыми определениями, выраженными неличными формами глагола (Participle I, Participle II, Gerund, Infinitive). Полученные пары разместите соответственно в два столбца.


quick-talking advocate ………………….. (P.I)

competition to become a judge …………(Inf.)