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Biology Пособие по английскому языку.doc
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Learning activities.

I. Give Russian equivalents to these words:

to appear; to scatter; occurrence; existence; essence; to explode; diversity; nurturing; algae; to pave; oxygen; carbon dioxide.

II. Use the words from Ex. I in the correct form to complete the sentences:

1. Coal gives rise to much greater emissions of …that oil or gas.

2. The first plants on the Earth were …, they … and lived in the oceans about billions years ago.

3. … of blue-green algae formed the first plants on the Earth.

4. Animals … among the land.

5. Algae … the way for land plants.

6. Plants and trees increase the percentage of … in the Earth’s atmosphere.

7. Many different forms of life means … .

8. The existence of trees is … of all life on the planet.

9. … of animals on the planet was about 550 million years ago, when life … .

  1. Find pairs of synonyms.

1. explosion

a) final

2. existence

b) development

3. evolution

c) constructive

4. emergence

d) protection

5. preservation

e) to disperse

  1. to scatter

f) fruitless

  1. formative

g) swampy

  1. to coalesce

h) different

  1. harmful

i) unfriendly

  1. increase

j) to unite

  1. powerful

k) burst

  1. barren

l) life, being

  1. inhospitable

m) appearance

  1. aquatic

n) bad, injurious

  1. marshy

o) growth

  1. diverse

p) living in water

  1. eventual

q) strong, influential

IV. Find English equivalents to the following word and combinations in the text:

Растения появились; жизнь расцвела; сине-зеленые водоросли; радиация солнца; поверхность не защищалась; существование животных; образовались моря; увеличивать процент кислорода; уменьшать процент углекислого газа; сущность всей жизни; поглощать радиацию; защищать от радиации; деревья эволюционировали; казалась безжизненной; разнообразие животных; поглощать водой; формы жизни на Земле; поверхность, покрытая железом; одновременно.

V. Read and translate the sentences with the emphatic construction It is (was) … who(that) …

  1. It is the purple color that attracts my attention in this picture.

  2. It is this problem that creates much difficulty.

  3. It was his translation that the examiner liked and spoke about.

  4. It was Albert Einstein who developed the theory of relativity.

  5. It was Isaac Newton who discovered the law of gravitation.

  6. It is you whom I want to see.

Look through the text and find a sentence containing an emphatic construction. Translate the sentence into Russian.

Make up sentences of your own with emphatic constructions.

VI. Write as many questions as possible to the following sentences.

1. Land plants evolved a little more quietly about 90 million years later.

2. They appeared in the oceans after the surface began to cool and stabilize.

3. The first land plants made their appearance way about 460 million years ago.