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An Adverbial Modifier of Result

Model 6: (a) He seemed too tired to speak.

(b) You have only to read it once to understand it clearly.

1. The boys were too frightened —. 2. The roads were good enough —. 3. You must be absolutely blind —. 4. He was a rich man but he was too busy —. 5. Do you know him well enough —? 6. The night was too hot —. 7. He is too young —. 8. You have only to go their once —. 9. The subway station was near enough —. 10. He knew me too well —.

be afraid of me; understand what has happened; sleep inside the house; enjoy his money; not see how hurt she is; drive fast; walk there; speak; not want to go anywhere; ask him for help

Exercise 22, p. 253: Paraphrase the following so as to use the infinitive as an attribute.

Model 1: I must think about my job.

I have my job to think about.1

1. He must write some important letters. 2. She had to answer some business letters. 3. He had to do so many things. 4. We must first talk over this problem. 5. They wanted to show me a new picture. 6. I must ask him a lot of questions. 7. The Abhazia must cover a long distance before she reaches port. 8. With so much work to do you mustn't lose a moment. 9. He must wait (for) two hours. 10. We must go a long way.

Model 2: She was the last who left the office.

She was the last to leave the office.

1.He was the second who came to the finish. 2. There was only one man who could understand my jokes. 3. She was the first who learned this terrible news. 4. Here is the man whom you can discuss the prob­lem with. 5. She was the last person who could hurt a child. 6. Petrov was the first who raised this question and I was the next who spoke on the subject. 7. He is the last person who can break a promise.

Exercise 23, p. 253: Paraphrase the parts in bold type so as to use the infinitive in the function of an adverbial modifier of purpose according to the model.

Model: He raised his hand so that he might attract the students' attention.

He raised his hand to attract the students' attention.

1. They decided to have a special meeting so that they might come to some agreement. 2. She bought this book so that she might kill the time on the train. 3. Children go to school in order that they may learn things. 4. He has come here so that he may have a talk with you. 5. He repeated it several times. He wanted to make the child behave. 6. My neighbour often calls on me so that we may discuss politics. 7. I called at the office so that I might leave a note with the secretary for the chief. 8. The young worker followed the instructions carefully. He didn’t want to spoil the machine. 9. I turned my head so that I might hear better what she was talking about. 10. He didn’t mention this fact. He didn’t want to hurt her feelings. 11. She spoke in a soft voice in order that she might not attract anybody’s attention. 12. He paid special attention to his pronunciation. He wanted to sound natural.

Exercise 24, p. 254: Make up sentences according to the model.

Model: to get to this place, pass through the village

To get to this place he had to pass through the village (you must pass.../you'll have to pass..., etc).

1. understand the instructions, read them carefully. 2. in order to get better results, make an effort. 3. not make things still worse, turn and go away without saying a word. 4. not disturb her, be careful to keep very quiet about it. 5. in order not to get cold, make a camp fire. 6. have no trouble with your home-work, be attentive at the lesson.

Exercise 25, p. 254: Paraphrase the sentences so as to use the infinitive as an adverbial modifier of result (see model 6, Exercise 21, p. 253).1

1. She was too excited, she couldn't remain silent. 2. He was so tired that he couldn't sleep. 3. She is kind enough. She will not refuse to help you. 4. Do you know him well enough? Can you speak with him on the subject? 5. She was so weak that she couldn't rise to her feet. 6. You have only to see the picture once and you'll remember it for the rest of your life. 7. He is so careful that he can't make a mistake. 8. I think you are too much excited, you can't talk about it today. 9. She was too upset. She didn't want to see anybody.

Exercise 26, p. 254: Paraphrase the following sentences according to the model.

Model: (a) it's hard to follow him. He speaks too fast.

He is hard to follow.

(b) It's pleasant to look at her. She is pleasant to look at.

1. It's interesting to talk to her. 2. It was hard to understand his idea. 3. It's nice to work with calm people. 4. It was difficult to work out this problem. 5. It's not easy to find a good road here. 6. It was difficult to decide the matter.

Exercise 27, p. 254: Complete the following sentences according to the model.

Model: He is easy to talk to.

1. She was light on her feet and easy —. 2. The child is nice __but difficult —. 3. The old lady is hard —. 4. This fruit is nice —. 5. Her thoughts are hard —. 6. It's a good job, well paid and pleasant —. 7. A good friend is hard —. 8. The story was hard —. 9. His behaviour was difficult —. 10. The matter is easy —.

find, explain, read, arrange, dance with, please, look at, teach, have for dessert, do, believe

Exercise 28, p. 255: Translate the following sentences, using infinitive constructions.

1.Трудно сказать, кого он имел в виду. 2. Он был достаточно добр, чтобы не отказать нам в помощи. 3. Они остановились, чтобы передохнуть. 4. Единственное, что вам нужно сделать, это позвонить ему. 5. Опасно переходить дорогу в неположенном месте. 6. Чтобы не обидеть ее, мы решили вообще не говорить на эту тему в ее присутствии. 7. Вам придется выехать ранним поездом, чтобы застать их дома до того, как они уедут. 8. Врач остался еще на один час, чтобы убедиться, что жизнь ребенка вне опасности. 9. Он спокойный человек. С ним легко работать. 10. Вы должны быть очень внимательны, чтобы водить машину в большом городе. 11. Я старался много работать, чтобы не думать о том, что случилось. 12. Я думаю, что он достаточно умен, чтобы не сделать этой ошибки. 13. Дети были слиш­ком возбуждены, чтобы вести себя спокойно. 14. Ей нелегко угодить. 15. Инцидент был слишком неприятный, чтобы говорить о нем. 16. Он первый открыл это прекрасное место для отдыха. 17. Его нелегко запугать. 18. Я вам сказал всю правду. Мне нечего скрывать от вас. 19. У меня достаточно времени, чтобы повидаться с ним. 20. От него меньше всего можно было ожидать такого поведения. 21. Она была так расстроена, что совершенно не могла говорить. 22. Первое, что нам нужно сделать, — это выработать план работы. 23. Поздно спорить об этом. Уже ничего нельзя изменить. 24. Ей очень хотелось принять участие в обсуждении этого фильма. 25. Нам повезло, что мы застали его дома. 26. Ей есть чем гордиться. 27. Он человек, с которым можно поговорить на любую тему. 28. Они уехали последними. 29. Ничто меня здесь не удерживает.

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