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XV. Напишите числительные словами:

1. 1,208

2. 5,624

3. 81,900

4. 33,702

5. 140,960

6. 650,800

7. 1,306,020

8. 54,890,001

XVI. Прочтите вслух следующие слова.

[au] about account allowed amount house how

loud mountain now sound towel town

[əu] borrow follow flown grow know low

owe show slow throw

Урок XVI

Лексика Shopping


  1. Future Indefinite Tense. Будущее неопределенное время.

  2. Disjunctive questions. Разделительные вопросы.


a bakery – булочный отдел

a bar - плитка

a bottle – бутылка

a box - коробка

a butchery [but∫əri] - мясной отдел

to buy (bought, bought) – покупать

a cash desk - касса

a cashier - кассир

a change – сдача

cheap – дешевый

a confectionary – кондитерский отдел

to cost - стоить

a counter – прилавок

a customer - покупатель

a department – отдел

a department store – универсальный магазин

diary products – молочные продукты

expensive - дорогой

a food basket – корзина для продуктов

foodstuffs - продукты питания

to get in line - стоять в очереди

to go shopping - ходить за покупками

a greengrocery – овощной отдел

How much is it? - Сколько это стоит?

a jar - стеклянная банка

a label – ярлык

a loaf - булка (хлеба)

a packet - пакет, брикет

to pay - платить

to pay by credit card – платить кредитной картой

to pay cash – наличные

to pick out – выбирать

a price - цена

a purchase – покупка

to save - экономить

a self-service shop – магазин самообслуживания

to sell (sold, sold) - продавать

a shopping cart - тележка для покупок

a shop window - витрина

a supermarket - супермаркет

a tin - жестяная банка

a tube - тюбик, туба

I. Назовите слова, соответствующие определениям:

  1. It is a vegetable that grows under the ground. It can be made into chips.

  2. It is a department where we can buy fruits and vegetables.

  3. It is a large shop which sells all kinds of food.

  4. It is a vegetable. We eat the dark red part of it that grows under the ground.

  5. We put it into a tea or coffee.

  6. We go there to pay for a purchase.

  7. A person who comes to a shop to buy something.

II. Прочитайте и переведите.


London is a famous shopping center, where you can buy nearly everything. Harrods is the largest department store in Europe. One of its mottoes1 is that it sells everything. There are 230 departments in Harrods selling every type of food. The store gets water form its own wells, 76m below the ground. There are 4000 Harrods staff2, and 6000 for the Christmas sales.

The Harrods colors are green with special gold lettering. Even its carpets are green, patterned with “H” letters.

The escalators cover about 68,453 km a year, nearly twice the distance around the world.

1. motto – девиз 2. staff - штат сотрудников

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