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Методичні вказівки до вивчення усних розмовних....doc
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Методичні вказівки до вивчення усних розмовних тем з англійської мови для студентів ІІ курсу факультету економіки підприємства. – Кривий Ріг: КЕІ КНЕУ. – 2010. – с.

Авторський колектив: канд. пед.. наук, доцент Коржова Л.С.

ст. викладач Зотова-Садило О.Ю.

Відповідальний за випуск: ст. викл. Зотова-Садило О.Ю.

Рецензенти: канд. пед. наук, доцент Болсун С.А.

канд. пед. наук, доцент Мірошніченко Е.В.


Метою навчального посібника є забезпечення розвитку навичок усного мовлення за темами, що передбаченні програмою англійської мови для вищих навчальних закладів освіти економічних спеціальностей та формування професійної компетенції. Посібник складається з 9 тем. До текстів додаються питання для обговорення текстів та варіанти мовних ситуацій.

Зміст текстів базується на матеріалі, що дозволяє поглибити знання в сфері економіки. Структура методичних вказівок передбачає аудиторне та самостійне індивідуальне опрацювання навчального матеріалу і розрахована на засвоєння мовних елементів фахового стилю та забезпечення розуміння економічних текстів.


  1. New business and job creation…………………4

  2. Demand and supply. Factors of production……...8

  3. Types of businesses……………………………. 14

  4. Product-market strategy……………………….21

  5. Foreign trade. Import-export……………………27

  6. Money and its functions……………………….32

  7. The economy and investment………………….39

  8. Inflation…………………………………….......47

  9. Budgets and budgeting…………………………51

New business and job creation


Occupation – заняття, професія;

to еxpand – розширювати, збільшувати;

to stagger­ – коливатися, змінюватись;

roughly – приблизно, грубо;

venture – ризиковане підприємство, комерційне підприємство, спекуляція;

stock markets – фондова біржа;

common stock – звичайна акція;

expansion – зростання, розвиток, збільшення;

entrepreneur – підприємець;

mortgage – іпотека, залог, іпотечний кредит;

depleting savings – вичерпування (виснаження) заощаджень;

to lure – заманювати, привертати увагу;

to emphasize – наголошувати, акцентувати увагу;

avail­ability – доступність, наявність;

to fade – поступово зникати;

оpportunities – можливості;

retailing – роздрібна торгівля.

One of five Americans leaves his or her job each year. One in ten Americans changes occupations each year, and many will have four to five careers in a lifetime. While most job switching probably occurs early in one's career, we live in a rapidly changing world where new jobs and careers are being created every day. The personal questions involved in finding and keeping a job are likely to be a regular part of life.

Financing New Businesses. The number of new businesses and the amount of money necessary for them to operate and expand is stagger­ing. There are 1.3 million new enterprises formed each year. Approxi­mately half of these incorporate. If each of the 1.3 million new firms requires $25,000 of financial capital to begin, over $30 billion is needed to finance the start-ups each year. Another half a million firms need an additional $100,000 to continue to grow. Capital requirements for these firms total roughly $80 billion dollars.

Where do these funds come from? Business people called 'venture capitalists,' who specialize in investing in new firms, provide about $2 billion a year. One quarter of the capital comes from overseas. Stock markets, where new common stock is sold, provide an additional $15-20 billion. Banks and other financial institutions will also provide funds. A large portion of funds needed for start-up and expansion, however, comes from entrepreneurs risking their personal savings or property. This may mean taking a second mortgage on a house, depleting savings and retire­ment funds, and coaxing investors (primarily friends, neighbours, and family) to make loans or buy ownership in the new firm.

State Financing of New Businesses. States interested in stimulating economic growth compete for jobs and new businesses in a variety of ways. They provide tax incentives and special funds to lure foreign or domestic companies to move to their state. They advertise and market their strengths to convince businesses to relocate in their state. They emphasize the quality of their schools, roads and highways, the avail­ability of skilled workers, and their clean air and beautiful scenery — whatever businesses will find attractive. Governors will even travel to other countries in an effort to secure new investment.

What Jobs Are Available? The creation of new businesses and new jobs can mean new opportunities for you. What types of jobs are grow­ing in importance in your community? What jobs are fading in impor­tance? National statistics indicate the service sector is providing the lion's share of new jobs. Opportunities are available in medical care, retailing, and business services such as law, consulting and accounting. The Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that the fastest growing jobs will be in the areas of high-skill service occupations such as engineer­ing, medical technology, computer programming and systems analysis. The table that follows provides some information about the fastest growing and the fastest declining jobs in America and in Ukraine.


Fastest Growing Jobs in America Fastest Growing Jobs in Ukraine

Medical assistants Sales managers

Home health aides IT- specialist

Radiologic technologists &

technicians Financial managers

Securities Pharmaceutical chemists

Travel agents Top-managers

Systems analysts Legal experts & laws

Computer programmers

Human services workers

(За інформацією консалтингового агенства Capital Human Resources)

Answer the following questions:

  1. Where do the funds for new businesses come from?

  2. In what way are the funds for new firms reallocated?

  3. Are the governments interested in stimulating foreign and domestic companies to invest in their economies? Why?

  4. How do states lure foreign and domestic investors?

  5. What jobs are growing in importance in Ukraine?

  6. How do you feel about your future job?