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К.р. Английский язык.doc
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VII.B. Устно переведите следующий текст. Дайте письменный перевод абзацев 1, 2, 3, 5.

Law: Judges and Politics

1. All the conservatism and exclusiveness of old institutions is to be found in the legal profession, which has grown up alongside the old universities (to grow up alongside the old universities - вырастать на университетской почве), as part of the classic route to parliament and political power with its roots deep in history and religion. The law is the most extreme British example of a closed and self-regulating community, with all its strength and weaknesses. Its proud traditions can enable judges to stand apart from the state apparatus, as the ultimate guarantors of human liberties; but they have also enabled lawyers to resist reforms more stubbornly than anyone, and to fortify their own privileges.

2. The chief theatre of English law is the gothic Royal Courts of Justice in the Strand (Royal Courts of Justice in the Strand - здания Королевского суда на улице Стренд в Лондоне), built in 1880 when the legal profession was at its height, with an atmosphere which makes the law seem part of religion. Barristers cover their ordinariness with gowns and horse-hair wigs (horse-hair wig - парик из конского волоса), and judges surround themselves with ancient pomp. Anyone who enters the high, hushed law courts is conditioned to the notion (to condition to the notion - испытывать ощущение) of legal authority which appears as natural and unchanging as the architecture. But the legal profession often seems to have stood still the nineteenth century.

Solicitors and Barristers

3. The legal monopoly is being supported by the strict division between solicitors and barristers which was enforced in the late nineteenth century and which is found in only a few other countries including Sri Lanka and South Africa. Only a solicitor can deal directly with the public, only a barrister is allowed pleading in the higher courts; and the two branches of the profession sustain each other's monopolies. There have been many different justifications for the separation. Many solicitors defend it as the form of the sub-contracting which provides a cheaper service:the barristers are specialists with minimal overheads (overheads - наверху; зд. те, кто выше по положению) who are skilled in court procedure and trusted by judges. Barristers - even more than

parliamentarians - have always been concerned with reforming everything except their own profession. “The one is a man of business,” one of the Lord Chancellors (the Lord Chancellor - лорд-канцлер, один из ведущих членов кабинета, спикер Палаты лордов, главный советник правительства по юридическим и консультационным вопросам, хранитель государственной печати) has said, “the other, to some extent, an artist and scholar.”

4. It is the five thousand barristers who remain the “senior branch” of the legal profession, and only they can reach the top of the pyramid - a high court judgeship. Of all British subgroups (subgroup – подгруппа) they remain the most arcane (arcane - скрытый, тайный) and segregated (segregated - изолированный (необщительный)).

5. The English are known to have long prided themselves on being less lawyer-ridden (to be less lawyer-ridden – иметь меньшее количество юристов) than most countries: they have about 840 lawyers for every million people compared to about 1,500 in the United States. “What will so many find to do (to find to do - находить занятие)?” asked the President of the Law Society in 1980; but many clients were worried that they would find it all too easy to spin out their time (to spin out the time - транжирить время), lovingly exchanging long-winded (long-winded – многословный) letters while the clock ticks up their fees (to tick the fee - отсчитывать гонорар). Solicitors have become increasingly defensive in maintaining a monopoly of many jobs which could be done by less qualified people: they even mounted an extravagant advertising campaign, paid for by a special solicitors' levy, to warn the public about the dangers of using a non-solicitor, “Whatsisname” (“whatsisname” - непрофессионал, “без имени”).

VIII.B. Exercises to the text

Ex.1. Выпишите из 3-го абзаца текста все сказуемые, смысловой глагол которых выражен причастием прошедшего времени (Participle II). Определите время и залог сказуемого. Дайте исходную форму смыслового глагола.}

Например: has been collected - Present Perfect Passive Voice, to collect.

Ex.2. Найдите в 3-м и 5-м абзацах текста слова, оканчивающиеся на -ing. Подчеркните причастия настоящего времени одной чертой (2 примера), отглагольное существительное - двумя (1 пример), герундий - пунктирной линией (4 примера).

Ex.3. Найдите в 1, 2 и 5-м абзацах текста и подчеркните волнистой линией инфинитивные обороты: сложное подлежащее (Complex Sub\-ject) (2 примера) и сложное дополнение (Complex Object) (2 примера).

Ex.4. Опираясь на текст, переведите на английский язык следующие группы слов:

Консерватизм и исключительность, профессия юриста, крайний, держаться в стороне, давать возможность, полные гаранты свобод, выступать против реформ, находиться на вершине, посредственность (ординарность), присяжный поверенный (солиситор), адвокат (барристер), вводить в действие, выступать в суде высшей инстанции, поддерживать монополию, различные оправдания, вид (форма) посреднической деятельности, хорошо разбираться в судебной процедуре, занимать оборонительную позицию, сбор (взимание налога).

Ex.5. Письменно ответьте на вопросы к тексту:

1. What can you say about British law?

2. In what way is the legal monopoly supported in Britain?

3. What are barristers, what position do they occupy in the legal profession?

4. On what have the British prided themselves?


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