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Biology Пособие по английскому языку.doc
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I. Answer the questions.

1. What are the most numerous microscopic organisms called?

2. What is the first step in genetic engineering?

3. Are there many age-old enemies among microbes? What do they do?

4. What do microbes convert sugars into?

5. How can bacteria live?

6. How do molds act?

7. What do bacteria lack?

8. How do they reproduce?

9. How do bacteria colonize our bodies?

II. Choose the correct word corresponding to the definitions be­low.

species, soil, enzyme, bacteria, fungus, yeast

  1. Plant without leaves, flowers or green coloring matter, growing on other plants or on decaying matter.

  2. Biological group having some common characteristics (division of a genus) able to breed with each other but not with other groups.

  3. Organic chemical substance (a catalyst) formed in living cells, able to cause changes in other substances without being changed itself.

  4. A group of microscopic, one-celled fungus plants.

  5. A mass of rock particles and humus from which plants obtain essential materials.

  6. Substance used in brewing beer, and in the making of bread.

III. Rearrange these series of words to form sentences.

Example: bacteria / convert / into / bread / sugars / some.

Some bacteria convert sugars into bread.

1. plants / domesticate / people / always / and / animals.

2. we / bacteria / learning / domesticate / to / now / are.

3. under / you / a / put / it / microscope.

4. are / molds / hairy / the / cells.

5. crop / those / lead / diseases / filaments / can / to.

6. these / dwell / us / microbes / among.

7. tailor / scientists / can / microbes / now / create / to / products / medical.

8. pharmaceutical / was / the / factory / erecting / new / a / facility.

IV. Give Russian equivalents of the following phrases.

To be good at something, genetic engineering, age-old enemy, nei­ther... nor..., a common characteristic, invisible messengers, in wondrous ways, to keep population in check, in fact, ecological niche, to decompose compost, microbiologists, microscopic organ­isms, to flourish, abundant, hairy cells, to get rid of

V. Here are some answers. What are the questions?

1. The ones we call bacteria.

2. What we want.

3. To domesticate bacteria.

4. As a single cell.

5. On soil bacteria.

6. By dividing.

7. Among us and within us.

8. About a quarter of a pound.

VI. Give English equivalents of the following phrases. Use them in sentences of your own.

Привлекательная экологическая ниша, избавляться от чего-либо, в действительности, удивительными способами, один (микроб) на тысячу, очень давние враги, образец почвы, силь­нодействующие химикаты, быть причиной малярии, в очень большом количестве

VII. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Сотни тысяч видов микробов живут на земле.

2. Некоторые бактерии помогают делать фармацевтические препараты.

3. Другие бактерии делают ферменты для разрезания ДНК.

4. Ни мы, ни наша планета не могли бы жить без микроорга­низмов.

5. Дрожжи — это ферменты, которые заквашивают наш хлеб.

6. Плесенные грибки могут привести к раку человека.

7. В течение двух миллиардов лет бактерии были единствен­ной формой жизни на Земле.

VIII. Correcting mistakes.

In each of the following sentences there is one mistake. Find it and correct it.

1. We are learn to domesticate bacteria.

  1. Some bacteria help make the snow at our sky resort.

  2. He reads the book about enzymes at the moment.

  3. Microbes can live as a single sell.

  4. They by fission reproduce.

  5. Some of the most noutorious protozoans cause malaria.

  6. Was Susan really have a headache last Sunday?

8. Students examined molds under the microscope from 9 to 10 yesterday.

9. I have got two news for you.

10. They wanted an information.