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lost. 4. A man passed, then a group of labourers, a boy with a flock of sheep, a carriage attended by armed men: horseman trotted by. (Lnd.) 5. "It's always been “a? pain to me that the Kaffirs had a school while we didn't." (Ab) 6. Each occasion ... made him feel the great gulf that separates a minister, any minister, from a private member of the House. (Bt) 7. Nobody's love is as constant and unselfish as a mother's. 8. After a while a light flashed in and a voice yelled, "Get up out of here." (Sxt)

Exercise 2 p. 14. Insert a, some or any where necessary. Change the number of the nouns, making all other necessary changes.

1. . . . letter of or to . . . soldier can be sent without ... stamp. 2. . . .

drugstore in the USA and Canada is . . . shop where one can get not only . . . medicines but also . . . drinks and snacks. 3. . . . days passed, but there weren't ... signs of . . . change coming. 4. There remained ... toast, ... rolls, and ... bun on the plate. 5. Shall I treat you to . . . apple or . . . pear? — I always prefer ... apples to . . .

pears. 6. Give me . . . nail. I bought ... picture and want to have it

fixed. 7. The other day I spoke to . . . geologists who told me that ...

new deposit of diamonds had been found in this region. 8. . . . man's jacket usually has ... breast pocket. 9. I expect to get ... letter from them in two weeks. 10. When ... tankmen return from the army to their native village they very often become ... drivers or . . .


Exercise 3 p. 14. Translate into English.

I. Он никогда не выходил из дома без галош и зонтика. 2.

Недавно я познакомился с одним моряком; он только что вернулся из кругосветного путешествия. 3. Не проехали мы и километра, как что-то случилось с колесом. 4. В поезде дальнего следования


обычно имеется вагон-ресторан. 5. Вы можете дать мне почитать какой-нибудь журнал? — У меня есть сейчас журналы, но не думаю,

чтобы они вам были интересны. 6. Я не курю сигары. Не могли ли бы вы дать мне папиросу? 7. Друг так не поступает. 8. Он любит пить не из чашки, а только из стакана. 9. Сколько человек может вместить зал вроде этого? 10. Проблема такого рода должна вас интересовать. 11. В маленькой комнате книжная полка удобней,

чем шкаф. 12. В морском параде приняли участие подводные лодки и авианосец.

Exercise 4 p. 14. Insert the appropriate articles where necessary.

1. . . . door is locked. 2. Have you . . . telephone? 3. . . . telephone is out of order. 4. It is dark on . . . landing. 5. Do you like ... dogs? 6. Don't tease ... dog. 7. Never try to stroke ... dog if - you don't know it. 8. . . . fountain-pen won't write. 9. Have you got ...

fountain-pens on sale? 10. Where can I have ... coat made to order? 11. Where did you have ... coat made? 12. In this store they always have a wide choice in . . . coats and ... suits. 13. … suits are ready-made. 14. Where is . . . key? 15. How many flats are there in ...

house? 16. How much are . . . dinner-sets? How many articles are there in . . . set? 17. How much are ... dinner sets nowadays?

Exercise 5 p. 15. Translate into English. (Dictation-translation.)

1. а) Мне нужно снять комнату. b) Проветри комнату. 2. а)

Нож не режет. b) У тебя нет ножа? с) Возьми нож и отрежь себе хлеба. 3. а) Мы не знали, что здесь есть озеро. b) Озеро глубокое. 4. а)

Замок сломался. b) Кому бы мне отдать починить замок? с) Ты не знаешь, где чинят замки? d) He забудь купить замок. 5. а) У нас сегодня апельсины на третье. b) Апельсины в буфете, с) Возьми себе апельсин. d) Апельсин не кислый?


Exercise 6 p. 15. Analyse the use of the articles in bold type.

1. Her son had not only come home but he had come home a good person. (Ab) 2. "The best thing, I think, son, is for you to move in with me," said the preacher. (Ab) 3. Mabel looked at her mother. Her mother saw the look; it was a look the old and the very wise gave to those who were not so wise. It was not the look of a child. (Ab) 4. He had never come across a fact so incredible as this fact. (Sxt) 5. Many an evening had they run thus to catch a last bus or train from-some distant point of the Cape Peninsula. And now they were running for the last time to catch the train that would take Celia out of his life forever. (Ab)

Exercise 7 p. 15. Insert articles if necessary.

1. ... chorus of young voices repeating the lesson came from the class-room. 2. We want... place where we can live in peace and freedom. (Ab) 3. . . . echo of her footsteps died away. 4. Across the yard walked ... young men in . . . black robes and ... four-cornered hats. 5. The yacht, ... large and luxurious craft, lay at anchor in the bay. 6.

... man, who had preceded her to the entrance, opened the door. 7. He was evidently … man who had never in his life had the slightest doubt as to his abilities. 8. Francis had made it a point in knowing ... right people who would write about her. 9. I want you to choose ... right road,

... road your father and grandfather had chosen. 10. . . . road he took soon brought him to ... street where fishermen lived. 11. When I begin to feel drowsy, I change … heavy book I am reading for . . . lighter one, 12. She shook her head a trifle— just . . . trifle that was meant for "no". 13. The door was opened after some delay by … very dirty child with ... nose that needed attention. 14. … book that reads well gets soon dog-eared. 15. The boy was casting frightened glances at ...


dentist who was getting ready. 16. The man poured himself another glass of wine with ... hand that shook with irritable anger.

Exercise 8 p. 16. Translate into English.

1. Они вошли в вагон, в котором не было свободных мест. 2. В

вагоне, в который они вошли, не было свободных мест. 3. Сегодня группа туристов, которая состоит в основном из студентов, начнет подъем на Эльбрус. 4. Группа туристов, которая нач-ала сегодня подъем на Эльбрус, состоит из студентов. 5. В городе строится новый стадион, который будет вмещать 10 тысяч зрителей. 6. Кто разработал проект нового стадиона, который строится в вашем городе? 7. Роль Анны играла молодая талантливая актриса,

которая недавно окончила театральный институт. 8. В газетах очень много писали о молодой талантливой актрисе, которая сыграла роль Анны. 9. Она посмотрела на часы на углу и поняла,

что опоздает на поезд. 10. На углу нашей улицы висят часы,

которые приводятся в действие электричеством. 11. Вашего сына будет оперировать хирург, который ейчас работает над диссертацией на эту тему. 12. Хирург, который будет оперировать вашего сына, как раз работает над диссертацией на эту тему.

Exercise 9 p. 16. Insert the appropriate articles where necessary.

1. … cover of … book attracts attention of … children at once. 2.

... head of the expedition was ... man who had travelled a lot. 3.

Every morning he would come to … top of … hill to drink in the beauty of ... pastures of which he felt himself … owner. 4. He could not forget … face of girl with ... fine profile of ... Greek statue. 5. Mr. Drum was ... large man with ... head full of grey hair, rather unkempt. 6. When the sprinter came to . . . finish . . . blood was pounding in his head and ears. 7. The earth shook with ... roar of ...


guns. 8. When ... race was over ... victor made … traditional round of … track, carrying … wreath of victory. 9. Tziolkovsky was … son of forester. 10. He was … single child. 11. He was … only boy of … children. 12. What's that place! — Mako's Kraal. They have ...

school there. Young Mako is … tеасhег."

Exercise 10 p. 16. Use the appropriate article with nouns denoting things considered to be unique.

1. The clouds were lying so closely below the plane that nothing could be seen of . . . earth. 2. The huge disc of . . . moon was rising in . . . east. 3. The clouds broke away and we had the advantage of . . . full moon. 4. Magellan was killed in battle. 18 of his companions reached Spain in 1522, completing the first voyage round

. . . world. 5. Quite . . . new world opened before him. 6. The night

was so dark that the sailors could distinguish neither .. . sky nor ...

sea. 7. . . . sea was sparkling under . . . cloudless sky. 8. . . . clear midday sky was suddenly overcast by heavy clouds coming from nowhere. 9. The air was filled with the odour of . . . sea of blossoms. 10. . . . high noon sun was incredibly strong, ... summer sun now, sudden, uncompromising.

Exercise 11 p. 17. Analyse the use of the article with the nouns in bold type. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. The tiger is a big cat-like animal ranging in several races from India and the Malay Peninsula to Siberia. 2. The clown appeared in the English circus first. 3. All the four sides and angles of the square are equal. 4. The invention of the radio was for a long time ascribed to Marconi. 5. Kennedy's Plain was always a good trapping ground because it was unfrequented by man and yet lay between heavy woods and settlement. ( Thp)


Exercise 12 p. 17. Translate into English. Pay attention to the generic use of nouns.

1. Волк и шакал принадлежат к семейству собачьих. 2. Долгое время братья Райт считались изобретателями самолета. Теперь документально доказано, что самолет изобрел русский инженер Можайский. 3. Русский летчик Нестеров первый сделал петлю в воздухе, и некоторое время она так и называлась “петля Нестерова”. 4. Во время войны многие писатели сменили перо на винтовку. 5. В Бирме торговля всегда была занятием женщины.

Она же наследует имущество, и муж, как правило, входит в дом жены. 6. Тадж-Махал — одно из прекраснейших сооружений,

когда-либо созданных человеком.

Exercise 13 p. 17. Insert articles where necessary.

1. a) The airplane in which Francis was travelling East ran into

... heavy weather, b) He had travelled in the plane faster than the rain and when he came to New York, ... weather was sunny and mild there. 2. a) You can't be satisfied with ... progress you have made, b) The patient was making such ... noticeable progress that the doctor hoped he would not have to stay in bed much longer. 3. a) I am grateful to you for . . . advice you gave me. b) He wondered what

... advice the old worker would give him. c) I think I can give you ...

piece of . . . good advice. 4. a) I am satisfied with ... . news I

managed to get. b) Napoleon had landed in Cannes, and such ...

fatal news had ruined Amelia's father. 5. a) Where have you got

such … important information from? b) He tried to piece together ...

information he got from different sources, c) How did you manage to stumble upon such ... fine piece of . . . information while we were still in the dark? 6. a) He received an evasive answer to his request for …


work. b) He put away ... work, assuring me that he had nothing-to do that could not wait till the next day. c) Martin Eden had done his usual day's work, which was the equivalent to . . . week's work of the average successful writer, d) I intended to do . . . little work before going to bed. e) Look at the necklace. What ... fine piece of . . .


Exercise 14 p. 18. Translate into English. (Dictation-translation.)

a) 1. Это очень хороший совет, 2. Совет хороший. 3. Что нового? 4.

Новости хорошие? 5. Он привез плохие вести. 6. Такие сведения всегда нужны. 7. Сведения уже поступили? 8. Не стоит трогаться в путь в плохую погоду. 9. Мы не тронемся, пока погода не переменится. 10. Дай деньги мне. Ты ведь такой рассеянный, ты их всегда теряешь.

b) I. Какой мудрый совет! 2. Какие полезные советы! 3. Какая была скверная погода! 4. Был такой чудесный день! 5. Какой неожиданный визит! 6. Это такая неожиданная новость. 7. Он нашел такую хорошую работу! 8. Какая интересная работа! 9. Не забудь прочитать книгу. Это такая интересная книга! 10. Группа сделала такие успехи! 11. Какой успех имела.пьеса. 12. Какие ценные сведения! 13. Это такая серьезная статья! 14. Какую хорошую статью вы написали!

Exercise 15 p. 18. Insert an article where necessary.

1 . . . . water is precious in this area and must be paid for. 2. Don't drink from this pond, ... water is stale. 3. . . . coal of Newcastle is rich in carbon. 4. . . . coal gas is formed by burning … coal; it is

... gas used for heating and illuminating. 5. . . . hot coal fell from … fire and burned a hole in the carpet. 6. According to the Greek myth Prometheus stole ... fire from Olympus to give it to men. 7. They


built ... fire to mark the place for the plane to land. 8. . . . air was filled with the odour of flowers. 9. ... fresh air was circulating through all the rooms to my uncle's great discontent. 10. There was

. . . air of importance about him. 11. Sacks of . . . sand were taken up in the balloon as ballast. 12. The tide was out and the children were digging in . . . wet sand. 13. This is . . . tea I am particularly fond of. I don't think there is . . . better tea than this. 14. . . . tea is cultivated in the south of our country. 15. "Two teas and ... coffee, please, some milk, too." 16. "What will you have for breakfast?" "... egg and a cup of . . . coffee." 17. A sandwich consists of two slices of

... buttered bread with ... meat, ... fish, ... egg, ... cheese or something of the kind between them. 18. I won't eat ... fish. It's not fresh. 19. A shark is . . . fish which is destructive to other fishes and dangerous to man. 20. Dishes, piled with . . . fruit, stood at either end of the table. 21. In a week or two … fruit in our garden will be ripe. 22. The old man's head shook from side to side like … ripe fruit in the wind ready to drop.

Exercise 16 p. 19. Translate into English. (Dictation-translation.)

1. Вода слишком холодная. 2. Подлей воды в суп: он слишком густой. 3. Он попросил стакан воды. 4. Снег был очень глубокий. 5.

Он стал белым как снег. 6. Очень трудно ходить по глубокому снегу. 7. Чай горячий. 8. Я люблю чай. 9. Подогрей кофе. 10.

Положи лимон в чай. 11. Лимон очень полезен. 12. Нарежь лимон. 13. Купи лимон к чаю. 14. Конфеты не заменяют сахар. 15. Вино кислое. 16. Я предпочитаю сухое вино. 17. Приходи. Я угощу тебя зином, какого ты никогда не пробовал. 18. Некоторые люди едят мороженое на улице даже зимой. 19. Купи ребенку мороженого. 20. Пока вы разговаривали, мороженое растаяло.


Exercise 17 p. 19. Explain the use or the absence of the article before the nouns in bold type.

1. Andrew was the first to break the silence. (Crn) 2. There was silence for a few moments. Then he said ... (Crn) 3. There was a silence, Edward forgot all that he wished to say. ( Crn) 4. There was a reflective silence. (Hlt) 5. They walked a few more yards in silence. For more minutes there was again the silence of the open. (Ab) 6. The silence in the room was oppressive. It was a silence that was alive. (M) 7. Light was coming into the cellar from somewhere. With light there had returned hope. ( Lnd.) 8. Soon he saw a light in the distance and understood that he was on the right track. 9. He turned the handle and was in the room before he was seen. The light was shaded, his mother was sitting on the far side of the bed. (Ab) 10. After a time, when they had walked a short distance and returned, they sat down beside a timber which they found half buried in the sand. (Sxt) 11. He looked up at Rita with a grin. "Have I ever told you about the time I worked on the Northern Pacific?" 12. Asking Dave to talk about Spain was time wasted. (Sxt) 13. Quiet settled over the little community of Stilleveld, a quiet that was in tune with the stillness of the night. (Ab)

Exercise 18 p. 19. Insert appropriate articles where necessary. '

1. … dampness of this part of the country disagreed with the travellers. 2. . . . dampness in the air is called humidity. 3. There always was ... certain dampness about the room. The ceiling and walls were covered with wet patches. 4. She gazed steadily out of the window, with her back to the room, and ... prolonged silence set in. 5. The breakfast proceeded in . . . silence with, nobody, daring to look up from the plate. 6. silence grew oppressive. 7. After .all these


hours of excitement and nervous strain they all relapsed into … silence of fatigue. 8. ... greyish light came through the small window in the garret. 9. Hours passed. He could only see … faint light of the night through the dirty window. 10. No sooner had the nurse drawn the curtains aside when ... light flooded the room. 11. When it had grown dark in the hall, the servant brought in ... light. 12. Somebody asked for ... light and I heard a match strike. 13. What

… pleasure to see you again! 14. You will read the book with ...

pleasure. 15. I'm looking forward to . . . pleasure of entertaining you and your wife. 16. He was silent for … time and drew thoughtfully at the pipe. 17. He was silent all … time. 18. … time flies when one is happy and creeps when one is in . . . grief.

Exercise 19 p. 20. Translate into English.

1. Международные спортивные встречи способствуют укреплению дружбы между народами. 2. Я еще никогда не видел дружбы крепче, чем дружба этих двух людей. 3. Рыба,

заплывающая в Мертвое море, гибнет моментально. Я нашел одну мертвую рыбешку. Она была тверда; как палка, и была покрыта солью, как панцирем. 4. Эти нежные растения нужно первое время держать под стеклом. 5. Через стекло рыбы казались больше,

чем они были на самом деле. 6. Часовщик рассматривал механизм через увеличительное стекло. 7. Молодежь с энтузиазмом работала на строительстве клуба. 8. Старик взялся за работу с энтузиазмом юноши. 9. Молодость — лучшая пора жизни. 10. Его специальность

-- литература. Сейчас он уже много лет занимается советской литературой. 11. Воздух, окружающий землю, называется атмосферой. 12. В доме царила атмосфера покоя и благополучия. 13.

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