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Завдання з дисципліни «Іноземна мова» для студентів 2-го курсу за напрямом навчання «Психологія»

Lesson 1


Psychology is the study of different systems of the human body and what they do. You cannot learn about psychology without knowing how human body works and how its work affects a person’s inner world. In this chapter you will read more about human physiology. You will read about sense organs in the human body. The sense organs are more commonly called the five senses. The sense organs are the ears, nose, eyes, tongue, and skin. The five senses are hearing, smelling, seeing, tasting, and touching. Your senses give information to your brain to help you move, control, and protect your body.


A bell rings, a baby cries, and the dog barks. Every day we hear thousands of sounds. Our world is full of sounds. What causes sound? How does our ear let us hear sounds?

Sound is caused by vibrations, the quick back-and-forth movements of an object. The vibrations move through air, water, the ground, or some other substance. The vibrations move in waves. They are called sound waves. In order to understand how people hear sound waves, you must understand how the ear works.

There are three important parts of the ear: the ear canal, the eardrum, and the small bones. Each part is important for hearing. Sound waves enter the ear through the ear canal and hit the eardrum. The eardrum is a thin skin that stretches tightly across the inside of the ear. It is like the material that is stretched across the top of a drum.

The eardrum begins to vibrate, or move back and forth quickly. This vibration causes three very small bones in the ear to vibrate. These little bones are called the hammer, anvil, and stirrup. They get their names because they look like these objects.

These vibrations of the eardrum cause more vibrations in a liquid that fills the deepest part of the ear. The moving liquid presses on the hearing nerves. These nerves pass the sound massage on the brain. When the message reaches the brain, the person can hear the sounds.

It is important for humans to be able to hear sounds. Sounds can warn of danger and emergencies. If you see a person cross the street into the path of an oncoming car you would call to the person to watch out. The driver of the oncoming car would honk the horn, to warn the person. Fire alarms warn people of fire. Sirens on ambulances and police cars tell you to move to the side. Some people cannot hear. They are deaf and cannot be warned of danger in the same way.

Vocabulary and comprehension check

1. Give English equivalents of the following words:

ковадло, мозок, глухий, канал, вухо, барабанна перепона, молоточок, звукові хвилі, стремінце, вібрувати, вібрації.

2. Give Russian/ Ukrainian equivalents of the following words:

psychology, affect, tongue, eye, smelling, seeing, tasting, touching, protect, bark, cause, substance, liquid , emergency, deaf, to warn.

3. Complete the sentences according to the text:

  1. Psychology studies ______________________________________________________ .

  2. The sense organs are very often called _______________________________________ .

  3. There are five sense organs, they are _________________________________________ .

  4. Five senses help us to _____________________________________________________ .

  5. The ear consists of three main parts, they are ___________________________________ .

  6. Sound waves enter the ear through the ear canal and _____________________________ .

  7. The eardrum begins to vibrate and cause more vibrations__________________________ .

  8. The moving liquid presses on the hearing nerves which ___________________________ .

  9. The person can hear the sounds when _________________________________________ .

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