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A teacher I will never forget

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A teacher I will never forget

  1. Alan

  • Мне очень повезло в средней школе

  • Включать в себя историю и географию

  • Обращать внимание на что-либо

  • Читать вслух стихотворение

  • Седые прилизанные волосы

  • Надменный вид, взгляд

  1. What subject did Mr.Spark teach in high school?

  2. What did he look like?

  3. What teaching style did he have?

  4. What made him a good teacher?

  5. What crazy things did he do?

  1. John

Fill in the gaps

  1. I’ll never forget that name. It sends _______ ________ ____ _______ just to hear it.

  2. He taught out of _________ _________. All the kids were scared _______ of him.

  3. He had worked as an ________________.

  4. And as the lesson went through, he’d _______ ___ and ______ the classroom

  5. And the worst feeling in the whole world was when you knew ____ _______ ______ _________ ___.

  6. You were waiting for a ________ on the back of the head.

Answer the questions:

  1. What subjects did Colin Tivvy teach?

  2. What kind of teacher was he?

  3. How did he get very good results?

  4. Why were the kids scared of him?

  5. How did Mr. Tivvy’s previous job affect his methods of teaching?

  1. Lizzie

Correct the statements:

  1. Miss Potts was a geography teacher.

  2. Miss Potts wasn’t keen on fashion and she wore casual clothes.

  3. Miss Potts was bad at teaching history and all her lessons were dead boring.

  4. Miss Potts had a lot of nicknames and she was furious about it.

4) Kate

  • называли его Brownie , но не прямо в лицо

  • мы бы не осмелились

  • подшучивать над кем-либо, высмеивать

  • противный, гадкий, ненастный

  • абсолютно лысый

  • есть граница, которую мы не переходим

  • мы уважали его как учителя

  • относиться к кому-либо беспристрастно

  • держать дистанцию

  • плохо себя вести и говорить всякие дерзости

  • напугать до смерти

  • ужасающий, вселяющий ужас

  • никто не хочет связываться с ним, шутки шутить

Answer the questions:

1) What subject did Mr.Brown teach?

2) What influence did his appearance have on the jokes played on him by his students?

3) How did Mr. Brown behave with his students?

4) How did Mr. Brown keep discipline at school?

A teacher I will never forget

  1. Alan

  • Мне очень повезло в средней школе

  • Включать в себя историю и географию

  • Обращать внимание на что-либо

  • Читать вслух стихотворение

  • Седые прилизанные волосы

  • Надменный вид, взгляд

  1. What subject did Mr.Spark teach in high school?

  2. What did he look like?

  3. What teaching style did he have?

  4. What made him a good teacher?

  5. What crazy things did he do?

  1. John

Fill in the gaps

  1. I’ll never forget that name. It sends _______ ________ ____ _______ just to hear it.

  2. He taught out of _________ _________. All the kids were scared _______ of him.

  3. He had worked as an ________________.

  4. And as the lesson went through, he’d _______ ___ and ______ the classroom

  5. And the worst feeling in the whole world was when you knew ____ _______ ______ _________ ___.

  6. You were waiting for a ________ on the back of the head.

Answer the questions:

  1. What subjects did Colin Tivvy teach?

  2. What kind of teacher was he?

  3. How did he get very good results?

  4. Why were the kids scared of him?

  5. How did Mr. Tivvy’s previous job affect his methods of teaching?

  1. Lizzie

Correct the statements:

  1. Miss Potts was a geography teacher.

  2. Miss Potts wasn’t keen on fashion and she wore casual clothes.

  3. Miss Potts was bad at teaching history and all her lessons were dead boring.

  4. Miss Potts had a lot of nicknames and she was furious about it.

4) Kate

  • называли его Brownie , но не прямо в лицо

  • мы бы не осмелились

  • подшучивать над кем-либо, высмеивать

  • противный, гадкий, ненастный

  • абсолютно лысый

  • есть граница, которую мы не переходим

  • мы уважали его как учителя

  • относиться к кому-либо беспристрастно

  • держать дистанцию

  • плохо себя вести и говорить всякие дерзости

  • напугать до смерти

  • ужасающий, вселяющий ужас

  • никто не хочет связываться с ним, шутки шутить

Answer the questions:

1) What subject did Mr.Brown teach?

2) What influence did his appearance have on the jokes played on him by his students?

3) How did Mr. Brown behave with his students?

4) How did Mr. Brown keep discipline at school?

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