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Vin DiCarlo - Pandoras Box (Complete PUA System)

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Sexually, keep things new and exciting. Think of ways to take things to the next level. If you’re into toys or props, that’s great, but at some point, you’ll run out of toys. You must become a master of the psychology behind sex, and push her comfort zone on a psychological level. Role-playing, dominance and submission, and simply becoming more in-sync together are all examples of using your mind – your imagination – to develop your sexual connection with this woman. To an iNvestor, great sex means a great future together.




As you become a better lover with the eight types, you must remember to focus on the why factor. Why does she respond to this, and not that?

When you can think on this level, you will be able to be your own coach, and guide your own progress.

In this article, I’ll explain how to bring out the “freak” in each type of woman. I organized each section under three most common goals, or desires, men have with their sexual partners. Obviously, having threesomes (or foursomes, etc) is a common desire. So is creating a power dynamic through dominance and submission, and role playing. Also, most guys want to feel worshipped, sexually, by women. So we’ll address that too.

In my experience, women are actually kinkier, and more adventurous than men. Women’s fantasies are much more extreme and varied than men’s. The problem is that men prevent women from expressing their sexuality. I’ll address the common mistakes you should avoid, which prevent women from feeling comfortable being freaky with you.

A woman’s Time Line affects her motivation. ATester has sex because it’s fun

– a new experience. An investor will be intimate because it brings her closer to her man. All women like sex for both reasons – it’s fun, and it creates a bond.


As the Time Line is the most flexible line, there is a lot of gray area and she can sway to either side depending on her recent dating experiences.

Her Relationship Line affects her sexual identity – what kind of lover she sees herself to be. A Realist sees sex as a part of a healthy relationship; she takes a functional perspective and enjoys seducing her man as she takes responsibility for the intimacy in a relationship. An Idealist sees sex as an adventure, where she is the one seduced.

A woman’s Sex Line applies to how she responds to escalation. Intimacy requires a constant evolution in the relationship – moving to higher and deeper levels of vulnerability and expression. When we talk about vulnerability, we are talking about emotional compliance – she is trusting you more and more. She has to, because she is giving her body up to your will. Justifiers and Deniers deal with this vulnerability differently, but how depends on the other two lines, in combination with the Sex Line.




Although the Playette seems like a good girl, she loves the thrill of sex. Its just that her Denier aspect makes her very cautious and defensive. As you become more intimate, you’ll need to use novelty and increasingly edgy sexual activities to keep her devoted to you. This is because as a Denier, sex is seen as substantial compliance.


The Playette takes a more passive role, as she wants to be swept away. She must feel safe in letting go, but she revels in feeling desired. So you must use your desire for her, to turn her on. It’s your desire for her that turns her on, and this is the way to take your experience to the next level – by telling her how crazy she makes you, how hard you are for her, how you must have her right now.


As a Denier, the Playette needs to feel safe first and foremost. You’ll want to escalate quickly, and then frame the escalation as her doing – she turned you on so much that you couldn’t resist her. Remember to balance this escalation with falling back on intensity and touching her in a protective, comforting way.



Playettes love threesomes. But you must be patient and bring it up the right way. Why would a Playette have a threesome? Because she’s never had one before, AND because the other girl thinks she’s fucking hot! Being desired turns this girl on, and the thought of another woman feeling that desire for her is novel and interesting. This is why she’ll have a threesome with you.


A Playette likes to try all sorts of things. No activity is off limits, as long as the reason behind the activity is the right one. Try everything with her – anal, facials, spanking, and outfits - as long as you introduce it as something fun to try, because YOU feel safe with her.

When you talk about your own safety, it conveys that you value safety, and presupposes that you won’t do anything to hurt her. Telling her you feel safe with her, and that is the reason you want to do x-activity is incredibly effective with a playette.


Worship is about respect. If you can elicit respect from a Playette, she’ll see your sexuality as powerful, something to be admired. Your desire, your dick, your energy – its all powerfully exciting to her. Elicit her respect by being aggressive sexually, not hiding your true desires, and then balancing that with a respect for her personal comfort.


Social Butterfly


The SB is looking to have fun through new experiences. Her dating life is a buffet. Even more so than the Playette, anytime you can convey that you’ll give her a new, unique experience will turn her on. Teach her a special kiss, or tell her you want to find new spots she didn’t know she had.


Her Idealist nature makes her more passive, like a sex kitten. This means she will be great fun – she likes to be thrown around, grabbed, spanked, fucked in every position. Imagine she is your sex doll and go crazy – do whatever comes to mind (and remember to laugh at yourself when you commit inevitable sex bloopers happen).


As a Justifier, putting too much emotional weight on sex, or talking about sex too much at first will turn her off. Treat sex as such and obvious, inevitable outcome that it doesn’t require discussion. It’s gonna happen. It may even pay off to hang out a few times before sleeping with her.


The SB is totally open to having threesomes, as long as you keep it light. Never attach importance to the event. A great way to start is simply to start making out, or encourage her and her friends to make out, and then join in.

There’s no strategizing here, but having alcohol and/or weed will definitely help.



Anything that’s different and new is exciting to the SB. If she’s young, she may be shy or unsure about what you want to do, but just keep a light and playful attitude and she’ll warm up to your idea.

A great way to establish a Dominant/submissive dynamic early on is by manhandling her in a protective way. Pick her up and set her down. Move her around wherever you are at by guiding her body gently but assertively. Grab her hair early on, first to show you like it, and then gradually to control her head and body.


The easiest way to create a psychological dynamic of devotion and worship is to a) be very physically dominant, b) never chase this girl more than she chases you, and c) make her say things congruent to worshipping you. When you fuck her, stop mid-thrust, and ask her if she likes getting fucked. Tell her to ask for more. When she walks past you looking sexy, put your hands around her throat and ask her if she likes to be held by you.

Tell her to admit she likes being spanked, choked, thrown around, etc. This will create a sense of submission in her mind, which will arouse her tremendously, as she is an Idealist.


Hopeful Romantic


The HR is an iNvestor, so she sees sex as a means to bond with you and become closer as a couple. So when you attempt a new activity, always verbalize that you want to do it because you care about her and want to feel close to her.


As an Idealist and iNvestor, she is extremely romantic, and needs to feel a sense of care and passion in sex. Even if you are just getting a blowjob, make sure you groan, stroke her hair, and tell her how glad you are that she is your girl.


She may take a while to warm up, because she is horny. She knows that once she lets her guard down, she will be out of control. She is very passionate. This plays to your advantage if you can escalate aggressively, and then fractionate this escalation by backing off as soon as you feel you have crossed her threshold of comfort.


Make any threesome scenario romantic and sensual. And ALWAYS make sure you pay more attention to her than the other woman. This means you’ll have to find a third party that is OK with you being primarily committed to your woman. It should be a woman that is more attracted to your HR than to


you. Your third wants the threesome, because she thinks your girl is hot. This means you should look to your female friends, and innocently ask them if they think your girl is hot. The ones that give you an enthusiastic “yes” have potential.

Remember, when it goes down, you should fuck your girl first, and spend more time on her than on the other girl.


The HR will do whatever you want her to do, as a way of keeping you devoted to her. As soon as you turn the activity into a performance or conquest (ie getting her to do something just for the heck of it), she will be turned off. This woman is especially likely to take anal, dress up for you, or other things commonly seen as degrading or dirty, as long as you frame it as a way to become closer to her.


As I said, worship is about respect. The HR respects a man that a) is going somewhere, and b) wants her to come with him. So as long as you keep your vision evident, meaning you are making moves in your career and lifestyle, she will respect you. When you’re in the mood, walk up to her, take her little head in your hands, and kiss her. Tell her how special she is and how lucky you are to have her by your side. Take your dick out and feed it to her, as you tell her how special she is. This will make her worship you.

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